The Middleware2 Add-On is an option that allows Big Business to synchronize data with an external data source (MySQL) where it can be more readily accessed or copied to another system.
This Solution provides details for use. (6408)
Acct - Bookkeeper Accounts and Banking Accounts
Audit - Employee, Created and Modified Dates, for most entries
BankRecon - Bank Reconciliations
BankTx - Bank Transactions
BillLI - Vendor Bill Line Items
Bill - Vendor Bills
Build - Bill of Materials
CheckLink - Bank Transction to Vendor Bill Linking
Contact - InfoCenter Contacts including Additional Contacts for Vendor and Customer
Currency - Multi-Currency Currencies
Cust - Customers
InvLI - Customer Invoice Line Items
Invoice - Customer Invoices
Item - Items
ItemAdj - Item Adjustments and Builds
ItemAdjLI - Item Adustment Line Items
ItemAltCode - Alternate Item Codes and Vendor Part Numbers
ItemLocation - Multi-Warehouse Warehouse Quantities
ItemPrc - Quantity Prices
Jrnl - General Journal entries
Location - Multi-Warehouse Warehouses
Note - Notes
NoteAtchLink - Note Attachments, Folder Notes, Folder Attachments, and Alerts
Pmt - Customer Receive Money entries
PmtLink - Customer Receive Money to Customer Invoice Linking
PO - Vendor Purchase Orders
POLI - Vendor Purchase Order Line Items
QLI - Customer Quote Line Items
Quote - Customer Quotes
Req - Vendor Requisitions
ReqLI - Vendor Requisition Line Items
ShipInfo - Middleware Shipment Information from UPS, FedEX, etc.
SO - Customer Sales Orders
SOLI - Customer Sales Order Line Items
Transfer - Multi-Warehouse Transfers
TransferLI - Multi-Warehouse Transfer Line Items
TxPstg - Bookkeeper Postings
Ven - Vendors