Import File

Import File is the name assigned in Docs to an online file used to create an entry. For example, using Folder Connect, Big Business might import an order by downloading an XML file. This file is attached to the Order for reference.

This Solution provides details. (6933)

Import File is the name assigned in Docs to an online file used to create an entry. For example, using Folder Connect, Big Business might import an order by downloading an XML file. This file is attached to the Order for reference.

Pictured is a PO created automatically from the XML file attached. The Docs shows one attachment in its name, "Docs (1)". Opening the Docs tool shows the Import File.

You can double-click the Import File to view. The may open an unexpected application--depends on your computer's settings--and show you unexpectedly hard-to-read code. However, this is the import file that created the order, so it may contain important details. Email if you need help.


Next: Folder Auto-Connect

  Chapter 43 Folder Connect

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