Item Comments on Item Adjustment

Big Business 9 adds Item Comments to Item Adjustments to easily record Lots or Serial Numbers or other specifics about each item being adjusted.

This Solution decribes this feature. (6492)

Item Comments on Item Adjustments can be:
• entered by typing or scanning into the Comments column
• entered, edited, spell-checked on the Comments window
• searched in the Item Adjustment Search
• exported from the Item Adjustement by clicking Export and choosing the Include Detail
• imported using the Item Adjustment Import

This Chapter covers Items in Big Business and recent additions to Big Business Documentation including:

• Changes to Item Features

• Changes to Item Preferences

• Selling an Item into Negative Quantities on Hand

• Item QuickSearch Fields

• Item QuickChange Fields

• Correcting Average Costs

• Reporting Royalties

• Defining Royalty Terms

  Bundle Price

Bundle Price is a custom, calculated Column for Items Search.

This Solution describes using this option. (6751)

Bundle Price is a custom, calculated Column for Items Search. Here are tips for use.

Bundle Price calculates the sum of the prices of Components for a Bundle Item. This lets you see a Bundle Price for a kit, which is useful when it is set to Use Component Pricing.

To Add (+) the Bundle Price as a Column, click the Add (+) button on the right of the column header and choose Bundle Price in the popup. You can then Sort by clicking the new column header for Bundle Price. Or move or resize the column as needed.

Bundle Price relies on Big Business Server to provide on-the-fly calculations.

Big Business Version 2.5 includes a number of new Item features and enhancements:

• Item Batch Delete

• Auto-Generate Item Codes

• Options to prevent sales into negative Quantities on Hand

• Prompts to keep Item Costs updated

• Option to change the Tax Status of Items on Sales Transactions

• Web Catalog Templates for use with ShopCart(tm)

  Understanding ETAs

Big Business tracks several ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for anticipating Vendor deliveries and setting customer expectations or scheduling fulfillment.


BB tracks several ETA dates including:
• P.O. ETA - the ETA of the Purchase Order as a whole
• P.O. Line Item ETAs- the ETAs of Line Items on the Purchase Order
• Item ETA - the ETA of the Item as a whole (next expected shipment)
• S.O.. Line Item ETAs - the ETAs of Line Items on the Sales Order

1. When you create a new Purchase Order (and select the Vendor), Big Business sets the PO Date to Today (using the Date&Time on the Server for Multi-User), then sets the P.O. ETA to Today plus the number of Vendor ETA Days listed on the Vendor Card.

2. P.O. Line Item ETAs are set to the P.O. ETA automatically and can be overwritten with individual ETAs (if these vary for various Line Items).

3. If you change the P.O. ETA, you will be asked if you want to "Change the ETAs of all Line Items?".

4. When a PO is Saved, Modified, or filled by a Bill, the Item ETA is updated to the next (chronological) P.O. Line Item ETA, which has an Open Quantity (is not yet filled).

5. When an Line Item is entered on a Sales Order the S.O.. Line Item ETA is automatically set to:
- today if it's (inventoried) On Hand
- the Item ETA if it's not on hand, but on order
- Today plus Vendor ETA days if it neither on hand, nor on order, but has a Vendor listed
- today if none of the above apply

  Add Order At Least

Add Order At Least combines Order At Least and When Below to determine a Target Quantity when using the feature to Auto-Complete a Purchase Order. (6194)

To use Add Order At Least:
1. Go to the Vendor toolbar to Vendor Prefs.
2. Click the checkbox for Add Order At Least
3. Click OK to Save Vendor Prefs.

Changes take effect the next time you Sign In.

Without Add Order At Least, an automatically complete PO for the pictured Item would order 18. With Add Order At Least, it would order 30.

  Printing Price Labels

This Solution provides detailed information for selecting compatible labels from the many standardized label sizes available. (3224)

Big Business designates labels in physical dimensions and references Avery(R) label numbers to help you easily select compatible labels from the many standardized sizes available.

Big Business prints Price Labels for Items using a standard 30 label per sheet layout. Price Labels can be printed from:
• Vendor Bills
• Item Cards
• Item QuickSearch

To Print Price Labels:
1. Find the Item Card or QuickSearch the Items for which you want to print Price Labels.
2. Click Print and select the Price Labels with the appropriate Price Level.
3. Click the OK button, then enter the number of labels for each Item and the position of the beginning label.

Big Business includes the ability to print on a previously used sheet of labels to assure that no labels go to waste. Always check that the labels you are using are compatible with your printer. Check your printer documentation for any warnings about printing labels or printing on partially used sheet of labels. Missing labels, high temperatures and a convoluted paper path increase the risk of a label detaching from its sheet while printing, which may cause serious damage to your printer.

  Setting the History View Duration

Setting the History View Duration
You can determine how many days of transaction information are displayed in the History view of Item Cards. The default is to show all transactions, but you can enter a specific number of days if you prefer.
If you set a specific number of days, all open transactions are displayed, even if they are outside the time period you specify. Similarly, transactions dated in the future (after the current time and date maintained by the computer) are always displayed.

To set the History view duration:
• In the Item Preferences window, enter a number of days in the Display History field. (3091)

  Selling an Item into a Negative Quantity

Selling an Item into a Negative Quantity on Hand in Big Business Version 2.0 may result in incorrect values in the Item's Average Cost and Total Cost.

See Solution#3052 (Adjusting for Incorrect Item Average Costs) for details and a fix. (3025)

Big Business 2.5 improves your ability to sell Items into negative Quantities on Hand. Item Preference settings, also found in the Customer Prefs, enable warnings or prevent the save of transactions which overdraw your inventory. If your operation requires the ability to sell inventory not yet received on a Bill, though, Big Business 2.5 provides new features to minimize problems.

• New Prompts help keep your Cost for an Item current, even on Built Items.

• Selling Items into negative quantities on hand use appropriate costs.

• If replenishing the Item yields a cost difference a correction is made automatically.

• This correction no longer locks the purchase transaction

• The correction is available for editing as an Item Adjustment.

  Auto Generate Item Codes

Big Business includes the option to Auto-Generate an Item Code in the form of a serial or sequential number. (3039)

To Auto-Generate Item Codes:
1. Open the Item Prefs.
2. Click on the Auto-Generate Item Code check box.
3. Enter a starting number in the Next Item Code field.
4. Save your changes by clicking the OK button.

Big Business will now assign an Item Code, in the form of a serial number, starting with the number you specified, to each new Item Card.

  Inventoried Items Prompt for Cost

Selling (or Building from ) Items which are Inventoried which have a negative Quantity on Hand uses the Cost, rather than the Average Cost, for any postings. If this value is zero when it should be a positive dollar amount, Inventory valuations and Cost of Goods Sold numbers may be out of balance until the Item is purchased and its Quantity on Hand restored to a zero or positive value.

Big Business 2.5 continues to allow you to overdraw your inventory (Invoice an Item prior to entering the Vendor Bill for the Item) and incorporates numerous new features to prevent anticipated problems. (3210)

When saving a Sold, Inventoried Item in Big Business 2.5, you may encounter the dialogue, "Big Business recommends that Items which are Sold and Inventoried have a nonzero cost." Big Business is asking you to provide the anticipated Cost of the next unit to be purchased. In the event that you sell this Item into a negative Quantity on Hand, this Cost will be used for the Cost of Goods Sold posting.

Under normal circumstances, you will purchase this Item before selling it. When you create a Purchase Order or Vendor Bill, Big Business will ask if you would like to update the Cost of the Item. The Cost field, found on the History tab of the Item Card can be thought of as your expected price for your next purchase. If you purchase the Item after selling it, Big Business will make a correction, if necessary, to your Cost of Goods Sold Category.

Once updated, the Cost will automatically be filled in on new Purchase Orders and Vendor Bills. If you a receiving a special pricing on one Purchase Order or Vendor Bill, you might choose not to update the Cost of the Item. In general, you will want to keep your Costs updated.

If the Item in question is Inventoried but has no dollar value, simply click, "Leave Cost Zero," when saving the Item.

  Item Batch Delete

The ability to delete unused Items en masse has long been requested by Big Business Users who generate numerous Quotes. Many companies want to be able to Quote from an imported catalog of Items. In the end, they may only end up selling a fraction of the Items they imported for Quotes.

The Items that are sold contain historical transaction information and can not be deleted. The Items that have only been used in Quotes can be deleted by first deleting the expired Quotes, then the Item Card.

Item Batch Delete (and Quote Batch Delete) facilitate this process.

In the picture above is the dialog for the Batch Delete, but notice also the Item List behind. The Batch Delete has already been run on the entire list, leaving the 65 Items that contain transaction histories. All other Items were deleted. (3126)

Big Business 2.5 allows you to Batch Delete Item Cards which have no transaction history. Because this Delete is permanent, you should exercise proper caution in its use. Items which have been used in any transaction cannot be deleted. Refer to the section on Employee Access Privileges for restricting Access to the Batch Delete tool. You may also want to Back Up your Company data file, or export the selection of Item Cards you are attempting to Delete, prior to deleting them.

To Batch Delete Items, using the Item QuickSearch:
1. Find the selection of Item Cards to Delete.
2. Click the Batch Delete tool to Delete all Item Cards in the current List.
Big Business will display a confirmation dialogue offering to Continue or Cancel.
3. Select Continue to attempt to permanently delete all Items in the List.
Big Business will provide you a list of those Items which could not be Deleted.

If you select one Item in the List and click Batch Delete, Big Business will display a dialogue with a choice of Deleting the selected Item, Deleting all Items in the List, or Canceling.

This feature is designed to clean up after erroneous imports of Items or if you have a number of Item Cards that were never used. In addition to Bills and Invoices, which display on the Item history; Quotes, Sales Orders, and Purchase Orders which include an Item will prevent its being Deleted, as will its being a component in a Built Item. You may use the Batch Delete tools for these transactions to eradicate an old Item.

  Marking Items Obsolete

Big Business includes the option to mark Items as Obsolete. Marking an Item Obsolete removes several Item attributes including Bought, Sold, Inventoried, and the values in Order At Least, When Below, and Quantity Needed.

Once an Item has been marked Obsolete, it can no longer be added to any transaction (e.g. Invoice, PO, Item Adjustment). It is recommended that you wait to mark an Item Obsolete, until the possibility of a customer return, special order, or correction becomes unlikely.

If an Item has inventory values, clicking Obsolete will give an error, "You can only Obsolete Items for which all inventory totals are zero". (5538)

Big Business includes an Obsolete option on Item Cards with the following features:

• Testing to see if an Item can be marked Obsolete including checking that all inventory quantities (On Hand, On Order, etc.) are zero (0). Big Business also tests that the Total Cost is zero (0).

• Obsolete Items are suppressed from the Item Listing making them unavailable for buying and selling.

• Obsolete Items are included on reports and searches, and can be excluded using the Obsolete or other (Qty On Hand, etc.) search criteria.

• You can readily remove the Obsolete attribute of Items, to accommodate a return or similar situation, where the Item becomes active again.

To Locate and/or Remove the Obsolete attribute on an Item:

1. Use the Item QuickSearch to find the Item
2. Open the Item Card from the QuickSearch, by double-clicking or selecting the Item and clicking the Go button.
3. To remove the Obsolete attribute, click the Obsolete checkbox, so it is unchecked.
4. Save the Item Card by clicking the OK button.
5. Quit and Restart Big Business (single-user) or click the Update List button on the Item Listing (Big Business Client, only) to load the un-Obsoleted Item.

  Update Items as Obsolete

Big Business 7 adds the option to Update Items as Obsolete. (6127)

Marking Items as Obsolete:

• tests that the Item can be marked Obsolete including checking that all inventory quantities (On Hand, On Order, etc.) are zero and Total Cost is zero

• suppresses Obsolete Items from the Item Listing

• includes Obsolete Items in reports and searches unless they are excluded using the Obsolete or other (Qty On Hand, etc.) search criteria

To Update Items as Obsolete:

1. On the Item toolbar, click Find Item and find Items you want to mark Obsolete.
2. On the resulting Item List window click Update.
3. In the Apply To Selection dialog choose Obsolete and Yes.
4. Click the OK button.
5. Click Continue on the confirmation dialog.

If there are Items in the selection that cannot be marked Obsolete, because they have quantities, the result list will tell you that some Items could not be Updated.

In other words, it is safe to attempt to Update Items as Obsolete. If they are not ready, they will not be marked Obsolete.

One approach to consider is to add a Tag to Items that you plan to mark as Obsolete once they are depleted. You can Add a Tag on the Folder tab of the Item Card, using the Update Item Import, or using the Update button on the Item List window as above. Then Find Items with the Tag in the first step above.

  Adjust Preprinted Statements

Big Business uses Preprinted Statement forms from Deluxe, which must be correctly aligned. Settings in the Cusomer Prefs let you make an adjustment to the position of the printing (6171).

To Adjust Preprinted Statements:
1. Go to Customer Prefs
2. Go to the Bookkeeping tab
3. Enter the number of points to adjust Left or Up
For Right or Down enter a negative number.

  Select Sales Tax on Invoice

Big Business lets you select the Sales Tax on an Invoice. This is convenient if Sales Tax on the Customer Card is different--for example an out-of-state customer who is normally exempt, purchases in person and needs to pay local sales tax rates. (6173)

Big Business lets you select the Sales Tax on an Invoice. When you enter a Customer on an Invoice, their addresses, Terms, and so on are copied from the Customer Card, including their Sales Tax.

To change the Sales Tax setting:

1. Click on the pulldown arrow in the Sales Tax label

2. Select a Sales Tax entry

The Tax will update using the new rate selected.

There are 58 searchable fields for Items in Big Business. Use the Item QuickSearch to find items by:

Item Code Taxable Customer Listing on Order
Description 1 Item Type Customer Listing on Invoice
Description 2 Vendor Listing Vendor Listing on P.O.
Price Level 1 Vendor Part # Vendor Listing on Bill
Margin Level 1 Item Cost Note Title
Price Level 2 Average Cost Tag
Margin Level 2 Total Cost Custom 1
Price Level 3 Quantity on Hand Custom 2
Margin Level 3 Quantity Allocated Custom 3
Price Level 4 Quantity Available Custom 4
Margin Level 4 Last Bought Date Custom 5
Price Level 4 Last Sold Date Custom 6
Margin Level 5 Order at Least... Custom 7
Buy Item ...When Below Custom 8
Sell Item Qty on Order Custom 9
Inventory Item Qty Needed Custom 10
Obsolete Item ETA Date Custom 11
Expense Category Ship Weight Custom 12
Asset Category Build/Bundle Item
Cost of Goods Category Customer Listing on Quote

There are 24 fields that can be changed on set of found Items in the Item QuickSearch using the QuickChange tool:

Vendor Part # Custom 1
Item Type Custom 2
Ship Weight Custom 3
Cost Custom 4
Price Level 1 Custom 5
Price Level 2 Custom 6
Price Level 3 Custom 7
Price Level 4 Custom 8
Price Level 5 Custom 9
Royalty Rate Custom 10
Royalty Amount Per Item Custom 11
Tags Custom 12

To use Item QuickChange:
1. Use Item QuickSearch to find the Items you wish to change.
2. Click the QuickChange tool.
3. Specify the field to change, and the information to be entered.
4. Click the OK button.

NOTE: There is no Undo option for QuickChange. Exercise caution in its use, that you do not write over valuable information

  Building Items Prompts to Update Cost

Selling (or Building from ) Items which are Inventoried which have a negative Quantity on Hand uses the Cost, rather than the Average Cost, for any postings. If this value is zero when it should be a positive dollar amount, Inventory valuations and Cost of Goods Sold numbers may be out of balance until the Item is purchased and its Quantity on Hand restored to a zero or positive value.

Big Business 2.5 continues to allow you to overdraw your inventory (Invoice an Item prior to entering the Vendor Bill for the Item) and incorporates numerous new features to prevent anticipated problems. (3219)

When Building an Item in Big Business 2.5, you may encounter the dialogue, "Would you like to update the cost of the built item on the item card?". Big Business is asking you to update the anticipated Cost of future units of this Built Item. In the event that you sell this Item into a negative Quantity on Hand this Cost will be used for the Cost of Goods Sold posting.

Under normal circumstances, you will maintain a positive Quantity on Hand for this Built Item. When you create a Purchase Order or Vendor Bill for this Item's components, Big Business will ask if you would like to update the Cost of the the component Items. By accepting all Cost updates, you maintain the most accurate picture of your Cost of Items.

See other entries in this section, for information on Warning or Preventing the sale of Items into negative Quantities on Hand.

  blank page


Big Business 2.5 incorporates numerous improvements to prevent problems caused by selling Items into negative Quantities on Hand. In short, all known problems with Average Cost in previous versions of Big Business reduce to the problem of selling an Item before its correct Cost is known.

  Defining Royalty Terms for Items

Defining Royalty Terms for Items
Big Business Version 2.0 lets you define royalty or licensing fees for items you sell. You can define the terms as a percentage of the sales price or as a fixed amount per item sold.
You can find out how much you owe in royalty fees by generating a Royalty Report in the Info Center. For more information about reports, see “Using Reports” in Chapter 8 of the Big Business User’s Guide.
To define royalty terms:
1. Click the History tab in an Item Card.
2. Choose either Royalty Percentage Rate or Royalty Amount per Item from the Royalty Percentage Rate Pop-Up list.
3. Enter the royalty percentage or amount. (3087)

  Inventory Items Which You Never Stock

“I want my special order Items that are drop shipped to post directly to my Cost of Sales account, but I don’t want to Inventory this Item.”

In some instances, Items which would normally be inventoried (e.g. physical goods of value) may not need to be tracked as inventory. Check with your C.P.A.

Items that you specify as Inventoried, by checking the Inventory checkbox on the Item tab of an Item Card, need to have an Asset Category and Cost of Goods Sold Category specified in the History tab of the Item Card. Items that are not Inventoried and do not have the Inventory checkbox checked, require only an expense account.

In the case of Items that you sell and then order for drop shipment directly to your customer, you may never actually stock the Item. You may find it easier to track these as non-inventoried Items which post directly to a Cost of Sales Account. Check with your C.P.A. to confirm that this method is acceptable. You may want to simply create one non-inventoried Item, which is Bought and Sold, as your Special Order Item. Check the Bought and Sold checkboxes, and on the History tab in the Expense Category select a Cost of Sales Category.

Keep in mind that by turning off Inventoried on an Item, you are turning off the ability to track Item Quantities. For Items that have a Quantity on Hand or a Total Cost, you cannot turn off Inventoried unless you zero these quantities using an Item Adjustment (or by selling your remaining stock).

  Reporting Royalties

Big Business provides straightforward reporting of Royalties. This Solution outlines a few of the Settings that can be used to produce desired output. Additionally, suggestions are offered for extracting data from Big Business for more complex Royalty calculations. (3215)

Big Business reports Royalties for Items sold, based upon a Royalty Amount Per Item or a Royalty Percentage Rate.

• The Royalty Percentage Rate is applied to the Extended Price of each Item sold.
• The Royalty Amount Per Item is multiplied by the Quantity of each Item sold.
Items which use either method will appear on the same Royalty Report.

The ReportSearch for the Royalty Reports searches Invoices, allowing you to narrow the report.

To report Royalties over a date range:
1. Select Reports from the File menu.
2. Select Vendor from the Toolbar Pull-Down menu to view the Item Reports.
3. Select a Royalty Report (Summary or Detail).
4. Click the Print button (or Save to Disk to export the Report).
5. On the ReportSearch dialogue, select "Date is on or after..." and enter a start date.
6. Click More Choices and select "Date is on or before..." and enter an end date.
7. Click the OK button.

The Royalty Reports are sorted and summarized by the Vendor specified on the Item Card.

  Defining Royalty Terms for Items

How do I define Royalties? Can I QuickChange Royalty Amounts or Percentages? (3230)

Big Business lets you define royalty or licensing fees for items you sell. You can define the terms as a percentage of the sales price or as a fixed amount per item sold.

To define royalty terms:
1. Click the History tab in an Item Card.
2. Choose either Royalty Percentage Rate or Royalty Amount per Item from the Royalty Percentage Rate Pop-Up list.
3. Enter the Royalty Percentage or Amount.

To apply a specific Royalty to a number of Item Cards at once, using the Item QuickSearch:
1. Find the Items to change.
2. Click the QuickChange tool.
3. Select Royalty Percentage Rate or Royalty Amount Per Item and enter the the value to be assigned to all Items in the current selection.
4. Click the OK button.