Chapter 730 Fixed Bugs II

BigBusiness 15.037 and 14.171 fix a few more insidious bugs and lingering annoyances.

Once again they make a chapter.

  Chapter 215 Forms Admin

Forms tools and options help you customize printed forms and pdfs to fit your needs.

Big Business includes built-in forms for most operations, such as RMA's or Pick Lists. Custom Forms allow you to create forms from templates and add in the data you need.

This chapter provides an overview of forms, templates, and options, for a quick start.

  Chapter 161 Send Mail

Send Mail helps automate emailing and sending notifications to users by sending email. Send Mail is an add-on that sends email directly from BigBusiness, not via email client.

Send Mail adds options such as having Big Business email you a system notification. An example would be emailing when you have new orders received by Auto-Connect.

This chapter describes setting up Send Mail options to support emailed Notifications.

  Chapter 632 ShippingEasy Orders

ShippingEasy gets your orders from Ebay, Amazon, Walmart, to handle the shipping.
BigBusiness gets your orders from ShippingEasy to handle accounting and fulfillment.

This chapter helps you manage orders coming from several online stores and handling accounting for each to ensure all sales and payments are easily recorded and reconciled.

Numerous setup options let you choose a workflow to make fulfillment fast and easy.

  Chapter 136 Online Stores

Stores help you automatically switch between walk-in or online stores to set defaults.

If you have two locations you want printouts from each to show their correct address. If you have two online stores, each may have its brand, contact, or accounting presets.

You may need accounting results by store; each with an Income Category or Sales Tax. Or, you might want Amazon, Ebay, and so on to have their own Payment Method(s).

  Chapter 415 macOS Sequoia

This Chapter collects Solutions regarding macOS Sequoia, testing and developments.

To list chapter contents click the Chapter button on the right margin or at the bottom.

BigBusiness 15 will be certified for macOS Sequoia after it is released. Earlier versions of Big Business will not be certified or updated for macOS Sequoia.

  Chapter 254 Upload Items

Upload Items is updated for BigBusiness 15 to work across multiple Online Stores and work with Auto Pilot options to automate updates for catalogs and live inventory.

On the Items search, the Upload button may be used to create new Products in your online stores, update existing Products, or link Products for live inventory updates.

This chapter describes the settings and options that determine how upload is handled.

  Chapter 241 TaxCloud Connect

BigBusiness 15 will test connecting to TaxCloud, an online service for Sales Taxes.

  Chapter 329 Margin Admin

Margin shows your profit as a percentage of sell price, measuring the result of pricing.

When you change prices, or have cost changes, margins are updated to help measure the results. Entries for Last Pricing Update and Last Cost Update are also updated.

  Chapter 631 Customer Categories

Customer Categories provide more options for sorting customers in reports or exports.

This chapter describes how you can provide a name for a Customer Category choice, add to its dropdown list, assign to Customers and use in Searches and Exports.

  Chapter 630 Fixed Bugs

Fixed Bugs brings together some fixes in Big Business 14 that don't fit another chapter.

  Chapter 629 Paid Badge

Paid Badge automatically stamps invoices being printed with Paid Badge if paid in full.

  Chapter 132 Images Admin

Images Admin helps you manage any images saved in BigBusiness to meet your needs.

With the option to Drag into Thumb Image, you can add files to keep or Send in email. BigBusiness will automatically create a smaller image to show or load quickly in Items.

This chapter helps you set options to automactically convert Pictures you have saved. If you want to add images to emails, quotes, printouts, or PDFs, it will help there, too.

  Chapter 24 Middleware

Middleware helps you connect your shipping systems to share data with BigBusiness.

  Chapter 212 Customer Lines

Customer Lines helps track line item details needed in customer procurement systems.

Orders from PO's sent via EDI, cXML, etc. services may contain procurement system data such as line numbers that are replaced by your own but needed when you invoice.

Customer Lines adds Line Item, Line Units, Line Count, Line Number, Text 1, Text 2.

  Chapter 712 Connect Controls

Connect Controls include automatic settings and custom settings for Connect Options.

Connect Options include connecting to services like your online store, to get customers and orders, or to a service which relays orders from a customer's procurement system.

The goal is a simple and reliable system that lets you work when your services do not. This may mean ignorable messages when your Internet hiccups in the night, and more.

  Chapter 73 BigCommerce II

BigCommerce Connect II lets you extends your connection to BigCommerce as needed.

BigCommerce Connect help you automate online order processing by automatically bringing in customers and orders, in real time or in batches, to fulfill in BigBusiness.

BigCommerce II extends your connection with options to upload items, update prices, update inventory levels, and any custom options you might need for B2B and beyond.

  Chapter 143 Folder Admin

Folder Admin helps you automate the import and export of files from an online folder.

Folder Connect is an option in BigBusiness that lets you check online folders for files. We can help you set this up to use FTP or SFTP to get files that are ready to import.

This chapter describes how to manage any problem or make use of additional features. Folder Connect will run problem-free for years but someday you may need this info.

  Chapter 145 Inactive Admin

Inactive lets you hide entries that are no longer used. Big Business includes an Inactive checkbox on Accounts, Customers, Items, and more.

  Chapter 624 On-Time Delivery

On-Time Delivery helps you track original ETA's and delivery dates for comparison.

BigBusiness includes customizations for additional dates, for original confirmed ETA's. This allows you to update regular ETA's if they change and keep originals for analysis.

This option requires Enterprise Edition, or Open Edition to allow more customization.

  Chapter 39 Auto-Zoom Prefs

Auto-Zoom Prefs help you see better by automatically opening windows larger or not.

Choose Compact to use standard windows for data entry and easily see around them. Choose Auto-Zoom to automatically open data entry windows larger and as resizable.

Auto-Zoom Prefs are available in Company card, Company Prefs, for System Setting, and in My Prefs, User Settings, to use or override the System Setting with your prefs.

  Chapter 111 Company Upgrade

Company Upgrade lets you register additional users or feature sets for your company.

The Upgrade button is on the System toolbar, Company card tool, and has 32 options. These make a large change to how BigBusiness works and are not simply a Preference.

This Chapter lists a few that are easily documented. Some require their own chapter.

  Chapter 206 Contacts Search

Contacts Search helps you find your Additional Contacts for Customer and Vendors.

Techniques in this chapter work for any other searches and any other fields, the same. This example offers suggestions for handling large numbers of Contacts per customer.

You might have hundreds or thousands of Ship To's for large customers, or a generic customer for one-off, walk-in, or online orders and need a bit more control to manage.