Chapter 24 Middleware

Middleware helps you connect your shipping systems to share data with BigBusiness.

  Chapter 323 Customer Quotes

Customer Quotes let you provide a customer with prices for one purchase or recurring.

For recurring purchase, As Quoted features let you set the customer's prices for items. Then, on their new Orders or Invoices, these prices are automatically filled in for them.

All the tools you need to create Quotes, using export and import, to use Expiry Dates and Quantity price breaks, and help to get your process just right are available to you.

  Chapter 212 Customer Lines

Customer Lines helps track line item details needed in customer procurement systems.

Orders from PO's sent via EDI, cXML, etc. services may contain procurement system data such as line numbers that are replaced by your own but needed when you invoice.

Customer Lines adds Line Item, Line Units, Line Count, Line Number, Text 1, Text 2.

  Chapter 712 Connect Controls

Connect Controls include automatic settings and custom settings for Connect Options.

Connect Options include connecting to services like your online store, to get customers and orders, or to a service which relays orders from a customer's procurement system.

The goal is a simple and reliable system that lets you work when your services do not. This may mean ignorable messages when your Internet hiccups in the night, and more.

  Chapter 73 BigCommerce II

BigCommerce Connect II lets you extends your connection to BigCommerce as needed.

BigCommerce Connect help you automate online order processing by automatically bringing in customers and orders, in real time or in batches, to fulfill in BigBusiness.

BigCommerce II extends your connection with options to upload items, update prices, update inventory levels, and any custom options you might need for B2B and beyond.

  Chapter 143 Folder Admin

Folder Admin helps you automate the import and export of files from an online folder.

Folder Connect is an option in BigBusiness that lets you check online folders for files. We can help you set this up to use FTP or SFTP to get files that are ready to import.

This chapter describes how to manage any problem or make use of additional features. Folder Connect will run problem-free for years but someday you may need this info.

  Chapter 624 On-Time Delivery

On-Time Delivery helps you track original ETA's and delivery dates for comparison.

BigBusiness includes customizations for additional dates, for original confirmed ETA's. This allows you to update regular ETA's if they change and keep originals for analysis.

This option requires Enterprise Edition, or Open Edition to allow more customization.

  Chapter 39 Auto-Zoom Prefs

Auto-Zoom Prefs help you see better by automatically opening windows larger or not.

Choose Compact to use standard windows for data entry and easily see around them. Choose Auto-Zoom to automatically open data entry windows larger and as resizable.

Auto-Zoom Prefs are available in Company card, Company Prefs, for System Setting, and in My Prefs, User Settings, to use or override the System Setting with your prefs.

  Chapter 111 Company Upgrade

Company Upgrade lets you register additional users or feature sets for your company.

The Upgrade button is on the System toolbar, Company card tool, and has 32 options. These make a large change to how BigBusiness works and are not simply a Preference.

This Chapter lists a few that are easily documented. Some require their own chapter.

  Chapter 206 Contacts Search

Contacts Search helps you find your Additional Contacts for Customer and Vendors.

Techniques in this chapter work for any other searches and any other fields, the same. This example offers suggestions for handling large numbers of Contacts per customer.

You might have hundreds or thousands of Ship To's for large customers, or a generic customer for one-off, walk-in, or online orders and need a bit more control to manage.

  Chapter 123 Backup Admin

Backup Admin helps you choose a backup strategy by listing options for backing up.

The basic idea of backing up is having an extra copy of your Data File if you ever need. Built-In Backup is the feature of Big Business Server that makes copies, automatically.

Additionally, you may want to copy these copies to a safe place using another routine. There are many options for copying to another computer, removable drive, or services.

  Chapter 22 Importing

Importing lets you use spreadsheet data to create or update your Big Business entries.

Import a price list from a vendor to update your item costs. Then, export these items, calculate new prices in a spreadsheet, and import updated prices. The steps are easy.

  Chapter 120 Mac Server Setup

Mac Server is the Big Business Server software that runs on a Mac to connect people, running Big Business Client on their macOS or Windows computers, to your Data File.

Mac Server Admin provides an overview of administration tasks and concepts to help. Setup and operation is intuitive and any needs are covered by unlimited setup support.

This chapter lists the basics to keeping Big Business Server working perfectly for many, many years as you grow from a few to many, many people needing to connect.

  Chapter 106 Contact Admin

Contact Admin covers several options to help your company use Contacts effectively.

If you have large customers with hundreds or thousands of ShipTo's that is easy to do.
If you have customers with several people who place orders, that easy to manage, too.

Contacts can be imported, updated, looked up easily and added on the fly to handle shipping addresses, contact information, and specialty settings like sales taxes, to start.

  Chapter 99 Online Help

Online Help helps you find out how Big Business does work, or could work, and why.

On many screens an information button (i) takes you to the online help entry, for help. There you should find descriptions, details, picture, and links to Chapter or Next Page.

This is page 2338 and will serve as an example of new Chapters being added to clarify. This is paragraph 3. There is the picture. This chapter is safely below 10-page target.

  Chapter 352 Setting Up Currencies

For Currencies you receive an email with instructions to register or start a 30-day trial, and steps to create needed Accounts and set them as options for A/P and A/R choices.

This chapter covers these steps for setup and for adding more currencies when needed.

For registration or trial or any needed changes, please email

  Chapter 152 Selling in Currencies

Using Currencies adds a few steps for entering sales or purchase in another currency.

This chapter show you how to create customers and enter sales in a foreign currency.

This assumes you have set up Currencies in Big Business which is detailed elsewhere.

  Chapter 204 Accounts Payable

Big Business helps you manage Accounts Payable with tools for paying and reporting.

A/P Aging reports help you reconcile accounts payable and produce 30/60/90 reports. Agings include options for As Of Date, aging by Due Date or Invoice Date, and more.

This chapter lists reports to help you choose a report to audit your accounts payable.

  Chapter 87 Memorize

Memorize lets you save searches and transactions for quick recall and even scheduling.

To use Memorize you must turn on Show Memorize in your Employee card, Access.

Then many entries like Searches with many search terms can be saved for later Recall. This chapter lists a variety of these options for standard use or further customization.

  Chapter 109 Accounting Admin

Accounting Administration lets you make careful changes to your accounting practices.

This chapter covers Account Types, Inactive Accounts, new Reports, and Auto Help.

  Chapter 116 Print Options

Print Options lets you set a variety of options for printing or emailing of a transaction.

Print Options include Built-In Forms, Custom Forms, and Formats for the transaction. These might be Invoice, MyInvoice, Packing List, or Send to iPad, as printout or PDF.

Print Options can include Forms, Attachments, Messages, Foreign Currency and more. This chapter will include various options to help you get the most from Print Options.

  Chapter 79 QuickSupport

BigBusiness includes TeamViewer QuickSupport, built-in for fast live remote support.

This chapter provides guidance for setup on different systems starting and authorizing.

  Chapter 26 Web Server

Big Business 14 updates the Web Server for its primary use, connecting iPads/iPhones.

Serving customer-facing content is best done with a hardened service for web hosting, blogging, or e-commence. Big Business offers various connections to these services.

Web Server is a tool for connecting employees using iPads or iPhones, not a full Client. It is also available for allowing systems you code to access the Big Business Web API.