New Reports are added alongside existing reports to give you more choice and options.
Big Business 9 updates Graphs.
This Solution describes this option. (6458)
Graphs in Big Business are being updated with new rendering on an enlarged window.
The General Ledger reports:
General Ledger (Summary)
General Ledger (Detail)
have been updated for speed and to include a Search.
This Solution provides details. (6485)
The General Ledger reports:
General Ledger (Summary)
General Ledger (Detail)
have been updated for speed and to include a Search.
The Trial Balance reports:
Trial Balance (Summary with Balances)
Trial Balance (Summary)
Trial Balance (Detail with Balances)
Trial Balance (Detail)
have been updated for speed and to include Balances.
This Solution provides details. (6496)
The Trial Balance reports:
Trial Balance (Summary with Balances)
Trial Balance (Summary)
Trial Balance (Detail with Balances)
Trial Balance (Detail)
have been updated for speed and to include Balances.
This Chapter covers the Info Center in Big Business including:
Converting Contacts
Batch Delete of Contacts
Custom Forms and Reports are covered in Chapter 15
Big Business Version 2.0 includes a number of new Info Center features and
You can convert Contact Cards into Customer or Vendor Cards
New Q&A questions have been added.
New reports have been added and existing reports improved.
Reports can now be saved to text files.
A new Custom Form/Tool feature allows you to design and print customized reports.
See Chapter 8 of the Big Business Users Guide for detailed instructions about existing Info Center features. (3092)
Big Business includes a number of advanced Info Center features:
You can convert Contact Cards into Customer or Vendor Cards
New Q&A questions have been added.
New reports have been added and existing reports improved.
Reports can be saved to text files.
The Custom Form/Report Tool feature allows you to design and print customized reports. This feature is covered in Chapter 15.
Quick List Export lets you export Last Purchases, or All Purchases, QuickFind results for publishing customer-specific price lists or for use with the Quote Line Item Import and As Quoted features. (6190)
To Export Quick List results:
1. Use a QuickFind, such as Last Purchases on the Customer Card.
2. Click Export on the Quick List window displayed.
3. Name and Save the export file.
From Excel, go File, Open to open the export file and on the Text Import Wizard click Finish. Or drag-and-drop the export file into a blank spreadsheet window
in most other programs.
New Q&A Questions
Big Business Version 2.0 includes 21 new Q&A questions, including:
Which customers on are credit hold?
Which orders are waiting for items to arrive?
Which invoices are past due?
Which vendors do I need to purchase items from?
Which bills have an open balance?
Which items need to be ordered?
The Q&A functionality remains unchanged. See Using Q&A in Chapter 8 of the Big Business Users Guide. (3094)
Which customers on are credit hold?
Which Customers have sales this Month/Year Over...?
Which Customers have sales over $__ for...?
Which orders are waiting for items to arrive?
Which Orders have open Items with ETAs for...?
Which invoices are past due?
Which vendors do I need to purchase items from?
Which PO's have open Items?
Which PO's have Items being returned?
Which PO's have open Items being returned?
Which bills have an open balance?
Which items need to be ordered?
Customer Address List
Search: Customer List, Display: All customer addresses and phone numbers
Customer Statement (Balance Forward-Plain Paper)
Search: Customer List, Set: Date Range, Display: A statement summarizing the balance through the start date and all activity during the specified period
Customer Statement (Balance Forward-Preprinted #80821)
Search: Customer List, Set: Date Range, Display: A statement summarizing the balance through the start date and all activity during the specified period
Customer Statement (Open Item-Plain Paper)
Search: Customer List, Set: Statement Date, Display: A statement listing all open invoices and their remaining balances
Customer Statement (Open Item- Preprinted #80821)
Search: Customer List, Set: Statement Date, Display: A statement listing all open invoices and their remaining balances
Customer Balances & Credit Limits
Search: Customer List, Display: Customer Name, 1st Phone Number, Salesperson, Average Pay Days, Credit Limit, Balance, and Credit Available
Customer Terms & Discounts
Search: Customer List, Display: Customer Name, Average Pay Days, Terms, Due Days, Discount Days, and Discount Percentage
Customer Aging (Summary)
Search: Customer List, Display: Customer Name, 1st Phone Number, Terms, Current, 30+ Days, 60+ Days, 90+ Days, and Balance
Customer Aging (Detail)
Search: Customer List, Display: Customer Name, Date, Invoice #, 1st Phone Number , Customer PO #, Terms, Current, 30+ Days, 60+ Days, 90+ Days, and Balance
Customer Open Invoices
Search: Customer List, Set: Statement Date, Display: Customer, Date, Invoice #, 1st Phone Number, Customer PO #, Terms, Invoice Total, Discounts Taken,
Amount Paid, and Open Balance
Customer Transactions
Search: Customer List, Set: Date Range, Display: Customer, Date, Type, Reference #, Age, Amount, Finance Charges, Discounts, Payments, and Net Change
Customer Transactions, sorted by Date
Search: Customer List, Set: Date Range, Display: Date, Customer, Salesperson, Type, Reference #, Age, Amount, Payments, and Net Change
Customer Reports - Continued (5664)
Invoices, sorted by Date (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Date, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Date (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Date, Customer, Invoice #, Customer PO #, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Customer (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Customer, Subtotal, Tax, Other Charges, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Customer (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Date, Invoice #, Customer PO #, Subtotal, Tax, Other Charges, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Customer (Summary)
Search: Item List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Total Price
Items on Invoices, sorted by Customer (Detail)
Search: Item List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity, Cost, Price, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Customers, sorted by Items on Invoices (Summary)
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Item Code, Customer, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Total Price
Customers, sorted by Items on Invoices (Detail)
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Item Code, Customer, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity, Price, Cost, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Orders, sorted by Date (Summary)
Search: Order List, Display: Date, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Orders, sorted by Date (Detail)
Search: Order List, Display: Date, Customer, Order #, Sales Representative, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Open Items on Orders, sorted by Customer (Summary)
Search: Item List, Search: Customer List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Open, Quantity On Hand, Extended Price
Open Items on Orders, sorted by Customer (Detail)
Search: Item List, Search: Customer List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Order #, Customer PO #, Quantity Open, Quantity On Hand, Cost
Customers, sorted by Open Items on Orders (Summary)
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Customer, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Open, Quantity On Hand, Extended Price
Customers, sorted by Open Items on Orders (Detail)
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Customer, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Order #, Quantity Open, Price, Quantity On Hand, Cost, Extended Price, Extended Profit, Gross Margin %
Pick List Report, sorted by Customer
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Order #, Customer PO #, Quantity Ordered, Quantity Open, Quantity To Ship, Quantity On Hand
Pick List Report, sorted by Item
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Customer, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Order #, Customer PO #, Quantity Ordered, Quantity Open, Quantity to Ship, Quantity On Hand
Quotes, sorted by Date (Summary)
Search: Quote List, Display: Date, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Quotes, sorted by Date (Detail)
Search: Quote List, Display: Date, Customer, Quote #, Customer Reference #, Sales Representative, Subtotal, Freight/Tax, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Quotes, sorted by Customer (Summary)
Search: Quote List, Display: Customer, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Quotes, sorted by Customer (Detail)
Search: Quote List, Display: Customer, Date, Quote #, Customer Reference #, Salesperson, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Sales Tax Collected (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Sales Tax, Name, Tax Rate, Total Sales, Taxable Amount, Tax Received
Sales Tax Collected (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Sales Tax, Date, Name, Invoice #, Tax Rate, Customer, Total Sales, Taxable Amount, Tax Received
Payments Received from Customers
Search: Item Adjustment List, Display: Customer, Date, Reference #, Method, Amount
Vendor Address List
Search: Vendor List, Display: All vendor addresses and phone numbers
Vendor Balances & Credit Limits
Search: Vendor List, Display: Vendor, Terms, Average Days To Pay, Credit Limit, Balance, Credit Available
Vendor Terms & Discounts
Search: Vendor List, Display: Vendor, Term Name, Dated From, Due Days, Discount Days, Discount %, Scheduled Days, Average Days To Pay
Vendor Aging (Summary)
Search: Vendor List, Display: Vendor, Date, Current, 30+ Days, 60+ Days, 90+ Days, Balance
Vendor Aging (Detail)
Search: Vendor List, Display: Vendor, Date, Invoice #, PO #, Phone 1, Terms, Current, 30+ Days, 60+ Days, 90+ Days, Balance
Vendor Open Bills
Search: Vendor List, Set: Statement Date
Display: Vendor, Date, Invoice #, PO #, Phone, Terms, Bill Total, Finance Charge, Discount Taken, Amount Paid, Open Balance
Vendor Transactions
Search: Vendor List, Set: Date Range, Display: Vendor, Date, Reference #, PO #, Type, Age, Amount, Payments, Net Change
Vendor Transactions, sorted by Date
Search: Vendor List, Set: Date Range, Display: Date, Vendor, Received By, Reference #, PO #, Type, Age, Amount, Payments, Net Change
Bills, sorted by Vendor
Search: Bill List, Display: Vendor, Date, Invoice #, PO #, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Open Amount, Terms, Scheduled Date
Items on Bills, sorted by Vendor (Summary)
Search: Bill List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Vendor, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Total Cost
Items on Bills, sorted by Vendor (Detail)
Search: Item List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Vendor, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, PO #, Quantity, Cost, Extended Cost
Purchase Orders, sorted by Date
Search: PO List, Display: Date, Vendor, PO #, Vendor Order #, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total
Open Items on Purchase Orders, sorted by Vendor (Summary)
Search: Item List
Search: PO List
Display: Vendor, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Open, Quantity On Hand, Cost
Open Items on Purchase Orders, sorted by Vendor (Detail)
Search: Item List
Search: PO List
Display: Vendor, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, PO #, Vendor Order #, ETA, Quantity Open, Cost,
Extended Cost
Sales Tax Paid (Summary)
Search: Bill List
Display: Vendor, Subtotal, Tax
Sales Tax Paid (Detail)
Search: Bill List
Display: Date, Invoice #, Vendor, Subtotal, Tax
1099 Summary Report
Search: Vendor List
Set: Date Range
Display: Vendor, Tax ID #, Total Non-Employee Compensation
Payments Made to Vendors (Summary)
Search: Bank Transaction List
Display: Vendor, Phone, Terms, Average Days To Pay, Credit Limit, Amount
Payments Made to Vendors (Detail)
Search: Bank Transaction List
Display: Vendor, Date, Reference #, Bank Account, Amount
Scheduled Payments
Set: Date Range
Display: Scheduled Date, Discount Date, Payee, Invoice Date, Invoice #, PO #, Discount, Finance Charges, Amount Due,
Amount To Pay
Item List
Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Vendor/Phone, Description 1, Description 2, Vendor Part #, Level 1-5, Price, Cost, Profit,
Gross Margin %
Price List - Price Level 1 through Price List - Price Level 5
Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Price
Buy Report (by Item)
Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Vendor, Vendor Part #, Quantity Needed, Purchase Quantity, Cost, Extended Cost
Buy Report (by Vendor)
Search: Vendor List, Display: Vendor, Our Customer #, Credit Limit, Current Balance, Credit Available, Code, Description 1,
Description 2, Vendor Part #, Quantity Needed, Purchase Quantity, Cost, Extended Cost
Item Transactions
Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Reference #, Type, Customer/Vendor, Purchase, Sale, Cost/Price, Net Change
Item Status Report
Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Average Cost, Total Cost, Quantity On Hand, Quantity Allocated, Quantity Available
Inventory Turnover Rate
Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Sold, Ending Inventory, Actual Turns, Annual Turns
Inventory Count Sheet with Quantity
Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Count, Comments
Inventory Count Sheet
Search: Item List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Count, Comments
Build Report by Item
Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity to Build, Component Quantity Needed
Build Report by Component
Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Available, Quantity Needed, Quantity to Order
Buy Report for Builds
Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Vendor, Vendor Part #, Quantity Needed, Cost, Extended Cost
Built Item List
Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Cost, Extended Cost, Total Cost
Bundled Item List
Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Pricing Method, Quantity, Cost, Extended Cost
Items on Invoices, sorted by Item (Summary)
Search: Item List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Item (Detail)
Search: Item List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Customer PO #, Customer, Quantity, Price, Cost, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Item Type (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Item Type, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Sold, Price, Extended Price, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Item Type (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Item Type, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity Sold, Price, Extended Price, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Item Vendor (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Item Vendor, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Sold, Price, Extended Price, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Item Vendor (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Item Vendor, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity Sold, Price, Extended Price, Gross Margin %
Open Items on Orders, sorted by Item (Summary)
Search: Order List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Name, Quantity Open, On Hand, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Open Items on Orders, sorted by Item (Detail)
Search: Order List, Display: Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Customer, Date, Order #, Customer Reference #, Quantity Open, Price, Cost, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Royalty Report (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Vendor, Item Code, Description 1/Description 2, Quantity, Extended Cost, Extended Profit, Gross Margin %, Royalty Rate/Amount Per Item, Royalty Amount
Royalty Report (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Vendor, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Royalty Rate/Amount Per Item, Date, Invoice #, Quantity, Price, Cost, Extended Cost, Extended Profit, Gross Margin %, Royalty Amount
Item Adjustment (Summary)
Search: Items Adjustment List, Display: Date, Reference #, Entered By, Category, Amount, Comment
Item Adjustment (Detail)
Search: Items Adjustment List, Display: Date Reference #, Entered By, Category, Amount
Bank Account List
Search: Bank Account List, Display: Bank Account Type, Code/Account Name/Account #, Mailing Address, Current Balance, Comment
Bank Account Register
Search: Account List, Display: Previous Balance, Date, Date, Reference #, Transaction Type, Description, Reconciled, Deposit, Payment, Balance
Invoices, sorted by Salesperson (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Salesperson (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Date, Invoice #, Customer PO #, Customer, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Profit %
Commission Report (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Commission Rate, Subtotal, Gross Margin %, Commission On Unpaid Invoices, Paid Amount, Commission On Paid Invoices.
Commission Report (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Commission Rate, Date, Invoice #, Customer, Subtotal, Profit, Gross Margin %, Commission On Unpaid Invoices, Paid Amount, Commission On Paid Invoices.
Orders, sorted by Salesperson (Summary)
Search: Order List, Display: Salesperson, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Orders, sorted by Salesperson (Detail)
Search: Order List, Display: Salesperson, Date, Order #, Customer, Subtotal, Tax, ?Rate, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Quotes, sorted by Salesperson (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Subtotal, Tax, Rate, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Quotes, sorted by Salesperson (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Date, Quote #, Customer Reference #, Customer, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Salesperson
Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Salesperson, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity, Price, Cost, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Chart of Accounts
Display: Type, Code, Name, Bank Account Type, Group
Budget Report
Search: Categories List, Set: Date Range, Display: Category Type, Category Code, Category Name, Actual, Budgeted, Difference $, Difference %
Balance Sheet
Set: Statement Date, Display: Provides category balances for assets, liabilities, and equity categories. The report will contain category type, category code, category name, and balance, sorted and subtotaled by category type.
Balance Sheet (Last Year Comparison)
Set: Statement Date, Display: This Year, Last Year, $ Difference, % Difference
Profit & Loss Statement
Set: Date Range, Display: Provides a list of income and expense categories, showing profit and loss amounts for a selected period. Reports contain category type, category code, category name, and category activity, subtotaled and sorted by category type.
Profit & Loss Statement by Department
Search: Department List, Set: Date Range, Display: Provides a list of income and expense categories showing profit or loss amounts for a selected period. Reports
contain category type, category code, category code category name, and category activity, subtotaled and sorted by category.
Profit & Loss Statement (Last Year Comparison)
Set: Date Range, Display: This Year, Last Year, $ Difference, % Difference
Profit & Loss Statement by Department (Last Year Comparison)
Search: Department List, Set: Date Range, Display: This Year, Last Year, $ Difference, % Difference
Summary General Ledger
Set: Date Range, Display: Account code, Account Name, Account Type, Beginning Balance, Debit, Credit, Ending Balance
Trial Balance (Summary)
Search: Account List, Set: Date Range, Display: Account Code, Account Name, Account Type, Debit, Credit, Balance
Trial Balance (Detail)
Search: Accounts List, Set: Date Range, Display: Account Code, Account Name, Account Type, Date, Type/Reference #, Comment, Debit, Credit, Balance
General Journal
Search: General Journal List, Display: Date, Journal #, Description
Audit Report
Search: Posting List, Display: Posted, Entered By, Account Code, Transaction Date, Transaction Type, Reference #, Debit, Credit
Inventory Account Register
Set: Date range
Search: Account List, Display: Previous Balance, Date, Reference #, Transaction Type, Description, Increase, Decrease, Balance
Accounts Receivable Register
Set: Date Range, Search: Account List, Display: Previous Balance, Date, Reference #, Transaction Type, Description, Invoice, Receipt, Balance
Accounts Payable Register
Set: Date Range, Search: Account List, Display: Previous Balance, Date, Reference #, Transaction Type, Description, Payment, Bill, Balance
Postings, sorted by Invoice
Search: Invoice List, Display: Invoice #, Date, Account Code, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit
Postings, sorted by Receipts
Search: Receive Money List, Display: Reference #, Date, Account Code, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit
Postings, sorted by Bill
Search: Bill List, Display: Invoice #, Date, Account Code, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit
Postings, sorted by Payment
Search: Bank Transaction List, Display: Check/Reference #, Date, Account Code, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit
Postings, sorted by Item Adjustment
Search: Item Adjustment List, Display: Reference #, Date, Account Code, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit
Postings, sorted by Bank Transaction
Search: Bank Transaction List, Display: Transaction Type, Reference #, Data, Account Code, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit
Postings, sorted by Transaction
Search: Posting List, Display: Date, Transaction Type, Transaction #, Account Code, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit
Q: "My Sales department wants to find out who are top ten customers are so far this year."
Prior to Big Business 3.0, the solution to this problem was to export a sales report, open the exported file into a spreadsheet, and sort the file by total sales.
Big Business 3.0 added new Questions in the Q&A tool, including a few to answer this problem. (3278)
Use the Q&A Tool and the Customer questions:
- Which Customers have sales this Month Over...?
- Which Customers have sales this Year Over...?
These questions find those Customers who have total sales for the calendar month/year exceeding an amount you specify. To obtain something like a "Top Ten" list, simply adjust the amount specified until you find the desired number.
- Which Customers have sales over $__ for...?
This question finds those Customers who have total sales for a time period you specify exceeding an amount you specify.