Sales Order List

Orders Search lets you print a list of orders, and Sales Order List lets you customize it.

Go to Reporting toolbar, Forms, click New and in Templates is a new Sales Order List. Make changes by double-clicking for Properties, or using Arrow keys for small moves.
Click to Close the window and for Save Report As... enter a name like My Order List.

Print from Orders Search to test and return to Forms to find My Order List in the list.

  Windows Thunderbird Drag

BigBusiness 15 lets you drag to the Docs folder including from Windows Thunderbird.

Drag email from Windows Thunderbird and drop on the Docs folder to save time. Other users can open the email by double-clicking and see any attachments included.

Turn on Docs if you haven't already and drag a message from Windows Thunderbird. Drop it on the Docs folder on a new order to save a whole email including attached PO.

  Import Quote Department

Department on the Quote Line Item Import is updated to find a matching Department.

Prior to this change it would import any text and match the Department on invoicing. Now it matches the Department to an entry in the list, only, and fixes Quotes Search.

  Apple Mail Drag

BigBusiness 15 lets you drag files to the Docs folder and now emails from Apple Mail.

Drag emails from Apple Mail and drop them on the Docs folder to save a ton of time. Other users can open the email by double-clicking and see any attachments in context.

To try yourself, turn on Docs if you haven't already, and drag a message from Apple Mail and drop it on the Docs folder, such as on a new order an email with a PO PDF.

  Already Installed

Windows Installer will tell you if you already have a version of Big Business installed.

This is coded so it only applies to the same product in the same major version so you can install only one copy of each program. This avoids conflicts among program files.

If you need two copies of Big Business, such as to run two companies, email for setup help.

  XPS Document Writer

Big Business uses XPS Document Writer to show you a Preview when printing.

To enable XPS Document Writer in Windows, go to Control Panels, to Programs. Choose, Turn Windows Features On and Off, and turn on XPS Document Writer.

Restart after enabling XPS Document Writer and in Advanced Print Options, set in My Prefs, choose Preview for Destination and Big Business will print and show XPS.

  Windows Client

BigBusiness 15 Client for Windows runs in SDI mode and opens separate windows.

Windows Client does not have a background window so to start you see its icon with progress meter, scanning while it is loading, and then the Sign In dialog.

  Chapter 117 Windows Email

Windows Email setup is a few steps because of the number of options.

BigBusiness can send PDFs of transactions as attachments using Windows email apps:
• Microsoft Outlook
• Mozilla Thunderbird

This requires installing PDF Emailer from our Download page and setting My Prefs.

  Windows Thunderbird

Thunderbird is an open-source email client application that is free to use on Windows.

When installing, allow Thunderbird to set itself as your Default email program. Also, install PDF Emailer from Downloads tab.

Then, in My Prefs, on the Employee toolbar, choose Advanced for Print Options and choose Windows Mail for Email Client. Choose Email in Destination in Print Options.

  Windows Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is the email client application available separately or as part of Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Office 365.

To email PDFs of transactions from BigBusiness, install PDF Emailer and set My Prefs for Advanced Print Options and Email Client, Microsoft Outlook.

  Windows PDF Emailer

PDF Emailer includes commercial PDF creation and email automation capabilities.

Download and install from the Downloads tab on on to your Windows computers. Macs have this feature built in.

Once installed use Destination in Print Options to select Email or Send Email.

  Windows Email Prefs

Email and Send Email are automated Destinations found in Advanced Print Options.

In My Prefs, on the Employee toolbar or Contacts toolbar, set Print Options to Advanced. This will add the Destinations column on Print Options for emailing.

  Windows Email Client

Email Client is a setting in My Prefs, found on Employee toolbar or Contact toolbar.

For Windows, Email Client needs to be set to Microsoft Outlook to work with the email application. Choose Windows Mail for all other email applications on Windows.

  Customer Categories Labels

Customer Categories Labels help you search and sort Customers and Invoices by kind.

Set a unique name for each of your Customer Categories, like Sector, Segment, Source. Your Labels are used in Customers, Searches for Quotes, Orders, Invoices, and Export.

  Customer Categories

Customer Categories provide more options for sorting customers in reports or exports.

This chapter describes how you can provide a name for a Customer Category choice, add to its dropdown list, assign to Customers and use in Searches and Exports.

  Customer Types

Customer Types are updated to search Labels for Customer Types in Invoices Search.

Tags may be used similarly but are not included in Invoices Export as Type Labels are. Type Labels are not available as Columns but are in the Invoices Search, Find options.

This change cleans up unused Customer Types, automatically, to ensure reliable labels. Customers Update and Customer Type Name search may be used for reassigning, too.

  Open Picture

Double-clicking an image converted from an Upload picture will open as file in viewer.

Convert Pictures uses existing Upload images to create Thumb Image on the Item card. Double-clicking to view, opens the picture as a file in a picture viewer on your system.

  Double-Click Image

Double-click the image on the Item card to open the original file in Preview or a viewer.

When you Drag an image into Thumb Image it adds the original file in the Docs folder. You can open the Docs folder and select and click Edit to get a copy of the file locally.

Or, just double-click the image on the Item card to open the original file as any picture.

  Drag Image

Drag any image into Thumb Image on an Item card and BigBusiness will save and size.

By default this will save the original file in Docs and create a thumbnail image for Item. With options in Images Controls you can change the sizing of the thumbnail for speed.

Add(+) the Image in Items search to show these and decide if you want smaller / faster.

  No Expiry

No Expiry lets you mark Customers whose certification for exemption does not expire.

To manage tax status, you need to track which customers have expiring resale numbers. Expiry lets you enter a date, to include on Exempt Expiry report or Customers search.

No Expiry lets you mark Customers whose exempt status does not expire. This removes the Expiry date and they no longer appear on the Exempt Expiry report.

  Edit Exempt

Edit Exempt is an Access Privilege in Employee card used when All Access is off.

Edit Exempt lets you change the Tax Exempt and No Expiry checkboxes on Customer. You can Add(+) these as columns on Customers Search to check or uncheck there, too.

Ask your system administrator if you need access to Edit Exempt or ask an account manager if you need customer Exempt settings changed to waive sales tax on invoices.

To enable Edit Exempt:
1. Go to Employee Card
2. Go to Access Tab
3. If All Access is off (unchecked), click once on Exempt on the same row to activate.
4. Click OK to save Employee Card
5. Have the employee Quit and log in again to test

  Locked Alert

Locked Alert has been added to Mark, Closed to let you know some orders are locked.

While an Order is open on someone's screen, it is locked from being marked as Closed. To find out whose, double-click to open the order then click on the Locked icon to see.

  Using Inactive

Inactive has a new system setting so it is enabled automatically. It is on automatically.

Prior to this change, Inactive was a feature set you would enable when you were ready. These setttings still work perfectly; just the System Setting has changed to be enabled.

Inactive shows the Inactive checkbox, lets you Add(+) the Inactive column in Searches, click to toggle, requires Inactive privilege on Employee Access, or can be Disabled, too.

  Solutions Carousel

Solutions are these entries in online help, which are continually organized in chapters.

Ideally, you would click an Info [i] button in BigBusiness to open one and read about. For context, you should find a Chapter button, and a Next button to show you more.

Carousel is the construct you see everywhere to flip through pages, photos, or blurbs. Its magic is that it goes around. Start mid-chapter and keep going till you come around.