Big News

Big changes in the software and its environs.


July 1, 2024

BigBusiness 15

BigBusiness 15 will arrive this Fall to meet macOS Sequoia which is in the queue.

BigBusiness 15 adds gorgeous graphics, security, and expansion for all.

Test pilots are welcome but should do Windows, too.

June 26, 2024


We have tested auto-pilot and it flies.

We modeled the auto-import of customers and orders for ecommerce, which many prefer doing manually as batches.

The resulting Auto Batch does both customers and orders with a click, whenever you are ready.

Separately, auto-connect for live inventory and pricing updates still runs real-time.



May 13, 2024


Dogfooding is the practice of using your own product, which we have been doing for a dog's age.

Now we will embark on a new era of using others' products we support. In specific, web stores.

Instead of relying on development stores with sample inventory, Big Business will become "real."

That is, some unreal items will become Inventoried—counted and updated as live inventory.

April 15, 2024

Library Updates

Just a heads up that updates to Big Business will contain Library Updates, to improve indexing and lookups.

This may mean unexpected indexing of your Data File, when you install an update, which could take a minute.

Remember you don't need to watch or wait for re-indexing, if you install while no one is waiting to get in.

These updates provide performance benefits, which will save all users time if your update is not ill-timed.


April 12, 2024


Transform is the theme on the home page—BigBusiness ERP will transform your data.

Transform is the middle step in Extract, Transform, Load, aka ETL, in data warehousing.

In others words, a fancy way to say copy data from anywhere for your business purposes.

If it is online orders or spreadsheets, BigBusiness lets you save the map to transform.

Click to run a batch or fully automated and every import will work the same every time.

March 29, 2024

March Madness

Online Help is being shortened to 140 words. Not literally, but if the feature takes more, fix the feature.

Features like Inactive will be automatically turned on with the option to disable. You still choose.

This saves time by letting you first try, then tune-up, or opt out, to fit your need or sense of aesthetic.

There are still 3+ levels to most feature sets. You are just getting promoted to a window office on day 1.


March 17, 2024

Web Site

Changes continue on our product web site,

Microsoft Edge continues to cause problems with our Microsoft Web Server and Proxy.

More important, changes and concepts are being packetized and chapterized.

More than ever, an info button (i) in the app takes you to a page, takes you to new chapter.

February 29, 2024

Leap Day

Big Business 14.106 was posted to Downloads and starts big changes to Contacts, for automation.

The first step in planning—when you fulfill—is that Contacts tell you, for whom and where to.

In Big Business, your customers are companies, often with many Ship To's, and likely many people, each with an email address they use for ordering, special handling for accounting/sales tax/shipping, perhaps, and a need to be kept in the loop, always.

Update Contacts is a new import to help manage.


February 7, 2024

Version Numbers

Version Numbers in Big Business 14 will take a new, surprising turn with 14.100 following 14.99.

If successful, this will be the envy of gas stations everywhere—much to mathematicians' dismay.

Engineering calls this dot notation, citing macOS 10.9 being followed by 10.10 for precedent.

Some call this lunacy, others call it innumeracy; we just call it like we say it, "fourteen, one hundred." That's 100 updates to Big Business 14.

January 27, 2024

Custom Connect

Big Business is always happy to connect to any Saas, web app, or online offering you choose.

This is how we got 4 ecommerce, 3 sales tax, and 2 of many other connection types.

Is there a favorite you might like to connect?
 •   CRM  •   Mail  •   Shipping  • 

We are updating and adding connections in 2024.
