Chapter 312 Line Numbers

Big Business provides options for showing Line Numbers on screen for reference.

When this option is turned on, you can click on the Number to see options such as:
• Add Row Above
• Add Row Below
• Move To Row 1

  Line Prefs

Line Prefs control whether you see Line features like Line Numbers.

This Solution describes this setting. (6627)

Line Prefs control whether you see Line features like Line Numbers.

Choices for Line Prefs are:
• System Setting (recommended)
• Classic
• Numbered

To set your Line Prefs:
1. Go to the Employee toolbar to My Prefs
2. For Line Prefs choose a setting
3. Click OK to save My Prefs

To set Line Prefs for your company:
1. Go to the Company card to the Company Prefs tab
2. For Line Prefs choose a setting
3. Click OK to save the Company Card

  Line Numbers

Line Numbers are now an option for transactions with Line Items:
• Quote, Order, Invoice
• Request, Purchase Order, Bill
• Item Adjustment, Warehouse Transfer

Line Numbers enable new features to:
• Show - click to show the Item
• Insert - click to add a row above or below
• Sort - use the Sort button even on saved transactions
• Reorder - click to Move To another row

This Solution describes this setting. (6628)

  PO Lines

PO Lines is a new option for Line Prefs to match line numbers from the PO to Bills.

When enabled this setting links items on the Bill to items on the PO and shows the Line Number from the PO in the PO # column on the Bill window.

Exports of POs and Bills are automatically updated to include PO Line #'s.

When assigned in the Company card this setting supersedes individual settings in My Prefs.

  Sort Line Items

The Sort button for Line Items permanently sorts the contents of:
• Quote
• Order
• Invoice
• PO
• Bill

This Solution describes using this feature. (6500)

To Sort Line Items:
1. Click the Sort button
2. Choose the field you want to sort by
3. Click OK to save changes

After an Order has been Invoiced, or partially shippped, it cannot be sorted.

  Line Numbers Popup

Big Business 14.70 fixes Line Numbers to show a Popup when clicked without focus.

  Line Numbers on Imports

Line Numbers are automatically added on Imports such as Quote, Order, and Invoice.

Updated imports include Bill Line Items, Invoice Line Items, Purchase Order Line Items, Quote Line Items, and Sales Order Line Items.