Folder Errors

When running normally, Folder Connect can report intermittent errors if there is trouble with your Internet connection. Or if you are setting up, it may report an error connecting at all. Or processing it may report an unexpected error like, No orders created. You may receive hundreds of errors that happened overnight--easily deleted--but you will not miss anything important.

This Solution lists various errors. (6930)

Folder Connect reports any error(s). When running normally, these are sent in a Note to the user listed in setup for Send Notifications To.

Pictured is a Note sending an error, No Orders Created. Note Subject tells you the Description you put in setup ("bigbusiness"). Note tells you the errors. Attachments provides a copy of any problem file (Bing search file that shouldn't be here).

Some possible errors include:

7 - Failed to connect.

21 - Quote error. The command could not be completed.

67 - Login denied. Name and Password may be incorrect.

  Update Folder

Big Business 13.34 updates Folder connectivity to Apple Optimize.

  Ampersand Fix

Ampersand Fix corrects incoming XML files where they are not properly encoded.

This option was applied for some Folder Connect operations automatically and is now optional. In Folder setup, on the Advanced tab, click the checkbox for Ampersand Fix.

  Chapter 43 Folder Connect

Folder Connect is an add-on to automatically connect to remote folders and check for new files to import. After importing, it can export and send files to another folder.

If you use a service that lets you download files to import, Folder Connect can automate this process. It only takes a phone call to walk through the needed settings, test your desired setup, and go live with auto-connect.

This chapter provides details for reference. To start, just email to, with any details you already know. If you are on a current version of Big Business, we can probably have this running same day.

  Folder Connect

Folder Connect is an option to import and export files from a remote folder using File Transfer (FTP, FTPS, SFTP). Like other Connect options it is an Add-On that connects out to a service and requires Registration and credentials to set up.

For simple file transfer you could use a service like One Drive or iCloud, instead.

Folder Connect gives you additional security and control to:
• connect to remote and secure folders
• monitor folders and watch for new files
• automatically import new files
• automatically export files

This Solution provides details. (6929)

Folder Connect makes it easy to connect to a remote folder using FTP or SFTP. Setup is divided into three steps: Registration, Settings, and Mappings.

Registration is the first step. This turns on Folder Connect and its tools. You will receive an email with Registration Code and step-by-step instructions for setup.

Settings is the next step, entering the credentials Folder Connect needs. Open the Company card again and go to the Company Prefs tab and click the on the Folder Settings button. Enter the appropriate settings.

Mappings let you change what goes where. Go to the Folder tool on the System toolbar. Select a Mapping from the list and make needed changes. Then, click Save As... in the lower right and save your new Mapping ("FTPOrders").

You can return to Settings in the Company Prefs tab of Company card to select your new Mappings and turn on Auto-Connect when settings are complete. Or, go to the Folder tool on the System toolbar to import a batch.

  Folder Registration

This Solution describes Registering the Folder Connect Add-On. (6965)

To Register the Folder Add-On:
1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company Card, and click the Upgrade button.
2. Click the Folders button and the Registration dialog, pictured, will open.
3. Enter your Registration code.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog.
6. Click OK to Save the Company Card.
7. Quit and restart Big Business Client.

To start a Trial of Folder Connect:
1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, and click the Upgrade button.
2. Click the Folders button and the Registration window will open.
3. Click the Trial button and OK to close the confirmation.
4. Click Continue and OK, OK to save changes.
5. Restart Big Business Client.

  File Transfer

Folder Connect is an option to import and export files from a remote folder that uses File Transfer. Big Business supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS protocols.

This Solution provides details. (7002)

Folder Connect Settings ask

  Folder Settings

This Solution describes Registering the Folder Connect Add-On. (6965)

To enter Credentials into Big Business:
1. Go to the System toolbar to the Company card to the Company Prefs tab.
2. Click the Folder Setup button.
3. Enter the Application ID and Personal Access Token.
4. Click the Test button to verify you can connect.
5. Click OK to save Square Setup and OK to save the Company card.

  Folder URL

Folder Connect lets you set an online folder to check for import files. This online folder has a unique URL just like any address you put in a browser. Enter the URL carefully so it will always work. If you have any questions, email for help.

This Solution provides details for entering a Folder URL. (6931)

Folder Connect lets you set an online folder to check for import files. This online folder has a unique URL just like any address you put in a browser. Enter the URL carefully so it will always work. If you have any questions, email for help.

Here is an example:
(url) s
(user) demo-user
(password) demo-user
You can enter and click Test to verify your connection works.

The URL starts with the protocol. Options include:

It ends with a forward slash.

If the address you have includes name and password, like:
(user) username
(password) password

  File Kind

File Kind lets you tell Big Business to only look for one kind of file when using automated imports in Connect tools. If you are using Folder Connect to check a remote folder, providing the Kind of file you are expecting reduces the possibility of error or confusion when the wrong kind of file is accidentally dropped in the target folder. If you have any questions, email for help.

This Solution provides details for entering a File Kind. (6932)

File Kind lets you tell Big Business exactly what kind of files to look for when using automated imports in Connect tools.

When you are setting up Folder Connect you can choose from the File Kind drop down to filter.

  Export To

Export To is the destination for export files, such as a remote folder for Invoices that are sent to customers purchasing systems. It can be a full URL, or a relative path, or a folder.

This Solution provides details. (6934)


  Export Invoice

Folder Connect lets you set an online folder to check for import files. This online folder has a unique URL just like any address you put in a browser. Enter the URL carefully so it will always work. If you have any questions, email for help.

This Solution provides details for entering a Folder URL. (6931)

Folder Connect lets you set an online folder to check for import files. This online folder has a unique URL just like any address you put in a browser. Enter the URL carefully so it will always work. If you have any questions, email for help.

Here is an example:
(url) s
(user) demo
(password) password
You can enter and click Test to verify your connection works.

The URL starts with the protocol. Options include:

It ends with a forward slash.

If the address you have includes name and password, like:
(user) username
(password) password

  Import File

Import File is the name assigned in Docs to an online file used to create an entry. For example, using Folder Connect, Big Business might import an order by downloading an XML file. This file is attached to the Order for reference.

This Solution provides details. (6933)

Import File is the name assigned in Docs to an online file used to create an entry. For example, using Folder Connect, Big Business might import an order by downloading an XML file. This file is attached to the Order for reference.

Pictured is a PO created automatically from the XML file attached. The Docs shows one attachment in its name, "Docs (1)". Opening the Docs tool shows the Import File.

You can double-click the Import File to view. The may open an unexpected application--depends on your computer's settings--and show you unexpectedly hard-to-read code. However, this is the import file that created the order, so it may contain important details. Email if you need help.

  Folder Auto-Connect

Auto-Connect for the Folder Connect Add-On is a checkbox that starts automatic importing and exporting of files from remote folders on an FTP site. (6967)

To enable Folder Auto-Connect:

1. Go to System toolbar, Company card, Company Prefs tab.

2. Click Folder Settings.

3. Click to set the Auto-Connect checkbox, then OK and OK to save settings.

For Auto-Connect to work you must have set and tested credentials for Folders on the FTP site and the import Mappings to use.

If you need help please contact support@

  Folder Validation

Folder Connect lets you set an online folder to check for import files for automatic processing.

To avoid problems you can choose a File Kind like ".txt" for text files to skip non-matching files that could cause problems.

To further validate matching files, you can enter a test in Validation, like "OrderNumber=@" to only process files contain an OrderNumber entry.

  Folder Error

Error 3 - url malformat
Error 9 - remote access denied
Error 35 - connect error
Error 67 - login denied
Error 78 - remote file not found
Error 79 - ssh error