Chapter 108 Banking Admin

Banking Admin describes the banking tools to help you track and audit your finances.

By allowing your team to handle important banking functions, you speed operations. By reconciling your bank accounts you help ensure all transactions are accounted for.

Errors will occur, and this chapter will help you isolate and correct the common ones. For additional help reconciling your banking please contact

  Reconciled Status

Reconciled Status locks any bank transactions which have be reconciled with the bank. Clicking the Lock icon on such a bank transaction will say, Locked by Reconciliation.

Reconciling is the process of matching checks and deposits from your bank statement. Once this process is complete your bank transactions in BigBusiness are kept locked.

To unlock reconciled entries you would need to edit the reconciliation if it is in error. Show, Reconciliation to view and contact for more help.

  Void Status

Void Status locks any voided Check or EFT to keep its reference and payee available.

Unlock Checks has been added to allow you to edit Voided checks, Printed, and EFT. However, best practice is to keep each Void and to not re-use its number or reference.

Clicking on the Lock icon for a payment that is Void will say, Locked by Void Status. This indicates this record is being kept and you may create a new payment to replace.

  Unlock Checks

Unlock Checks lets the sole proprietor, or CFO, unlock checks to correct any errors. A payment that is accidentally future-dated and printed can only be voided, otherwise.

BigBusiness locks checks when Printed or EFT, Void, Reconciled or in a locked period. Unlock Checks unlocks Printed, EFT, and Void status to allow needed corrections.

Go to Employee card, Access tab, and in Special Access check the box Unlock Checks. Sign In again and Checks locked by Printed, EFT, or Void status can now be edited.