Require Unique Vendor Codes

Big Business includes the option to require unique Item Codes in the form of a checkbox on the Item Preferences (Item Prefs) card. This is very valuable for data integrity. When users are not forced to use unique codes it is possible to create two items with the same code. Requiring unique codes prevents accidents such as putting the wrong item on a transaction or double entering the item (e.g. creating two identical cards).

Why not have the same feature in the Vendor Prefs and require unique Vendor Codes? (3323)

Big Business 2.5 adds the option to require unique Vendor Codes.

To Require Unique Vendor Codes:
1. Open the Vendor Prefs.
2. Click on the check box for Unique Codes.
3. Click the OK button.

Big Business will now alert you when you are attempting to save a Vendor Card using a Vendor Code which is already in use by another card. The message, "Vendor Codes must be unique." will appear and you will not be able to save the Vendor Card until you enter a Unique Code.

Keep the following issues in mind when using the Unique Vendor Code option. If you already have Vendor Cards with Duplicate Vendor Codes, Big Business will alert you of the duplication the next time you save changes to one of the cards with a duplicate Vendor Code.

To gain maximum benefit from the duplicate checking, you should consider a standardized method for assigning Vendor Codes, such as Zip Code plus a few letters of the Vendor Name, or using a unique identifier like a phone number. To help you assign Unique Vendor Codes, Big Business 2.5 also includes the option to Auto-Generate Vendor Codes.


  Chapter 4 Vendor

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