Customer Reports Page Two of Three

Customer Reports - Continued (5664)

Invoices, sorted by Date (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Date, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Date (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Date, Customer, Invoice #, Customer PO #, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Customer (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Customer, Subtotal, Tax, Other Charges, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Customer (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Date, Invoice #, Customer PO #, Subtotal, Tax, Other Charges, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Customer (Summary)
Search: Item List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Total Price
Items on Invoices, sorted by Customer (Detail)
Search: Item List, Search: Invoice List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity, Cost, Price, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Customers, sorted by Items on Invoices (Summary)
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Item Code, Customer, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity, Total Price
Customers, sorted by Items on Invoices (Detail)
Search: Customer List, Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Item Code, Customer, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity, Price, Cost, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %
Orders, sorted by Date (Summary)
Search: Order List, Display: Date, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Orders, sorted by Date (Detail)
Search: Order List, Display: Date, Customer, Order #, Sales Representative, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Open Items on Orders, sorted by Customer (Summary)
Search: Item List, Search: Customer List, Display: Customer, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Quantity Open, Quantity On Hand, Extended Price


Customer Reports - Continued

  Chapter 10 Reporting

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