Big Business 14 delivers the simplicity to keep operation intuitive.
Big Business 14 offers the options to turn up the power when you need.
The most important design seems like no design. This is by design.
With several ways to accomplish any task, your intuition works more often and feels more right.
Buy one time to run on existing computers, indefinitely.
Buy again when you want new generations of computers, new levels of features, in a new Database.
Countless options for custom fields, comments, notes, you can be expressive.
Countless options for presets, lookups, fill-in-the-blanks, provide express handling.
In between buying and selling there is big opportunity.
Capture the trends, and the trivial, and compile for reporting and informed decision-making.
Documentation is an ongoing attempt to define boundaries.
With several ways to accomplish any task, you can find the limits and find new possibilities.
Find your feature, or variation, or customization.
Bring your own angle or style to a standard operation.
Big Business 14 is a single structure with all options and changes embedded.
Your choices of settings are immediately individual but permanently built-in.