Locking is an important feature to protect data, especially your past accounting data.
In addition to automatic locking of applied entries, like paid invoices, you can lock periods, lock invoices for sales tax reporting, unlock access per employee, and more.
This chapter list a few option for administering locking to protect data and allow work.
Lock Invoices lets you exceed your regular system protection settings for just invoices. Enter a Lock Invoices Date and any invoices dated on or before the date will be locked.
If you click the Lock on an Invoice for Locked By information, the result can link here. This indicates that Lock Invoices is enabled and is locking the invoice you are viewing.
This setting was added to lock invoices when filing sales taxes to prevent any changes. Please confer with your system administrator or bookkeeper before changing the past.
Lock Lists denies all users access to use the Add (+), Delete (-), or Edit options unless they have the Unlock List setting on their Employee Card.
This Solution describes this feature. (6195)
System Prefs allow you to Protect, Lock, or Seal past accounting periods to safeguard your data and ensure that financial data does not change after it is reported.
This only affects Dated entries that pertain. Non-accounting entries remain unlocked.
Soft Lock is new Empoyee Preference which minimizes record-locking, and accidental changes, by automatically opening:
Item Cards
as locked with a yellow lock indicator that can be clicked to unlock the record. (6182)