Big Business 11.20 updates Middleware to include return fields for EDI including:
These allow your system(s) for EDI to post back transaction updates, like showing an invoice was sent via EDI, in exactly the same way Shipping posts back Tracking so any Big Business user can see what they need to confirm and details they might need to follow up.
This solution will describe posting those details. (6887)
Big Business 11.20 allows systems for EDI to post back transaction updates, which automatically update the Sent Checkbox. You can view the Sent Checkbox in Invoices Search, to see which have been sent, and on the Shipping tab of the Invoice where shipment information will show details.
This solution provides details. (6889)
To view the Sent Checkbox in the Invoice Search, find some invoices, click Add (+) on the header row and select Sent (near the bottom). This will add the Sent Checkbox as a column.
Big Business 11.20 updates Middleware to include return fields for EDI including:
To use these insert a new Record in the ShipInfo table in Middleware, and be sure to put in an Invoice Number that you want updated.
Filling in any of these fields will the set the EDI Checkbox, so you know the invoice has been sent via EDI, and can search for these in Invoices Search.
These fields also create an entry in Shipment Information with a description including "Sent EDI" and the Date and Reference information posted.
MySQL 5.7.11 fixes compatibility with Mac OS X allowing it to autostart. When Yosemite was released MySQL would not autostart, requiring you to click the start button in System Prefs if the computer was rebooted.
Big Business 10.3 includes a fix for compatibility with MySQL 5.7.8 and higher. Changes to Date formatting in MySQL can block earlier versions of Big Business from making some updates. (6585)
To Update:
1. Download an installer DMG from
2. Run the installer to replace MySQL.
3. Note the Password that is automatically assigned (Shift-Command-4, then Space bar, then click to capture the window).
4. Reset password (Copy and Paste into Terminal):
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
(enter the password displayed in step 3)
set password=password('newpassword');
5. Re-create remote access:
create user 'root'@'%' identified by 'newpassword';
grant all on *.* to 'root'@'%';
Of course you can create other users to control access by UPS, FedEx, or your web store or other service.
And you can rely on Unlimited Setup Support included with Big Business for any help needed.
If needed you can check the port MySQL is using with:
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'port';
MySQL 5.7 updates installers for Windows and some of the syntax for typical changes needed to share data from your Big Buisness Server to shipping workstations running UPS WorldShip, FedEx Ship Manager, and so on.
This Solution provides details. (6655)
To Update:
1. Download an MSI installer from
2. Run the installer to install MySQL as Developer (low memory usage) or better.
3. Enter the Password for Root found in Big Business, Company Card, Upgrade, Middleware Shipping.
4. Add a user for shipping.
5. Set MySQL as a Service that starts automatically and runs on Standard System Account.
If changes are needed:
CD "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\"
MySQL.exe -u root -p
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MyNewPass';
CREATE USER 'shipper'@'%' identified by 'MyNewPass';
GRANT ALL on *.* to "shipper"@"%";
And you can rely on Unlimited Setup Support included with Big Business for any help needed.
MySQL 8 simplifies Password setup.
To Update:
1. Download an installer DMG from
2. Run the installer to replace MySQL.
3. Choose Legacy Password Encryption.
4. Enter a Password
5. Set up remote access (Copy and Paste into Terminal):
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
create user 'root'@'%' identified by 'newpassword';
grant all on *.* to 'root'@'%';
Of course you can create other users to control access by UPS, FedEx, or your web store or other service.
And you can rely on Unlimited Setup Support included with Big Business for any help needed.
If needed you can check the port MySQL is using with:
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'port';
Big Business includes an XML Parser which validates and will throw an error like:
-9935 The XML is not valid or is not well-formed
Fix XML is an option to correct incoming XML with syntax errors like failing to encode Ampersand.
MySQL is a popular database platform with connectivity options for many programming languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, TCL, C, Java etc. This means you can easily access this data from a variety of applications written in a variety of programming languages.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed and copied to another system. This Solution describes installing MySQL for Mac OS X. (6168)
Here are the basic steps.
1. Download an installer .dmg from
2. Install mysql, its startup item, and preference pane.
3. Start mysql using the preference pane
4. Set a password (Copy and Paste the following line into Terminal):
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password "newpassword"
Then backspace and replace newpassword and closing double-quote
5. Set access (Copy and Paste each line into Terminal):
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
grant all on *.* to "root"@"%";
set password for 'root'@'%' =password('newpassword');
6. Check the results and exit Terminal with:
select user, host, password from mysql.user;
Middleware and Middleware2 are options that allow Big Business to synchronize data through an external data source so it can be more readily accessed.
Big Business 10 updates Middleware adding 64-bit support and compatibility with new versions of MySQL. Big Business 10.13 updates 64-bit and secure-auth support.
Middleware provides select data to Shipping or eCommerce solutions. Security is enhanced by only providing necessary data, which you select during Setup.
Middleware2 provides complete data which is standardized and ready for warehousing or integration to another system.
This Solution provides additional details. (6579)
The Middleware Add-On copies Big Business data to an intermediary database. It comes pre-programmed to share shipping data with UPS Worldship using MySQL. Cutomization, at an additional charge, can use a another database or different data. Setup included covers Shipping Address to UPS Shipments, and Tracking and Charges back to Big Business. Optional settings allow you to include Customers, Invoices, and Items, to make them available to your other systems.
The Middleware2 Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (such as MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed, repurposed, and manipulated.
Middleware2 puts all your Big Business data into MySQL and keeps it current. This converts your data into a popular format and maintains a near-perfect copy.
Middleware is an Add-On to share data seamlessly with Shipping, eCommerce solutions, and more. It lets you select the data to share, gives you full control of access, and offers 100% uptime.
Middleware Trial is the option to run the Add-On in Trial mode for 30 days. It is easy to try UPS, FedEx, USPS connections or try other shipping solutions, databases, and applications that run your eCommerce, EDI, etc..
This Solution provides additional details. (6924)
Middleware Trial is free. Email for Registration and instructions, and you can be up and running in an hour. Shipping solutions that can be connected readily are UPS Worldship, FedEx Ship Manager, and Professional. However many applications have the ability to connect including other shipping solutions, other databases, and other applications that you use for eCommerce, EDI, and more.
Middleware helps you connect your shipping systems to share data with BigBusiness.
MySQL is a popular database platform with connectivity options for many programming languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, TCL, C, Java etc. This means you can easily access this data from a variety of applications written in a variety of programming languages.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allow Big Business Server to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system. This Solution describes installing MySQL for Windows. (6179)
Here are the basic steps.
1. Download an installer from
- click on Community Server for the free edition
- click Download for an installer
- click No Thanks to skip user registration
2. Run the installer and select a Typical installation and keep the option to Launch the MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard
3. In the Configuration Wizard:
- select a Standard Configuration
- select Install As Windows Service
- opt to Modify Security Settings
+ assigning a new root password
+ enable root access from remote machines
This feature is part of the MySQL Add-On, which is an additional module that enables Big Business to synchronize data with MySQL.
This Solution describes Creating a System DSN for to connect, for example, UPS Worldship, to MySQL using ODBC. (6169)
1. Open the Data Sources (ODBC) Control Panel (in Administrative Tools or Performance and Maintenance).
2. On the System DSN tab, click Add.
3. Select ODBC Driver for MySQL and click Finish.
6. Type a name (BB) in the Data Source Name field.
7. For Network Path, type "TCP/IP:" followed by the IP Address of the server.
8. Enter the User Name and Password you assigned to the ODBC Server.
9. Click Test Data Source to test the connection.
10. Click OK to save the ODBC Driver setup.
11. Click OK to save changes to the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed and copied to another system. This Solution describes its connection settings (6172).
Connection Settings for the Middleware Add-On include:
Host - enter "localhost" or an IP Address
User - enter a user name with adequate privileges
Password - enter the user's password
Database - enter the name of the database you want populated
Port (optional) - leave blank for default (3306) or enter 8889 for MAMP
Socket - using "localhost" which is faster may require specifiying the Socket file for different distributions such as OS X Server or MAMP.
Big Business 8.6 adds the option to include Items in Middleware. This feature makes it easy to provide up to the minute inventory information to your online store, web site, or other systems.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system.
This Solution provides details for use. (6292)
By default the Middleware Add-On puts Sales Orders in MySQL, to be read by UPS or FedEx without exposing other data, and gets ShipInfo (Tracking, Charges, Notes) to update Big Business.
When you enable Middleware, dialogs will ask if you want to:
Include Invoices? No, unless needed for Commercial Invoices for FedEx International
Include Items? Yes, to make your inventory details available to your web store
Big Business 9.1 adds the option to include Customers in Middleware. This feature makes it easy to provide up to the minute customer information to your online store, web site, or other systems.
Big Business 9.1+ fixes updating and adds Tags for Customers and Contacts.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system.
This Solution provides details for use. (6358)
By default the Middleware Add-On puts Sales Orders in MySQL, to be read by UPS or FedEx without exposing other data, and gets ShipInfo (Tracking, Charges, Notes) to update Big Business.
When you enable Middleware, dialogs will ask if you want to:
Include Invoices? No, unless needed for Commercial Invoices for FedEx International
Include Items? Yes, to make your inventory details available to your web store
Include Customers? Yes, to make your customer details available
Big Business 11.12 adds the option to include Vendors, PO's, and Bills in Middleware. This feature makes it easy to provide up to the minute vendor information to your shipping or other systems.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system.
This Solution provides details for use. (6797)
By default the Middleware Add-On puts Sales Orders in MySQL, to be read by UPS or FedEx without exposing other data, and gets ShipInfo (Tracking, Charges, Notes) to update Big Business.
When you enable Middleware, dialogs will ask if you want to:
Include PO's? Yes, to make your vendor PO details available
Include Bills? Yes, to make your vendor bill details available
Include Vendors? Yes, to make your vendor details available
Big Business 11.12 adds the option to include Audit entries in Middleware. Audit shows Created and Modified dates for other records.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system.
This Solution provides details for use. (6798)
By default the Middleware Add-On puts Sales Orders in MySQL, to be read by UPS or FedEx without exposing other data, and gets ShipInfo (Tracking, Charges, Notes) to update Big Business.
When you enable Middleware, dialogs will ask if you want to:
Include Audit? Yes if you need Created or Modified details for any records
Big Business Server supports a number of features, such as Warehouses, that are not availalble in the standalone, 1-User version of Big Business.
Big Business 11.12 extends Middleware by making it Server Only.
This Solution provides details. (6799)
Big Business Server supports features that are not available in the standalone 1-User version Big Business. These include:
Middleware Delete is an essential change. Middleware is not just used to look up Shipping. More and more it is being used to get data to Web Stores, to automate purchasing or billing, and for EDI.
Big Business 11.17 updates Middleware to process Deletes. This change applied to all tables.
This Solution provides details. (6850)
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed, repurposed, and manipulated.
It is commonly used for Shipping to make data accessible to ODBC-capable systems like UPS WorldShip, FedEx Ship Manager, Professional, and 3rd party systems for shipping integration.
Middleware Delete is an essential change. Middleware is not just used to look up Shipping. More and more it is being used to get data to Web Stores, to automate purchasing or billing, and for EDI.
Big Business 11.17 updates Middleware to process Deletes. This change applied to all tables including Audit, Bills, Customers, Invoices, Items, Orders, POs, and Vendors.
Middleware Update checks and updates needed fields in Middleware.
This Solution provides details. (6860)
Now when you enable new Fields in Big Business they are automatically updated in Middleware.
Big Business 8.7 fixes a problem with Middleware that Sales Orders, Invoice, or Items may not appear in MySQL if they contain newer, longer entries.
This Solution provides details. (6316)
This problem occurs where Big Business fields have been increased in size in an Update and new entries using the new size cause an error saving to MySQL, so the record is missing. This problem is fixed in Big Business 8.7 by updating MySQL to accomodate the new size.
MySQL is a popular database platform with connectivity options for many programming languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, TCL, C, Java etc. This means you can easily access this data from a variety of applications written in a variety of programming languages.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allow Big Business Server to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system. This Solution describes removing MySQL for Windows. (6576)
To remove MySQL:
1. Use the Control Panel, Program Features, Uninstall A Program
2. Select MySQL and click Uninstall
3. Follow the prompts to allow changes and restart the computer if needed
This should completely remove MySQL.
If Uninstall is not complete, here are addtional steps to manually remove.
To manually delete MySQL files:
1. Delete contents in C:\Program Files\MySQL
2. Delete contents in C:\ProgramData\MySQL
To manually delete MySQL Service:
1. Use the Control Panel, Services
2. Right-click the MySQL Service and get Properties
3. Get the exact Service Name listed on the General tab (MySQL)
4. Start Command Prompt with Adminsitrator rights (click Start and type, "cmd" and Shift-Ctrl-Enter)
5. Type, "sc delete MySQL" where MySQL is the exact name of the service, and Enter
MySQL is a popular database platform with connectivity options for many programming languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, TCL, C, Java etc. This means you can easily access this data from a variety of applications written in a variety of programming languages.
The Middleware Add-On is an option that allow Big Business Server to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system. This Solution describes removing MySQL for Mac OS X. (6601)
Stop the database server
sudo rm /usr/local/mysql
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql*
sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM
sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/My*
rm -rf ~/Library/PreferencePanes/My*
sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/mysql*
sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/MySQL*
sudo rm -rf /private/var/db/receipts/*mysql*r