Big Business Server for Windows

Big Business Server for Windows (3658)

This Chapter covers Big Business Server for Windows and recent additions to Big Business Documentation including:

• Setting Up Big Business Server

• Setting Up Big Business Clients

• Understanding Multi-User Features

• Server Administration

  Introduction to Big Business Server

Introduction to Big Business Server (2572)

Big Business Server is the multi-user version of Big Business™, the integrated business management tool from Big Business, Inc.. Big Business Server is based on a client/ server architecture that supports multiple simultaneous users— all your employees can access current information from the server.

Client/ server architecture divides data processing between the client and the server. The division of labor between these two parts is transparent to users. The client part is located on the user computers. Its responsibility is to display the Big Business interface and to query the server in response to user actions.

The server part is located on a designated server computer. Its responsibility is to store and manage data and provide services to the client computers across a network. To search for a set of customers, for example, users ask the client to locate certain customer cards. The client sends the request to the server, which executes the search on the server machine and returns the resulting customer cards to the client.

The benefits of client/ server architecture are increased efficiency and speed. Work is divided between the clients and the server and is intelligently managed to reduce the amount of network passes. The less network traffic, the faster the entire system works. Because all data is stored on the server, each client has immediate access to up-to-the-minute data.

  Getting Started with Big Business Server

Getting Started with Big Business Server (2573)

Getting started with Big Business Server is easy. Installation takes just a few minutes. You use simple dialog boxes to set up the program with your company data. If you choose, Big Business Server can automatically set up almost everything. You can also import data from other programs.

This manual is an addendum to the Big Business User’s Guide. It leads you through installing Big Business Server on both the client and server machines. It also discusses the exclusive features of Big Business Server that are not mentioned in the Big Business User’s Guide.

This chapter explains how to install and set up the software. After you finish this chapter, you’ll be ready to start working with Big Business.

  About Server Setup

About Server Setup (2574)

The first part of this document is written for the Big Business Administrator, who is responsible for installing and setting up the Big Business client and server software.
The Big Business Administrator should also assign access privileges that are
appropriate for using the Company data file in a multi-user environment.

The second section, on Big Business Server features, can be used by anyone who is using multi-user Big Business.

  Multi User Licensing

Multi-User Licensing (2575)

Your Big Business Server installation is licensed for a specific number of
simultaneously connected clients. Although you can install the client software on any number of machines, Big Business Server will permit logins only up to the number of clients for which you are licensed. See “Upgrading Big Business,” later in this document, for information on adding more users.

  Before You Start

Before you start installing Big Business Server for Windows, make sure you meet the System Requirements (2576)

Before you begin installation, take a minute to verify that you have what you need to set up the Big Business multi-user client/ server configuration.

System Requirements

Windows Server:

• 2GB of available RAM
• Win XP SP3, Win VISTA SP2, Win Server 2003 R2 SP2, Win Server 2008 SP2, Windows 7
• (64-bit) Win XP SP2 x64, Win VISTA SP2 x64, Win Server 2003 R2 SP2 x64, Win Server 2008 SP2 x64, Windows 7 x64

Windows Client

• 1GB of available RAM
• Win XP SP3, Win VISTA SP2, Win Server 2003 R2 SP2, Win Server 2008 SP2, Windows 7
• (64-bit) Win XP SP2 x64, Win VISTA SP2 x64, Win Server 2003 R2 SP2 x64, Win Server 2008 SP2 x64, Windows 7 x64

Mac OS X Client:

• 1GB of available RAM
• Mac OS X 10.4.11, 10.5.8, 10.6.2 and higher

Network Requirements

A TCP/IP network, Ethernet recomended

  Big Business Server Notes

Big Business Server Notes (2578)

• The computer used for Big Business Server should run without error or interruption as multiple users will be depending on its performance and reliability.

• You can run other Services, Applications, and even Big Business Client on the same computer with adequate resources. For example, File Sharing very large files from a computer with only one hard drive might impact performance while services with very small files like email would not have a noticeable impact.

• Big Business Server maintains your Data File and should be protected from power failures, unexpected system changes, and restarts.

  Upgrading Big Business

Upgrading Big Business (2580)

The Upgrade button on the Company Card opens a dialog that allows you to add additional users to your Big Business product license.

There are also a number of Add-Ons that can be Registered in Trial Mode for evalaution. These include:
• Multi-Warehouse
• Multi-Currency
• Middleware
• Volusion

  Product Registration and Technical Support

Product Registration and Technical Support (2581)

Big Business Support includes person-to-person technical support and help getting the most from Big Business.

Big Business product and support information available at

You can reach Big Business Support at (925) 274-9568 or by email to

  Installing Big Business Server on Windows

Installing Big Business Server on Windows (2582)

The installation program places Big Business Server on your hard disk in a location that you specify. You can use the folder name that Big Business suggests, or enter one of your own.

To install Big Business Server on your Windows machine:

1. Download and run the Big Business Server for Windows Installer.
2. Follow the onscreen prompts using the default settings or the settings you want.
3. Wait while Big Business Server installs
Choose to Start Big Business Server on the final screen, or look for the Big Business Server Shortcut on your desktop and double-click to start.

  Server Directory and Files

Server Directory and Files (2584)

After installation, the Big Business Server directory contains:

• The Big Business Server application
• The Data folder, which contains a Demo File
• The ReadMe file
• Accessory folders, DLLs, and other files required by BB Server

Start Big Business Server by selecting the Big Business Server icon from the Big Business Server folder (under Programs on the Start menu, by default). For convenience, a Shortcut to Big Business Server is installed on your desktop.

  Launching Server

This Solution describes starting Big Business Server for Windows and selecting a Data File. (5889)

To start Big Business Server, double-click the Big Business Server shortcut on the Desktop, or go to the Start Menu, to Programs, to Big Business Server, and choose Big Business Server.

The first time you launch Big Business Server, follow the prompts to Open or Create a Data File. When you Quit and re-launch Big Business Server, the same data file will be automatically opened.

To make changes, start Big Business Server and quickly hold down the Alt key to show the dialogue to create or select another data file.

  The Server Administration Window

The Server Administration Window shows user connections and memory usage. (2586)

When Big Business Server starts, the Administration window opens, indicating that Big Business Server is now available for use by Clients. You must run Client to use Big Business Server.

Client computers, as they connect, will be listed by their network names in the Server Administration Window. Once Big Business Server is running you should only need to refer to the information on the Administration Window if you amaking a change such as shutting down Big Business Server.

  Server System Resources for Windows

Big Business Server lists Memory and System Resource settings under Preferences in the Server's Edit menu.
This Solution describes setting the memory usage for Server. (5508)

Big Business Server for Windows lets you assign memory settings by choosing Preferences from the Edit menu and clicking on Database, Data Management.

The default Cache setting is dynamic (Adaptive) meaning it will take some portion of available memory up to the specified Maximum Size. To change the Cache used, change the Maximum Size (to 128 for a small Data File, or 1024 for a very large one).

  Preserving Data Files and Uninstalling

Preserving Data Files and Uninstalling (2588)

At any point, you can uninstall Big Business Server and run the installation program again. Data files and other files that you created after installation will be preserved. A new, demo data file will be reinstalled in the Demo folder.

A Word about Data Files

The first time you start the program, Big Business Server asks which data file you want to use. After you have selected a data file, Big Business Server will automatically open the same data file when launched again. To select another data file, hold down the Alt key immediately after launching Big Business Server.

All Big Business data files have a file extension of, ".4dd". Although Big Business Server is designed for use with a single, production-level Company data file, you can create one or more new, blank data files in the Data folder to practice Set Up or to prototype your Company data file. Files in the Data folder will be preserved if you uninstall Big Business Server.

Big Business data files also have a matching index file with a ".4DIndx" file extension. This file should be backed up along with the .4dd data file, but can be easily replaced if necessary. The data file (.4dd) contains all of your records and preferences and it is critical that you backup this file on a regular basis.

  Serving the Data File

Serving the Data File (2598)

By default, Big Business Server always opens the last Data File used. The very first time you start Big Business Server, it asks you which Data File you want to use.

If you create a new Data File, you can start the Set Up process. If you want to open a different data file (for example, the Demo data file to run the Big Business tutorial), hold down the Alt key after you launch Big Business Server. Choose the data file you want in the dialog box that appears.

See also “A Word about Data Files” earlier in this document, following the description of Big Business Server installation.

  Registering Big Business Server as a Service

Big Busines Server for Windows includes the ability to run as a Service. As a Service, Big Business Server can launch automatically on startup of the server, and without logon. (5500)

Big Business Server can be run as a Service, allowing it to start automatically when the server computer is rebooted and before logon, and controlled by Scheduler or scripting. Setup must be performed by a local Administrator-level Windows user.

To configure Big Business Server as a service:
1. Launch Big Business Server if it is not already running.
2. From the File menu select, Unregister all Server Services.
3. From the File menu select, Register Current Database as Service.
4. Open the Services Control Panel to configure the service.
5. If you want Big Business Server to start when the computer is restarted, set the Startup Type to Automatic.
6. Do not click Start to start the Service if Big Business Server is still running as an application.
7. Do not remove the option to Allow service to interact with desktop or you will run the risk of someone launching the application while the service is already running.
8. Do not switch from using a Local System account or you will run the risk of permission problems and/or someone launching the application while the service is already running.

Windows Server 2008 will block the Interact With Desktop option making it difficult to administer Big Business Server.

  Building a Data File

This Solution describes building a Data File for use with Big Business Server for Windows. (3253)

You can perform the Setup of your Data File using Big Business Single-User, then transfer the resulting files (Company.4dd, Company.4DIndx, Company.Match) to the server computer.

You can also perform the Setup from a Client. Big Business Server will allow only one user to perform the Setup operation for a new Data File.

  Installing Big Business Clients

Installing Big Business Clients (2590)

The Install program places Big Business Client in Program Files or a location you specify.

To install Big Business Client for Windows:

1. Download and run the Big Business Client for Windows Installer.
2. Follow the onscreen prompts using the default settings or the settings you want.
3. Wait while Big Business Client installs

Look for the Big Business Client Shortcut on your desktop and double-click to start.

If you are installing on a protected computer, you may need to sign on to the computer as an Administrator level user.

The Install program places Big Business Client on the hard disk you specify in the Applications folder.

To install Big Business Client for Mac OS X:
1. Insert the Big Business CD or download the Client from
2. Double-click the Big Business Client Installer.
3. Read the README then click the Continue button.
4. Select a destination disk to install the software.
5. Wait while the software installs, then Quit the installer.

The Applications folder where BB Client is installed will open automatically. Open the BB Client folder and drag the BB Client to the Dock for easy launching.

You should install the same version of Client and Server. Install from the same CD, or if downloading, download matching Client(s) and Server.

  Turning Off Sleep

If you're running Big Business Client on your Windows workstation, and allow the computer to go to Sleep, you may lose your connection to Big Business Server and you may lose work in progress.

When the computer wakes, you may receive an error, -10002 The database cannot be used. The 10002 error indicates the connection to the server computer was lost. Sleep is a common cause. (5892)

Use the Power Options Control Panel on any Windows used for Big Business Client.

To set your Windows to Never go to Sleep:
1. Open the Power Options Control Panel.
2. Select the power Scheme or Plan settings-group to change
3. Select "Never" as the setting for turning off the hard disks or putting the computer to sleep

  Connecting Clients to Big Business Server

Connecting Clients to Big Business Server (2596)

When you launch Big Business Client for the first time, the Connection to Server dialog appears. Click on the Available tab and select the Big Business Server. When you restart Big Business Client it will automatically connect to the same server. Hold down the Alt key after launching Big Business Client to display the Connect to Server dialog again.

If no server appears on the Available tab, make sure that Big Business Server is up and running. If you still don’t see a server in the Servers windows, check the network set up.

If you encounter any problems, contact Big Business Technical Support for help resolving network difficulties. We are happy to help ensure a reliable network setup.

  Connecting to Remote Server

When you launch Big Business Client it looks for Big Business Server locally.

This Solution provides instructions for connecting to Big Business Server remotely.

You can use Big Business Client across any open TCP/IP connection. Usability varies with the speed of the connection (500Kbs or higher recommended). (5590)

To connect to a Big Business Server outside of your local network:
1. Launch Big Business Client, then quickly hold the Alt key (Option on Mac).
2. On the Connection dialog, click the Custom tab.
3. Enter any Name and the Server's IP address (or the outside address at the Server location that is being forwarded to an internal address).
4. Click the OK button to connect.
5. Wait while resource files are copied from the server, which may be several minutes.

If the connection fails:
6. Check network settings.
7. Check with your network administrator that Ports 19813 and 19814 are open if a firewall is in place.

If performance is too slow:
8. Verify the connection speed on both ends. Most important are the downstream speed on the remote end (500Kb/s for low-cost ADSL/Cable), and the upstream speed on the Server end (384Kb/s for entry-level Business DSL).
9. Consider "remote control" using PCAnywhere, TimbuktuPro, VNC, Remote Desktop, etc. if connection speeds are too low.