Middleware2 AddOn

The Middleware2 AddOn is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (such as MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system.

This Solution provides an overview. (6447)

Middleware2 puts all your Big Business data into MySQL and keeps it current. This converts your data into a popular format and maintains a near-perfect copy with the following setup:

• MySQL is available on your server computer or remotely

• Middleware2 is Started from Big Business Client successfully

• Errors To is set with a Big Business User to receive Notes with any errors

• Exceptions are handled by correcting problem entries

Depending on your needs, you may also set Ignorable Errors to not be reported.

  Middleware2 Objects

The Middleware2 Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system.

This Solution provides details for use. (6408)

Acct - Bookkeeper Accounts and Banking Accounts
Audit - Employee, Created and Modified Dates, for most entries
BankRecon - Bank Reconciliations
BankTx - Bank Transactions
BillLI - Vendor Bill Line Items
Bill - Vendor Bills
Build - Bill of Materials
CheckLink - Bank Transction to Vendor Bill Linking
Contact - InfoCenter Contacts including Additional Contacts for Vendor and Customer
Currency - Multi-Currency Currencies
Cust - Customers
InvLI - Customer Invoice Line Items
Invoice - Customer Invoices
Item - Items
ItemAdj - Item Adjustments and Builds
ItemAdjLI - Item Adustment Line Items
ItemAltCode - Alternate Item Codes and Vendor Part Numbers
ItemLocation - Multi-Warehouse Warehouse Quantities
ItemPrc - Quantity Prices
Jrnl - General Journal entries
Location - Multi-Warehouse Warehouses
Note - Notes
NoteAtchLink - Note Attachments, Folder Notes, Folder Attachments, and Alerts
Pmt - Customer Receive Money entries
PmtLink - Customer Receive Money to Customer Invoice Linking
PO - Vendor Purchase Orders
POLI - Vendor Purchase Order Line Items
QLI - Customer Quote Line Items
Quote - Customer Quotes
Req - Vendor Requisitions
ReqLI - Vendor Requisition Line Items
ShipInfo - Middleware Shipment Information from UPS, FedEX, etc.
SO - Customer Sales Orders
SOLI - Customer Sales Order Line Items
Transfer - Multi-Warehouse Transfers
TransferLI - Multi-Warehouse Transfer Line Items
TxPstg - Bookkeeper Postings
Ven - Vendors

  Middleware2 Connection Settings

The Middleware2 Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system. This Solution describes its connection settings (6444).

Connection Settings for the Middleware Add-On include:

• Host - enter "localhost" or an IP Address

• User - enter a user name with adequate privileges

• Password - enter the user's password

• Database - enter the name of the database you want populated

• Port (optional) - leave blank for default (3306) or enter 8889 for MAMP

• Socket - using "localhost" which is faster may require specifiying the Socket file for different distributions such as OS X Server or MAMP.

• Errors To (optional) - use the pulldown to select an Employee to receive a Note when errors occur or the initial cloning of data completes.

• Status is STARTED - Middleware2 status of STOPPED, STARTING, CLONING, and STARTED, followed by buttons to Start and Stop.

• Ignorable Errors accepts bracketed error numbers (plus any text for reference) to be excluded from error handling. Click the Comment button for larger display.

• Updating is RUNNING - Updating status of RUNNING or PAUSED, followed by Pause button if there is a need to suspend updating.

  Data Connect Error Reporting

The Middleware2 Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system. This Solution describes its error reporting (6445).

Middleware2 reports an error by sending a Note to the designated "Errors To" User with the following content:

• (1) - a counter to separate reported errors, which are limited to 100

• "Incorrect string value" - the text returned by MySQL (or "Object cloning started," a messsage from Big Business)

• [1366] - the error number returned by MySQL, bracketed

• "INSERT INTO..." - the offending query

• {Item:123} the affected Table and number of Exceptions

To handle Exceptions simply correct the entry involved. For example, the pictured error is an illegal character (smiley) in the Customer Card for "Scooters Sweet Shop :)." Changing the Customer Card will update MySQL successfully, or generate a new Error if more changes are needed.

If you need any help fixing a record, email the complete text of the Note to:

The number of Exceptions is the number of changes to problem entries. This means one problem may cause multiple Exceptions. For example, a problem Invoice will create at least three--as it is created, modified, and finally saved. In other words, fixing one entry may eliminate multiple Exceptions.

  Middleware2 Error Handling

The Middleware2 Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system. This Solution describes its error handling (6446).

Middleware2 handles errors as follows:

• Middleware2 reports an error by sending a Note to the designated "Errors To" User

• Updates are saved as Exceptions (there may be many more than error count)

• On the Settings dialog, Ignorable Errors accepts bracketed error numbers (plus any text for reference) to be excluded from error handling. Click the Comment button for larger display.

• Clicking OK on the Settings dialog offers to process any pending Exceptions. Click Yes to process Exceptions.