Edit Cost

Edit Cost is an option to change the Cost on a Line Item on a Sales Order for reference.

Edit Cost is being updated so that it does not change the Price.

  Alt Codes

Alt Codes lets you set alternate item codes with special commments, counts, or prices.

Typical uses include:
Barcodes like UPCs can point to your items
Catalog Part Numbers you create and publish can point to your real part numbers
Customer Part Numbers can use their Price, their Unit of Measure, their Margin
Variants or Variations you create in online stores can point to your right part numbers
Vendor Part Numbers can point to your part numbers and appear on PO's

  Alt Codes Import

Alt Codes Import lets you create Alternate Item Codes using a spreadsheet or text file.

  Alt Codes Search

Alt Codes search lists Alternate Codes for items with the Item Code and Descriptions.

  Alt Codes Update

Alt Codes search includes an Update option to let you get set data to a common value.

First select rows with Command-Click, Shift-Click, or Command-A then click Update.

In the Update dialog choose to modify Customer, Vendor, or Customer Margin %, click OK, and click Apply Changes to change selected rows to a common value.

  Alt Codes Export

Alt Codes search includes an Export option to help you get your data to a spreadsheet.

When you click Export and choose All, Big Business saves a Tab-Text file including: Item Code, Description1, Description2, Alternate Item Code, Comment, Vendor, Customer, Customer Price, Customer UoM Count, and Customer Margin %.