Built-In Backup

Big Business Server includes built-in Backup. This feature allows you to set a schedule to automatically back up your Data File without shutting down Big Business Server.

The Solution provides a brief introduction. (6031)

Big Business Server includes built-in Backup. This feature allows you to set a schedule to automatically back up your Data File without shutting down Big Business Server.

For best results:

• Set up Backup after hours

• Carefully apply the recommended settings

• Plan to leave Big Business Server running so it can back up

• Ensure all Clients disconnect before Backup runs

• Check periodically that backups are successful

  Backup: Getting Started

Big Business Server includes built-in Backup. This feature allows you to set a schedule to automatically back up your Data File without shutting down Big Business Server.

The Solution provides instructions for getting started with the built-in Backup in Big Business Server. (6032)

Wait to setup Backup until there are no Connected Users using Big Business Server. Backup will write its initial backup file immediately, which it cannot do if Users are in the process of entering data.

To Set Up Backup:

1. From the File menu choose Backup

2. Click Database Settings and complete the entries for:
• Scheduler - choose a time when no one is connected
• Configuration - choose Data File, click button to choose Destination folder, check Use Log File if needed
• Backup and Restore- click Cancel After 5 Attempts, uncheck Restore and Integrate Last Log

3. Click OK to Save

4. Click OK and Backup to commence backiup

  Backup: Cancelling

The error, "Waiting for all transactions and indexing to complete." indicates that Backup is trying to run, but waiting for Users who have open windows to save their work. While this error is displayed Users who open a new window are blocked from loading data and get a blank window.

The Solution provides instructions for cancelling a backup that is in progress. (6033)

If Backup is prevented from running because Users are Signed In and have open windows, an error window appears on Big Business Server, saying:
"Waiting for all transactions and indexing to complete."

While this error is displayed, Users who open a new window are blocked from loading data and get a blank window. You may want to cancel the Backup in progress without disconnecting all Users.

To Cancel the Backup in progress:

1. From the File menu choose Backup

2. On the Backup dialog click the Backup button

The button changes to Stop

3. On the Backup dialog click the Stop button

The Server Process Window will then display the red error message: "1406 Backup canceled by user," and resume normal operation.

  Backup: Configuration

In the Backup Preferences for Configuration are various options for backing up your Data File, parts of the program, designated files and folders, and creating a Log File.

This Solution provides instructions for choosing the appropriate settings for the built-in Backup in Big Business Server. (6034)

In the Backup Preferences for Configuration, there are settings for choosing what to back up, where to save the backup files, and whether to create a Log File.

Use these settings:

• Click the checkbox to back up your Data File only. It is not necessary to back up other Big Business files that can be replaced by reinstalling.

• Choose a Destination Folder that is convenient, has plenty of free space, and/or is included in a system backup.

• Use a Log File if you want to be able to Rollback to to any earlier point (5 minute or 5 hours ago instead of to the last full backup). The Log File should be stored on a fast local drive.

  Backup: Scheduler

In the Backup Preferences for Scheduler are various options for backing up hourly, daily, or on designated days of the week.

This Solution provides instructions for choosing the appropriate settings for the built-in Backup in Big Business Server. (6035)

In the Backup Preferences for Scheduler, there are settings for choosing when, or how often, to back up.

For Backup to run successfully, all Users must close all open windows, or preferably disconnect, to ensure there are no open transactions. In other words, Backup will not work during normal operations; it should be scheduled to run after hours.

The best setting, often, is to have it run each night at midnight (0:00:00) or shortly thereafter (2:00:00) when you don't expect Users will still be connected.

  Backup: Backup & Restore

In the Backup Preferences for Backup are various options for deleting old backups, making repeated attempts, aborting, and cancelling.

This Solution provides instructions for choosing the appropriate settings for the built-in Backup in Big Business Server. (6036)

In the Backup Preferences for Backup are various options for deleting old backups, making repeated attempts, aborting, and cancelling when Backup in unable to complete.

If any Client remains connected, with an open transaction, the Backup will not commence. Your settings should allow the Backup to Cancel after a reasonable number of attempts.

Keep only the last 3 backup files, protects you from running out of disk space

Backup only if the data file has been modified, won't make redundant copies on the weekend

Delete the oldest backup file [after] backup, is safer than before

  Backup: Restore

Big Business Server makes it easy to revert to a backup file when needed. Launch Server and hold the Option key (on the Mac, or the Alt key on the PC) and in the file dialog choose to show All Files and select a backup file to restore.

This Solution provides instructions for Restoring a backup using the built-in Backup in Big Business Server. (6039)

Big Business Server makes it easy to revert to a backup file when needed.

To Restore a Backup File:

1. Quit Big Business Server if running
2. Start Big Business Server and quickly hold down the Option key
3. In the Open dialog change Enable to look for All Files
4. Select a Backup File from your backup folder
Backup files' names are the name of the Data File followed by the backup number in brackets and the exension, .4BK, as in the picture. Use Find File to search for files whose Name Contains .4BK, if needed.
5. Choose a destination folder for the restored Data File
Create or choose a folder other than the folder containing your original Data File or it will be replaced.
6. Click Restore
7. Click OK on the confirmation dialog that the file was restored.
Big Business Server will automatically Quit and open the folder with the restored file.
8. Start Big Business Server and quickly hold down the Option key
9. In the Open dialog choose the restored file and click Open
10. On the Server Process Window check that the Data File entry show your restored Data File.