MySQL: Creating a System DSN

This feature is part of the MySQL Add-On, which is an additional module that enables Big Business to synchronize data with MySQL.

This Solution describes Creating a System DSN for to connect, for example, UPS Worldship, to MySQL using ODBC. (6169)

1. Open the Data Sources (ODBC) Control Panel (in Administrative Tools or Performance and Maintenance).
2. On the System DSN tab, click Add.
3. Select ODBC Driver for MySQL and click Finish.
6. Type a name (BB) in the Data Source Name field.
7. For Network Path, type "TCP/IP:" followed by the IP Address of the server.
8. Enter the User Name and Password you assigned to the ODBC Server.
9. Click Test Data Source to test the connection.
10. Click OK to save the ODBC Driver setup.
11. Click OK to save changes to the ODBC Data Source Administrator.


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