Set Fonts applies font changes on the fly for better legibility.
System updates to Mac and Windows enhance display, rounding corners, for example. BigBusiness adapts, where possible, to update fonts for size, or contrast, for reading.
Blank Searches do not always work as expected. However, they can be coded to work.
The goal of BigBusiness is to utilize a precision Database and make it work intuitively. Where the default behavior is counter-intuitive, it can be extended to be more friendly.
As an example, Vendor Name in the Items Search now works with Is Equal To [blank]. If search results don't match your intuition, please email to
Registration Updates make it easier to run free Services with your supported versions.
Reapply Defaults helps validate changes by reapplying Default Settings when helpful.
Saving an Inventoried item as not-Sold removes its Cost of Goods Sold Account. Later, if Sold is checked, BigBusiness reapplies the Default Cost of Goods Account to help.
Defaults are required for accounting. Sold, Inventoried items require a COGS Account. This change helps avoid getting stuck by reapplying the default accounting for changes.
Vendor Name is now available in Add Columns in Items Search to help view and sort. Here's a way to find all Items that have a Vendor assigned--useful for automatic PO's.
Go to Items Search, Find All, click Add (+) on header row, and choose Vendor Name. This will add Vendor Name as a Column. Click Vendor Name column header to sort.
Right-click the Filter box above Vendor Name and choose # Not Equal To and Tab out. This will reduce the Items Search results to those "not equal to" blank for this Column.
Items Search is the new title of the Item List window showing the Items Search results.
Re-naming this window may help with making step-by-step instuctions more succinct.
Unicode Reindexing is performed when you upgrade your Data File to BigBusiness 15.
Please allow time when you upgrade for new Indexes to be created for your Data File. This action reindexes all Text and Object content to use an updated Unicode library.
Wildcard Entry lets you type the wildcard symbol, @, and a name or identifier to find.
This doesn't always work as hoped, but when it does it works fabulously, saving time.
If you entering an Account and forgot the Code, type @ and a unique part of the name.
Cont is the new label for the Contacts button. This lets it show a Count, like Cont(3).
Forms Info was a button to display purchase info for preprinted forms from Deluxe.
Form Info was removed from the Print Options dialog and the information is moved.
Show Print Dialogs is the checkbox on the Print Options windows that shows dialogs.
BigBusiness is set to skip print dialogs, Page Setup and Print, and use recent settings. Click the checkbox only when you need change settings, or change back, to save time.
Dupe is the new label for the Duplicate button. If you are ever in doubt, hover over it.
Rounded corners are a thing that happen automatically when rendering system objects. IOW, the buttons in the picture are made by macOS and decimate the word, Duplicate.
The goal is to preserve Compact Windows so you can hop between email and desktop. Drag from email or desktop into Docs or Images and you will forgive Dupe, Memory...
Read-Only Access disables the buttons for Duplicate and New on read-only windows.
Prices 3 extends Price Levels to 30 giving you 6x the normal 5 and they work the same.
They appear on 3 tabs in the Item card namely, Item, Price Levels, and Price Levels+. They are on the dropdown on the Profit tab for switching a Quote, Order, or Invoice.
They are not being added to Price Labels or sent to iPad Orders until they are needed. They are in the usual places otherwise such as Searches, Export, Update, and Imports.
Classic Searches are being cleaned up. Search is the same default using the Find Dialog. Live List is an option that saves time by showing all records. Just click Find if needed.
Search Prefs are found in Company card, Company Settings to set the System Setting. Search Prefs are found in My Prefs where you can use System Setting or your choice.
Classic used to show static columns without features to Add+, Filter, Resize, or Sort.
Read-Only Access lets you open a record, like a Customer, without having Access to the Customer tool to edit or create customers but access to the Customer Search only.
Please let your system administrator know if you need Access to the tool you are using.
Tab Shortcuts are updated to work with more tabs, when you choose to use more tabs.
Type Command-1 for the first tab, on a Mac, or type Ctrl-1 for tab 1 in Windows.
On an Item you can now how have 9: Item, History, Folder, and also BigCommerce, Shopify, not to mention Price Levels, Price Levels+, Qty Pricing, and also Item MRP.
February 14 is a release to get some updates into the standard download to share more.
This is the start of more effort to make new changes more widely available, more soon.