Introduction to the Shipping Add-On

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server. (5989)

Big Business Server supports ODBC requests using a custom Driver that runs on Windows workstations. ODBC is Microsoft's Open DataBase Connectivity that is supported in progams such Access, Excel, and more. Using the ODBC Driver another program can retrieve data from Big Business Server for Mac OS X or Windows.

Get data from Big Business Server into your Windows programs:
• get live inventory information for an online store automatically
• get data for analysis in a spreadsheet or database automatically
• get address and shipment information to process shipments automatically

With ODBC and UPS, you can:
• tell Big Business to Load Addresses into the Sales Order
• tell UPS WorldShip to look up the Sales Order and get the shipping information
• tell UPS WorldShip to update the Sales Order with the tracking number, charges, and any comments, when the shipment is complete
The ODBC Add-On is a complete solution, including: the Driver, setup support, and help identifying the data you want to retrieve.

Writing data back to Big Business Server is supported only in select circumstances, such as the popular need to record shipping charges and tracking numbers.

  Shipping: Registering

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes Registering the Shipping Add-On, permanently or in Trial Mode, with your existing data file or the Demo Data File. (5972)

The first step in connecting to Big Business Server from an ODBC-capable program is Registering. This process includes assigning a Name and Password that protect your data from unauthorized access.

To Register the ODBC Add-On:
1. Go to the Maintenance toolbar, to the Company Card, and click the Upgrade button.
2. Click the ODBC button and the Registration dialog, pictured, will open.
3. Enter a Name and Password to protect your data from unauthorized access.
4. Contact Big Business Support for a Registration Code for your data file.
5. Enter the Registration code received, or, 198, for the Demo File.
6. Click Continue.
7. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog
8. Click OK to Save the Company Card.
9. Quit and restart Big Business Server.

You can assign a new Name and Password by repeating this process.

You can unregister and disable ODBC access by repeating the procedure and entering zero (0) for the Registration. Trial Mode can be enabled one time only.

  Shipping: Load Addresses

This feature is for use with the Shipping Add-On that enables shipping programs like UPS WorldShip or FedEx Ship Manager to read addresses from Big Business and write back shipment information like Tracking numbers.

Big Business 9.9 updates Ship Info posted to Orders to also display on Invoices.

This Solution describes the Load Addresses preference. (5985)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, it simplifies the import and streamlines the workflow to have the recipient's address and contact information copied into the Sales Order, where it can be read along with the other details of the order.

Load Addresses adds discrete fields for the shipping information (e.g. City, State, Zip) to the Sales Order and automatically fills them in from the selected Customer Card or when choosing an alternate Ship To address, from the chosen Contact Card. New dialogs for choosing a Ship To address allow you to create New or Edit Contact Cards linked to the selected Customer.

Load Addresses also adds an additional tab to the Sales Order that displays Shipment Information (e.g. Tracking Number, Charges, etc.) posted from the shipping program back to Big Business Server, and provides the shipping information fields for entering an address directly.

To Enable the Load Addresses functions:
1. Go to the Customer toolbar.
2. Open the Customer Prefs.
3. Click the Load Addresses checkbox.
4. Save the Customer Prefs by clicking OK.

  Shipping: Contact Entry

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes using the Load Addresses option that is designed for integration with a shipping solution such as UPS WorldShip. (5986)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, it simplifies the import and streamlines the workflow to have the recipient's address and contact information copied into the Sales Order, where it can be read along with the other details of the order.

Load Addresses changes the selection dialog displayed when you click the Other button to select another Ship To address from Additional Contacts.

Features of the Load Addresses Contacts dialog:

1. Maintain an unlimited number of Contacts for a Customer and sort them by clicking any column header.

2. Add New Contacts that are linked to the Customer by clicking the New button.

3. Edit an existing Contact by clicking once to select it, then clicking the Edit button.

4. Select a Contact and load the shipping information by double-clicking or selecting and clicking OK.

5. Keep the current selection by clicking Cancel.

The shipping information from the Customer Card is not listed a choice in Contacts. You can revert to the shipping information on the Customer Card by re-selecting the Customer Name on the order, or by creating a New Contact, which automatically copies the Customer shipping information, if you want to use additional fields such as Shipping Attn and Shipping Addr3/Dept..

  Shipping: Address Entry

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes using the Load Addresses option that is designed for integration with a shipping solution such as UPS WorldShip. (5987)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, it simplifies the import and streamlines the workflow to have the recipient's address and contact information added into the Sales Order, where it can be read along with the other details of the order.

Load Addresses adds an additional tab to the Sales Order where you can enter the shipping information for the order so it can be read by the shipping system.

Features of the Sales Order UPS tab:

1. Enter shipping information in discrete fields (e.g. City, State, and Zip).

2. Automatic completion of the Ship To text for printed output, plus a Copy Above button to update the Ship To text.

3. Additional fields for Phones, Email, Attention, and Address3 which can be read by the shipping system.

Use this option when you are entering shipping information for a single order that you do not need to save for future orders. To save shipping information use the Other button on the Ship To field to create a New Contact.

  Shipping: Shipment Information

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes using the Load Addresses option that is designed for integration with a shipping solution such as UPS WorldShip and added in Big Business 5.1.0. (5988)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, you can also have the shipping system automatically update the Sales Order with Shipment Infomation.

Load Addresses adds an additional tab to the Sales Order where you can view the Shipment Information posted by the shipping system.

Shipment Informaton options:

1. Automatic Date and Time posted.

2. Description for describing the shipment with any selection of data (e.g. Service Level, ETD, etc.).

3. Tracking Number entry

4. Replace Other Charges, so Invoicing will automatically use the latest charge

5. Add Other Charges, so the order reflects cummulative shipping charges.

6. Add Printed or Private Comments to the Sales Order with any selection of shipment data (e.g. Tracking Number, Charges, ETD, etc.).

With a few minutes of setup, UPS WorldShip can be set to automatically update Big Business Server with Shipment Infomation that carries onto an Invoice or is easily referenced when needed.

  Shipping: Tracking

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as FedEx Ship Manager or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server and to write data back.

This Solution describes using the Tracking option that is designed for integration with a shipping solutions and added in Big Business 6.0.7. (6073)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, you can also have the shipping system automatically update the Sales Order with Shipment Infomation.

To Track a Shipment:

1. Click the pulldown in the ShipmentID/TrackingNumber column for the Shipment you want to track.

2. Select Copy if you want to Copy the Tracking Number to your clipboard for pasting elsewhere.

3. Select UPS Tracking to track a UPS shipment (tracking number begins with 1Z).

4. Select FedEx Tracking to track a FedEx shipment (12 digit number).

Selecting a Tracking option will send open your default browser and, if you are connected to the Internet, display the results.

  Shipping: Creating a System DSN

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes Creating a System DSN for use with UPS Worldship. (5959)

1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2. In Windows XP, click Perfomance and Maintenance.
3. Double-click Data Sources (ODBC).
4. Click on the System DSN tab. Click Add.
5. Select ODBC Driver for 4D Server and click Finish.
6. Type a name (BB) in the Data Source Name field.
7. For Network Path, type "TCP/IP:" followed by the IP Address of the server.
8. Enter the User Name and Password you assigned to the ODBC Server.
9. Click Test Data Source to test the connection.
10. Click OK to save the ODBC Driver setup.
11. Click OK to save changes to the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

  Shipping: UPS Create Import/Export Map

UPS WorldShip can use ODBC to get addresses from Big Business and put back Tracking.

This Solution describes creating an Import or Export Map. (5960)

After enabling ODBC for Big Business and creating a System DSN for the UPS workstation, in WorldShip create a new Map:
1. Import/Export Data menu, Create/Edit Map
2. Select Create a New Map for Import and click Next.
3. Select Address for Import Data Types and Ship To for Address Books and click Next.
4. Select By Known ODBC Source and choose the System DSN created previously (BB) in ODBC Sources.
5. Enter the user name for ID and the password for Password and click Next.
6. Select New Map and enter a name (bb_addresses) for New Map Name and click Next.
7. Click Finish to proceed to the Connection Editor.
8. Select a Big Business table on the left like CUST for the Customer table, VEN for Vendors, or CONTACT for Contacts.
9. Highlight a Field on the left, like Code, for Customer Code.
10. Highlight a Field on the right, like Customer ID.
11. Click Connect to link them, and repeat from Step 9, as pictured.
12. Click on the Code - Customer ID entry and click Define Key.
13. Click OK to save.
14. Click Yes to proceed with a Batch Import and select available options to overwrite, cull duplicates, and so on.

You can repeat the import at a future time by choosing Batch Import... from the UPS Online Connect menu and choosing the named import (bb_addresses) and duplicate checking options you want for updating.

  Shipping: UPS: Importing to Shipments

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes Importing to UPS Worldship Shipments. (5961)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of UPS WorldShip to retrieve addresses directly from Big Business Server and import them into a new Shipment. Once this import is set up, it can be used as a Keyed Import to automatically fill in address information on a new Shipment.

The prerequisites for this import are enabling the ODBC Server in Big Business Server, and creating a System DSN as described in earlier entries.

Creating the Import Map in UPS WorldShip:
1. In the Import/Export Data menu, choose Create/Edit Map.
The Create or Edit an Import or Export Map appears.
2. Under New Map, select Import from ODBC Database.
3. For the type of data to import choose Shipment.
4. Enter a Name and click Create.
4. Select the ODBC Source choosing the System DSN created previously .
5. Enter user ID and password for Password and click Next.
6. Select New Map and enter a name (bb_shipments) for New Map Name and click Next.
7. Click Finish to proceed to the Connection Editor.
8. Select a Big Business table on the left like CUST for the Customer table, VEN for Vendors, or CONTACT for Contacts.
9. Select the Worldship Fields to display on the right, such as Ship To.
10. Highlight a Field on the left, like Code, for Customer Code.
11. Highlight a Field on the right, like Customer ID.
12. Click Connect to link them, and repeat from Step 9, as pictured.
13. Click on the Code - Customer ID entry and click Define Key.
14. Click OK to save.
15. Click No to skip the Batch Import.

You can now use this import as a Keyed Import. Go to the UPS OnLine Connect menu, choose Keyed Import and choose More... Highlight the new import (bb_shipment) and click Import. The Enter Import Key window will appear and you can enter a Customer Code (the selection when clicking Define Key in Step 12, above) and UPS will automatically fill in the shipment information with current data from Big Business Server.

  Shipping: UPS: Exporting Shipments

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes exporting UPS Worldship Shipments to update a Sales Order in Big Business with Tracking Number, Shipping Charges, and so on. (6066)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of UPS WorldShip to Export Shipment Information to Big Business Server. Once this export is created, it can be set to automatically update Big Business as each new Shipment is processed.

The prerequisites for this import are enabling the ODBC Server in Big Business Server, and creating a System DSN as described in earlier entries.

Creating the Export Map:
1. Select Connection Assistant on the UPS Online Connect menu.
2. Select Create a New Map for Export and click Next.
3. Select Shipment for Export Data Types and click Next.
4. Select By Known ODBC Source and choose the System DSN created previously (BB) in ODBC Sources.
5. Enter the user name for ID and the password for Password and click Next.
6. Select New Map and enter a name (bb_shipments) for New Map Name and click Next.
7. Click Finish to proceed to the Connection Editor.
8. In the upper right pulldown, select SHIPINFO
9. Select the Worldship Fields to display on the left, such as Package
10. Highlight a Field on the left, like Reference1, where you have entered your Sales Order Number
11. Highlight a Field on the right, like SO_Number
12. Click Connect to link them, and repeat from Step 9, as pictured.
13. Click OK to save.
14. Click No to skip the Batch Import.

You can now use this export automatically. Go to the UPS OnLine Connect menu, choose Automatic Export After Processing Shipment and choose More... Highlight the new export (bb_shipments) and click Export. When you click Process Shipment data will automatically be exported to Big Business Server. Alternatively, you can set up an Export for End of Day, which is the next menu item in the UPS Online Connect menu.

  Shipping: UPS Worldship Preferences

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes using the UPS WorldShip Preferences to disable the option to Update Address Book so it does not conflict with importing Shipment data from Big Business Server. (5969)

If Update Address Book is checked for every Shipment in WorldShip, a second Shipment to the same Customer ID may generate an alert:
This Customer ID already exists with a different Company or Name. Would you like to enter a new Customer ID for this address?

When using the Shipping Add-On to import Shipment information from Big Business Server, it may be preferable to turn off the Preference to Always Update Address Book. If Update Address Book is checked for each Shipment this can cause a conflict when a repeat recipient is selected, displaying the Alert:
"This Customer ID already exists with a different Company of Name. Would you like to enter a new Customer ID for this address?"

See the other entries in this documentation for information on importing Address instead of Shipments if you want to update the UPS Address Book.

To Turn Off the Always Update Address Book Preference in WorldShip:
1. Select System Preferences from the Tools menu
2. Select the Miscellaneous tab
3. Uncheck Always Update Address Book
4. Click OK to Save changes in the System Preferences Editor

New Shipments will now start with the Update Address Book checkbox unchecked.

  Shipping: FedEx, Step 1: Data Source

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or FedEx Ship Manager, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from FedEx Ship Manager. (6067)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of FedExShip Manager to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

The prerequisites for this import are Registering the ODBC Add-On in Big Business Client, and creating a System DSN as described in earlier entries.

Using the Integration Assistant to choose a Data Source:
1. Select FedEx Integration Assistant in the Integration menu.
2. Follow the prompts to create a new Profile
3. Specify Import or Export or Both as appropriate.
4. Select ODBC and choose the System DSN created previously (BB).
5. On the connection error dialog click Login.
6. Enter the User Name and Password and you assigned when Registering the ODBC Add-On.

  Shipping: FedEx, Step 2: Import Shipping

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or FedEx Ship Manager, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from FedEx Ship Manager. (6068)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of FedExShip Manager to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This step follows Step 1: Data Source, as described in an earlier entry.

To Import data from the Sales Order in Big Business:

1. Choose Yes for the question, Do you use a unique name or code to look up each package.

2. Choose Yes for the question, Do you need to edit shipping information before printing the label.

Single Edit should be automatically selected based on the answers above.

3. On the Lookup screen, use the default, After I enter a lookup value.

4. On the Information screen you can specify the target fields you want to use in FedEx Ship Manager, so choose at least the Recipient Address fields (address, city, state,...) and a place to put the Sales Order Number such as Package, Customer Reference.

  Shipping: FedEx, Step 3: Import Matching

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or FedEx Ship Manager, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from FedEx Ship Manager. (6069)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of FedExShip Manager to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This step follows Step 2: Import Shipping, an earlier entry.

To Import data from the Sales Order in Big Business:

1. Choose SO in the first pulldown in the Table column.

2. OK the dialog to fill in SO on the remaining rows.

3. Choose the appropriate SO field in the pulldown in the Field column for each row.

When complete you will click the Select Index button at the bottom for the next step.

  Shipping: FedEx, Step 4: Import Index

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or FedEx Ship Manager, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from FedEx Ship Manager. (6069)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of FedExShip Manager to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This step follows Step 3: Import Matching, an earlier entry.

To Import data from the Sales Order in Big Business:

1. Click the Select Index button on the Import Matching screen.

2. Highlight the SONo entry.

3. Click OK.

4. Continue to the next screen, Conversion, and click Save

5. Continue to review the Summary and Instructions, where you can scroll down to find a Printable Version button.

6. Click Finish.

  Shipping: FedEx, Step 2: Export Method

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or FedEx Ship Manager, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from FedEx Ship Manager. (6068)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of FedExShip Manager to send data to Big Business Server.

This step follows Step 1: Data Source, as described in an earlier entry.

To Export data to the Sales Order in Big Business:

1. Choose the default, Insert a new record.

2. Continue to the Information screen and select the information you want to export, such as:

• Tracking Number
• Package: Customer Reference, or whereever you stored the Sales Order Number
• Charges or other fields of interest

  Shipping: FedEx, Step 3: Export Matching

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or FedEx Ship Manager, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from FedEx Ship Manager. (6069)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of FedExShip Manager to send data to Big Business Server.

This step follows Step 2: Export Method, an earlier entry.

To Export data to the Sales Order in Big Business:

1. Choose SHIPINFO in the first pulldown in the Table column.

2. Map Tracking Number to SHIPINFO: ShipmentID

3. Click the radio button and Duplicate to map the same entry to another field

4. Map Package: Customer Reference, or wherever you stored the Sales Order Number, to SHIPINFO: SO_Number

  Shipping:, Step 1: Data Source

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or Professional Shipper, to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from Professional Shipper. (6100)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of Professional Shipper to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

The prerequisites for this import are Registering the ODBC Add-On in Big Business Client, and creating a System DSN as described in earlier entries. Also, you must have the Professional Shipper version of the application ( Enterprise, not Pro).

In the Enterprise application, create a new ODBC Profile:
1. From the Profile pull-down choose Manage Profiles
2. In the Manage Profiles window click New
3. On the Choose Datasource dialog choose ODBC and click Next
4. Name the new Profile (BB_Order) and click Next
5. Choose, Select an existing ODBC source, and click Next
6. Choose the ODBC Source (BB, created earlier)
7. Enter the Name and Password you assigned when Registering the ODBC Add-On and click Next

  Shipping:, Step 2: Import Mapping

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or Professional Shipper to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from Professional Shipper. (6101)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of Professional Shipper to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This step follows, Step 1: Data Source, an earlier entry.

To Import data from the Sales Order in Big Business:

1. In the Database Table drop-down choose SO
2. On the Package tab, for Order ID choose SONo
3. On the Recipient tab, choose appropriate shipping fields, like ShipAddr1
4. When complete click Next

You can return to Edit your Profile later to add fields that you are unsure of now.

  Shipping:, Step 3: Export Mapping

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as Excel or Professional Shipper to retrieve data from Big Business Server.

This Solution describes connecting from Professional Shipper. (6102)

The Shipping Add-On is an additional module that enables ODBC access to data in Big Business Server. This Solution describes using the ODBC capabilities of Professional Shipper to post data back to Big Business Server.

This step follows, Step 2: Import Mapping, an earlier entry.

To Export data to the Sales Order in Big Business:

1. In the Post Back dialog choose, Same data source, and click Next
2. In the Database Table drop-down choose, SHIPINFO
3. On the Package tab, for Order ID choose, SO_Number
4. Choose target fields as appropriate and click Next
5. Enter Profile details and click Done

Refer to Fields for Writing, a later entry, for details on the available fields. It appears that only allows one target field for each, but again, you may return to Edit this profile later as needed.

Once complete, choose your new entry in the Profile drop-down, key a Sales Order number into the Order ID field, and click Get Order. When you Print postage, the Sales Order in Big Business will be updated.

  Shipping: Fields for Writing Ship Info (1 of 2)

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as FedEx Ship Manager or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server and to write data back.

This Solution describes using Fields available in the SHIPINFO table for writing data to Big Business Server. (6074)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, you can also have the shipping system automatically update the Sales Order with Shipment Infomation. Here are descriptions of the Fields in the SHIPINFO table.

UID - a unique identifier that is automatically set; Do not map to this field; it will be overwritten.

ShipmentDescription - the Description in the Shipment Information on the Sales Order. Map Service (Overnight, Ground, etc.) level, etc., as needed for reference.

ShipmentID - the Tracking Number in the Shipment Information on the Sales Order. Map the (Lead) Tracking Number.

SO_Number - the Sales Order Number to be updated. Map the Sales Order Number, or the posted data will be lost.

SO_ReplaceOtherChgs - use this field to overwrite the Other Charges (i.e. Freight) Field on the Sales Order. Map the value that you want to carry forward to the invoice.

SO_AddOtherChgs - an alternative to "Replace" above, this field _adds_ the value that you map to the current Other Charges.

  Shipping: Fields for Writing Ship Info (2 of 2)

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as FedEx Ship Manager or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server and to write data back.

This Solution describes using Fields available in the SHIPINFO table for writing data to Big Business Server. (6074)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, you can also have the shipping system automatically update the Sales Order with Shipment Infomation. Here are descriptions of the Fields in the SHIPINFO table.

SO_AddPrintedCmts - adds to the Printed Comments on the Sales Order. Map the Tracking Number or other information that you want to appear on the printed invoice.

SO_AddPrivateCmts - adds to the Private Comments on the Sales Order. Map Charges or other information that you need for reference when invoicing.

SOUID - for linking to the Sales Order; Do not map to this field; it will be overwritten.

AutoDate - the current Date on the Server is automatically inserted; Do not map.

AutoTime - the current Time on the Server is automatically inserted; Do not map.

Void - mapping a Void Indicator which posts "Y" will skip the updates to the Sales Order.

  Shipping: Fields for Writing Ship Info (new for 8.7)

This feature is part of the Shipping Add-On, which is an additional module that enables ODBC-capable programs, such as FedEx Ship Manager or UPS WorldShip, to retrieve data from Big Business Server and to write data back.

This Solution describes using Fields available in the SHIPINFO table for writing data to Big Business Server. (6297)

When using the Shipping Add-On to import shipment information from Big Business Server, you can also have the shipping system automatically update Big Business with Shipment Infomation. Here are descriptions of new Fields added to the SHIPINFO table for Big Business 8.7.

Invoice_Number - finds an Invoice to be updated. Links to Invoice's Sales Order.

Invoice_AddPrintedCmts - adds to the Printed Comments on the Invoice.
Map Tracking, ETD, etc. to appear on a printed invoice.

Invoice_AddPrivateCmts - adds to the Private Comments on the Invoice.
Map Charges, etc., for reference when invoicing.

InvUID - for linking to the Invoice; Do not map to this field.

SO_DropDate - replace the Drop Date on the Sales Order.
Works with SO_Number or Invoice_Number.

Cust_UDDate -replace the Custom Date on the Customer Card.
See Customer Prefs,Custom Field Labels, D for User-Defined-Date.

Cust_ReplaceCmt - replace the Comment on the Customer Card.

  Reload Addresses

This feature updates Shipping info when you Duplicate or Convert existing Quotes, Orders, and Invoices. This is useful with the Shipping Add-On. You can duplicate an order created before an address change and it will updated with new information.

This Solution details the Reload Addresses feature. (6688)

This feature updates Shipping info when you Duplicate or Convert existing Quotes, Orders, and Invoices. This is useful with the Shipping Add-On. You can duplicate an order created before and address change and it will updated with new information.

To use Reload Addresses:
1. Go to the Customer toolbar.
2. Open the Customer Prefs.
3. Choose an entry for Reload Addresses.
4. Save the Customer Prefs by clicking OK.

If you choose Always, Shipping info will always be re-copied to the new Quote, Order, or Invoice you are creating when you Duplicate or Convert an existing Quote, Order, or Invoice.

If you choose Ask Each Time, you will be asked each time if you want to replace existing information with new information. You will only be asked if there is existing information that would be replaced. You will have the option to Replace or Skip the replacement.