Big Business includes Filters on most lists to find what you're looking for,fast. In fact you can turn off the Find Dialog and rely almost entirely on Filters.
Filters appear above the columns in Lists so you just type in what you want to match
filter Items to instantly see matches for what your customer wants
filter Contacts when choosing a Ship-To for a large customer or reseller
filter Customers from a Q&A for Past Due to see which have Salesperson is you
To see, go to Items, Find All, and in the box above Quantity On Hand type, ">100".
Big Business 10 adds Live List as an option for displaying Searches and Dialogs.
This Solution describes this feature. (6599)
Live List the following features:
Add or Delete columns by right-clicking column header
Move or Resize columns by dragging column header
Search in colums by typing a name, date, or search symbols:
> greater than, >= greater than or equal to
< less than, <= less than or equal to
= equal to (finds exact match instead of begins-with)
# not equal to (by itelf finds not-blank or not-zero)
@ wildcard
Sort by clicking a column header
Big Business Searches include an Inline Filter at the top of the list window.
Big Business 12.18 updates click speed, switching from system default to instant.
This Solution describes this feature. (6629)
Big Business Searches include an In-Line Filter at the top of the list window.
Inline Filter features include:
Cancel - click the cancel button (x) at the right of the in-line filter to clear all entries
Begins With - typing A above Customer Name will show results that begin with A
Wildcard - @ matches any characters; typing @A finds all results containing A
Comparisons - right-click to select from a list of comparison symbols such as greater-than, less-than, or equal-to
Inline Filter appears on new Search Lists that are used with Search Prefs set to Search or Live List. It does not appear on the Searches when Search Prefs is set to Classic.
Inline Filter uses the found set of records, which it then filters. If you click Find and use the Find Dialog to specify Salesperson, Is, [Your Name] this will find your invoices or customers and you can then filter by entering >0 above Balance to show only those with a positive Balance. When you click Cancel to clear the filter entries the list will return to showing all your invoices.
Filters appear above columns on Lists like Customers. Find All and type ">0" (greater than zero) above Balance to see those who owe money.
Click Add(+) to add a column and choose Presets, Default to reset. Sometimes you will get the error pictured after making columns changes or resetting.
This error is fixed in Big Business 13.48.