Comments on Misc. Bills and Misc. Sales

Big Business includes a Comment button for:
• Misc Bills
• Misc Sales

Big Business 11 updates this Comment button to use icons. The Comment icon for Harmony and Helios Icon Styles have been updated with black for better visibility.

Miscellaneous tools are convenient for creating transactions:
• that are without Line Items
• that do not need printing
• that you enter in a list
• that you Import, or Memorize, in a list
• that you need to assign a Number, such as Invoice Number
• that you create for adjustments or corrections

This Solution describes this option. (6517)

Miscellaneous tools are convenient for creating transactions:
• that are without Line Items
• that do not need printing
• that you enter in a list
• that you Import, or Memorize, in a list
• that you need to assign a Number, such as Invoice Number
• that you create for adjustments or corrections

For Misc Bills and Misc Sales you can click the Comments button to add:
• Printed Comments
• Private Comments
Comments can be spell-checked by clicking the Check Spelling button. Comments are also searchable in the Bill Search and Invoice Search.

  Expanded Bill

Big Business 11.12 adds new fields on the Expanded tab of the Bill:
• Received Date
• Entry #

This Solution provides details. (6796)

This Chapter covers Vendors in Big Business and recent additions to Big Business Documentation including:

• Changes to Vendor Features

• Changes to Vendor Prefs

• Closing Canceled Purchase Orders

Big Business Version 2.5 includes a number of new Vendor features and enhancements:

• Auto-Generate Vendor Codes

• Require Unique Vendor Codes

• Verify Average Pay Days

• Batch Delete Vendors and Vendor Transactions

• Add Automatic Notes to Vendor Transactions

• Standardized Label Support

  Changes to Vendor Features

Changes to Vendor Features
Big Business Version 2.0 includes a number of new Vendor features and

• You can choose from multiple vendor mailing addresses on purchase orders and bills.
• You can control printing preferences separately for purchase orders and bills.
• You can determine how many days of transactions to display in the History view of Vendor Cards.

See Chapter 4 of the Big Business User’s Guide for detailed instructions about existing Vendor features. (3081)

Big Business includes a number of advanced Vendor features and

• You can choose from multiple vendor mailing addresses on purchase orders and bills.
• You can control printing preferences separately for purchase orders and bills.
• You can determine how many days of transactions to display in the History view of Vendor Cards.

See Chapter 4 of the Big Business User’s Guide for detailed instructions about existing Vendor features.

  Memorize Recurring Miscellaneous Bills

Big Business provides the ability to Memorize a transaction, search, or list of transactions, throughout.

One of the best uses for the Memorize feature is providing a quick and easy method for entering recurring transactions, such as Bills.

This Solution provides important information for using a Memorized Bill List to enter recurring Vendor Bills. (3175)

The Memorize feature in Big Business is useful for Memorizing Recurring Bills. Examples might be ISP charges, equipment rental charges, and so on. If you Memorize this list of Bills this month, you can use Recall next month to automatically enter these Bills.

To Memorize Miscellaneous Bills:
1. Open the Misc. Bill tool
2. Enter the Bills, including Vendor and Amount
3. Click the Memorize button.
4. Enter a Name for the Memorized List and click the OK button.

To Recall Memorized Miscellaneous Bills:
1. Open the Misc. Bill tool.
2. Click the Recall button.
3. Pick a Memorized Miscellaneous Bill List to Recall.

Keep the following important points in mind :
• Recall creates a new list of Bills, identical to the Memorized List, with today's date.
• Changing the Amount of a Recalled Misc. Bill reloads the Expense Category selected on the Vendor Card. Do not Memorize Misc. Bills with Category Splits or Category changes if you anticipate the Amount of the Bill will be changed on Recall.

  Big Business Checks for Duplicates

It’s hard to imagine that other applications don’t check for something as simple as a duplicate Bill (Invoice from a Vendor). The impact can be serious when you get an invoice with a shipment and duplicate by mail. But we do get asked this question periodically. Rest assured, it is extremely difficult to double pay a vendor. (3044)

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  Scheduling Vendor Credits

By default, Vendor Credits have no schedule date in Big Business. When you create a Vendor Bill or Misc. Bill with a negative total, the Scheduled Date is automatically cleared. The Credit can then be automatically claimed on the next Check Run.

Depending upon your arrangements with Vendors or the timing of events, you may want to schedule the credits so they not claimed until the appropriate Check Run.

This Solution provides a quick overview of your options for scheduling Vendor Credits. (3482)

Big Business automatically removes the Scheduled Date from any Vendor Bill which has a negative Total. When viewed from the Make A Payment or Schedule Payment tool, the Schedule Date for negative Bills (Vendor Credits) is 00/00/00. The presumption is that you want to take your

  Creating a Vendor Deposit or Prepayment

During the course of your general operation you may encounter a situation where you need to send a deposit to a vendor. In Big Business terms, this means that you will need to generate a check for a vendor without having a final invoice (Bill) from the Vendor.

This Solution outlines the steps you should take in order to create a Vendor Deposit or Pre-Payment, while maintaining the integrity of the accounting system. (5000)

To prepay a Vendor, or issue a deposit, you need to create a Vendor Bill to pay and a Credit to be used against the Vendor's final invoice.

To create a Bill to prepay a Vendor:

1. Go to the Vendor Toolbar and open the Miscellaneous Bills tool.
2. Create a Misc. Bill for the amount of the prepayment you wish to send.
3. Create a Credit (negative Misc. Bill) using the negative of the amount above.

TIP: To include the prepayment in the next Check Run enter a Sched. Date on or before the next Check Run. To exclude the Credit (negative Bill) from the Check Run enter a Sched. Date AFTER the next Check Run.

To create a Check:

1. Open the Make a Payment tool and select the Vendor.
2. Enter "To Pay" amounts so that only the "deposit" is being paid.
3. Confirm the amount of the check (in the green arrow) and write or print the check.

The Credit (negative Bill) remains, tracking the prepayment you have sent to the Vendor. By default, a Credit does not have a Sched. Date, so it will be automatically selected the next time you pay the Vendor.

  Auto Generate Vendor Codes

Big Business includes the option to Auto-Generate a Vendor Code in the form of a serial or sequential number. (3322)

To Auto-Generate Vendor Codes:
1. Open the Vendor Prefs.
2. Click on the Auto-Generate Vendor Code check box.
3. Enter a starting number in the Next Vendor Code field.
4. Click the OK button.

Big Business will now assign a Vendor Code in the form of a serial number, starting with the number specified, to each new Vendor Card.

  Require Unique Vendor Codes

Big Business includes the option to require unique Item Codes in the form of a checkbox on the Item Preferences (Item Prefs) card. This is very valuable for data integrity. When users are not forced to use unique codes it is possible to create two items with the same code. Requiring unique codes prevents accidents such as putting the wrong item on a transaction or double entering the item (e.g. creating two identical cards).

Why not have the same feature in the Vendor Prefs and require unique Vendor Codes? (3323)

Big Business 2.5 adds the option to require unique Vendor Codes.

To Require Unique Vendor Codes:
1. Open the Vendor Prefs.
2. Click on the check box for Unique Codes.
3. Click the OK button.

Big Business will now alert you when you are attempting to save a Vendor Card using a Vendor Code which is already in use by another card. The message, "Vendor Codes must be unique." will appear and you will not be able to save the Vendor Card until you enter a Unique Code.

Keep the following issues in mind when using the Unique Vendor Code option. If you already have Vendor Cards with Duplicate Vendor Codes, Big Business will alert you of the duplication the next time you save changes to one of the cards with a duplicate Vendor Code.

To gain maximum benefit from the duplicate checking, you should consider a standardized method for assigning Vendor Codes, such as Zip Code plus a few letters of the Vendor Name, or using a unique identifier like a phone number. To help you assign Unique Vendor Codes, Big Business 2.5 also includes the option to Auto-Generate Vendor Codes.

Big Business 2.5 allows you to Batch Delete Vendor Cards which have no transactions. Because this Delete is permanent, you should exercise proper caution in its use. Vendor with any transaction history cannot be deleted. Refer to the section on Employee Access Privileges for restricting Access to the Batch Delete tool. You may also want to Back Up your Company data file, or export the selection of Vendor Cards you are attempting to Delete, prior to deleting them.

To Batch Delete Vendors, using the Vendor QuickSearch:
1. Find the selection of Vendor Cards to Delete.
2. Click the Batch Delete tool to Delete all Vendor Cards in the current Vendor List.
Big Business will display a confirmation dialogue offering to Continue or Cancel.
3. Select Continue to permanently Delete all Vendor in the selection.
Big Business will display those Vendors who could not be deleted.

If you select one Vendor in the List and click Batch Delete, Big Business will display a dialogue with a choice of Deleting the selected Vendor, Deleting all Vendors in the List, or Canceling.

This feature is designed to clean up erroneous imports of Vendors and Vendors who have no transactions. Using the Import Tag feature in Big Business (e.g. "Imported 3/22/99") you can find all Vendor in an import with a Vendor QuickSearch.

  Automatic Notes on Purchase Orders

Automatic Notes (3350)

Big Business 2.5 includes the option to automatically fill in the Notes on a Purchase Order. All of these items are added during printing except Boilerplate text, which can be edited or overwritten in the Purchase Order before printing.

The following can be automatically added:
• Vendor Code
• Our Customer Number
• Total Quantity (total count of all Items on the Purchase Order)
• Boilerplate Text (which can be modified)

To enable this feature:
1. Open the Vendor Prefs.
2. Click on the Purchase Order Preferences button.
3. Click the checkbox for each item you wish to add.
4. Fill in any Boilerplate text you wish to add.
5. Click the OK buttons to save changes on Purchase Order and Vendor Prefs.

Suggested uses:
• Vendor Code in hand, Vendors can now better identify themselves to you.
• Use "Our Customer Number" to identify yourself to your Vendors.
• Compare Total Quantity with a Bill of Lading received.
• Create a template for Notes using Boilerplate text. For example, "If you have any questions, my direct line is (877) 555-xxxx," can be modified before saving.

NOTE: Automatic Notes, except modified Boilerplate text, work on built-in forms only.

  Closed Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders have a Closed checkbox, for closing PO's that are backordered, cancelled, or will never be filled. This lets you keep a record of the order while updating inventory On Order Qty's. Purchase Orders can also be Deleted by clicking the Delete button. (3023)

When an open Purchase Order is canceled, Close it rather than Deleting it. This will update the Quantity on Order for the items on the orders and preserve the canceled Purchase Order for future reference.

To Close a Purchase Order:
1. Open the Purchase Order
2. Click Closed.
3. Click the Continue to Close the Purchase Order.

  Creating a Vendor Return Request

Big Business 3.0.7 adds support for Vendor Return Requests, including:

• Entering negative Quantities on a Purchase Order
• Tracking open negative quantities
• Forms for printing Return Requests

This Solution describes the new functionality. (5631)

Vendor Return Requests are entered and tracked in the same manner as Purchase Orders, except that the Quantities are negative.

• Accumulate Items to return by saving the return using On Hold status.
• Save the return with a Placed status when complete.
• Automatically create Debit Memos when your return is acknowledged.
• Track open returns with On Hold or Placed statuses.

To Create a Return Request:

1. Create a new Purchase Order for the Vendor.
2. Enter the Item(s) being returned using negative quantities.
3. Enter any Return Authorization (RA/ RMA) in the Vendor Order # field.
4. Click the OK button to save the return.
5. If printing, select one of the Return Request layouts:
Return Request (Plain Paper)
Return Request with Comments (Plain Paper)
Return Request (Preprinted #80625)
Return Request with Comments (Preprinted #80625)

Note that Return Requests are ignored when Item ETAs are updated. Item ETAs will still reflect the next anticipated Arrival date. On Order amounts include Returns.

Big Business 2.5 adds the ability to Batch Delete Purchase Orders. Because this Delete is permanent, you should exercise proper caution in its use. Refer to the section on Employee Access Privileges for restricting Access to the Batch Delete tool. You may also want to Back Up your Company data file, or export the selection of Purchase Orders you are attempting to Delete, prior to deleting them.

To Batch Delete Purchase Orders, using the Purchase Order QuickSearch:
1. Find Purchase Orders whose "Status is On Hold," or whichever search suits your purpose.
2. Click the Batch Delete tool to Delete all Purchase Orders in the current List.
Big Business will display a confirmation dialogue offering to Continue or Cancel.
3. Select Continue to permanently Delete all Purchase Orders in the list.

If you select one Purchase Order in the List and click Batch Delete, Big Business will display a dialogue with a choice of Deleting the selected Purchase Order, Deleting all Purchase Orders in the List, or Canceling.

Purchase Order Batch Delete is particularly useful if you produce a large number of On Hold Purchase Orders. Vendors and Items contained in a Purchase Order are linked to the Purchase Order and cannot be deleted until the Purchase Order is deleted. By cleaning up old On Hold Purchase Orders, you may then be able to delete Vendors and Items that were entered while pricing Items (or Vendors) you did not eventually purchase.

  Using Multiple Mailing/Payment Addresses

Using Multiple Mailing and Payment Addresses
It’s not uncommon for a single vendor to have more than one address. Big Business now allows you to choose from all the addresses entered for the vendor, including those entered in the Additional Contacts area of the Vendor Card. See “Entering Additional Contacts” in Chapter 4 of the Big Business User’s Guide for instructions.

To use alternate addresses:
1. After choosing the vendor in a bill or purchase order, click the Other button in the Mailing Address area.
2. In the dialog box that appears, choose the address you want to use, then click the OK button. (3082)

It’s not uncommon for a single customer or vendor to have more than one address. Big Business allows you to choose from all the addresses entered for a customer or vendor, including those entered in the Additional Contacts area of the Customer or Vendor Card. See “Entering Additional Contacts” in Chapter 4 of the Big Business User’s Guide for instructions.

To use alternate addresses:

1. On a transaction, in the billing, shipping, payment, etc address field, click the Other button.

2. In the dialog box that appears, choose the address you want to use, then click the OK button.

  Automatic Notes on Bills

Automatic Notes (3406)

Big Business 2.5 includes the option to automatically fill in the Notes on a Vendor Bill. All of these items are added during printing except Boilerplate text, which can be edited or overwritten in the Bill before printing.

The following can be automatically added:
• Vendor Code
• Our Customer Number
• Total Quantity (total count of all Items on the Bill)
• Boilerplate Text (which can be modified)

To enable this feature:
1. Open the Vendor Prefs.
2. Click on the Bill Preferences button.
3. Click the checkbox for each item you wish to add.
4. Fill in any Boilerplate text you wish to add.
5. Click the OK buttons to save changes on Bill Preferences and Vendor Prefs.

Suggested uses:
• Vendor Code in hand, Vendors can now better identify themselves to you.
• Use "Our Customer Number" to identify yourself to your Vendors.
• Compare Total Quantity with a Bill of Lading received.
• Create a template for Notes using Boilerplate text. For example, "Received By: ," can be modified before saving or filled in on the printed Bill.

NOTE: Automatic Notes, except modified Boilerplate text, work on built-in forms only.

  Creating a Vendor Debit Memo

Big Business 3.0.7 adds support for Vendor Debit Memos, including:

• Entering negative Quantities on a Bill
• Creating Debit Memos from Return Requests (negative POs)
• Forms for printing Debit Memos

This Solution describes the new functionality. (5643)

Vendor Debit Memos are entered in the same manner as Bills, except that the Quantities are negative.

• Enter negative Quantities on a Bill
• Create Debit Memos from Return Requests (negative POs)
• Print to Debit Memos forms.

To Create a Debit Memo:

1. Create a new Bill for the Vendor.
2. Enter the Item(s) being returned using negative quantities, or Carry Forward a Return Request by entering the PO number.
3. Enter any Credit Memor or reference number in the Invoice# field.
4. Click the OK button to save the memo.
5. If printing, select one of the Return Request layouts:
Debit Memo (Plain Paper)
Debit Memo with Comments (Plain Paper)
Debit Memo (Preprinted #80625)
Debit Memo with Comments (Preprinted #80625)

Note that Debit Memos automatically update inventory counts including On Order and On Hand for the Items being returned to the Vendor.

Big Business 2.5 adds the ability to Batch Delete Bills. Because this Delete is permanent, you should exercise proper caution in its use. Refer to the section on Employee Access Privileges for restricting Access to the Batch Delete tool. You may also want to Back Up your Company data file, or export the selection of Bills you are attempting to Delete, prior to deleting them.

To Batch Delete Bills, using the Bill QuickSearch:
1. Find Bills you want to delete.
2. Click the Batch Delete tool to attempt to Delete all Bills in the current List.
Big Business will display a confirmation dialogue offering to Continue or Cancel.
3. Select Continue to permanently Delete all Bills in the list.
Big Business will display those Bills which could not be deleted.

If you select one Bill in the List and click Batch Delete, Big Business will display a dialogue with a choice of Deleting the selected Bill, Deleting all Bills in the List, or Canceling.

Bills which have any payment made against them cannot be Deleted.

  Batch Delete of Notes

Big Business 5.0.6 adds the option to Batch Delete Notes from the Note QuickSearch. This Solution describes this feature. (5914)

Because this Delete is permanent, you should exercise proper caution in its use.

To Batch Delete Notes, using the Notes QuickSearch:
1. Find Notes you want to delete.
2. Click the Batch Delete tool to attempt to Delete all Notes in the current List.
Big Business will display a confirmation dialogue offering to Continue or Cancel.
3. Select Continue to permanently Delete all Notes in the list.
Big Business will display those Notes which could not be deleted.

If you select one Note in the List and click Batch Delete, Big Business will display a dialogue with a choice of Deleting the selected Note, Deleting all Notes in the List, or Cancelling.