Mail Notify Settings let you create custom messages you want emailed to notify you.
For an event like Order Imported you might want an email telling you the new Order #. Choose the Account (Store Name), Event (Order Imported) and add details (Tag Text).
When orders arrive or are shipped you can receive an email wherever you are to know.
Mail Notify can use the Send From account set on Company card, Advanced Options.
Send From on Company card lets you use a general purpose email account for sending.
To use your own account, add it in Send From in My Prefs where only you can use it.
Then on Mail Notify check the checkbox for Send From next to Send Notifications To.
Server-Side Optimization is just a fancy way of saying, runs on Server, so it goes fast.
Mail Notify is updated to run on Server. The report for Customers by Exempt Expiry is also updated. Depending on results, others may follow in short order, that is, asap.
Invoice Numbers are issued when the invoice will be printed and saved, if all goes well.
Add a Notification for Invoice Number to know immediately when it does not go well. A problem with a computer or printer could prevent saving, or someone might Delete.
Your accountant will like not having missing invoices. Your IT will like knowing to fix.
Real Time is an automatic setting for notifications which need to be sent as they occur.
Invoice Number reports when an operation takes an invoice number but does not save. For example, printing needs the number to print but may crash and erase pending save.
Big Business is transactional for data integrity and does not save any changes in cancel. A lost invoice does not change accounting or inventory but may still have incremented.
Notifications let you know about changes, but specific changes like an Order Imported.
Order Imported lets you know when a new order comes in from the selected Account. It is watching for new orders but double-checking and reporting only from an Account.
This helps reporting each account to the right person but can be confusing with many. Also, some notifications triple check and may need the customers' Notify Reference #.
Any is the first choice in Account Name and sets Mail Notify report for all accounts.
Test Success is a setting for Notify options to track a task and report only incomplete.
This setting can be automatically assigned by Event choice or customized as you need. Invoice Number reports after checking the saved invoice is completed and not missing.
Send From is a checkbox in Mail Notify settings that lets you use the recipient's email.
My Prefs includes your Send From setting where you can enter your email account(s).
Each User can set their email accounts they want to email from with BigBusiness Mail.
Click Send From, after Send Notifications To to use their account to send notifications. Then click Test to verify they receive an email using their current setup and Send Mail.
Mail Notify helps you keep up with Events in your system, such as Orders Imported.
Auto-Connect options get your ecommerce or customer procurement orders on the fly. Auto-Pilot lets you get orders when you're ready. Either way, it's nice to know about.
Mail Notify can send you an email to let know you have a new order or new shipment. Events you need to know about, or share, can be set to fire off emails with full details.
Mail Notify lets you set up automatic notifications by email system changes.
Mail Notifications shows you a list of Mail Notify actions. Please name them clearly.
The initial function of Mail Notifications is to let you know about new orders, so New Orders seems like a good name but even better with details of where from or for whom.
Online Orders or ABC Orders might tell you the source or the customer to keep clear. You may have multiple Mail Notifiy actions for automated connections or customers.