Banking and Employee Reports

Banking and Employee Reports (5670)

Bank Account List
Search: Bank Account List, Display: Bank Account Type, Code/Account Name/Account #, Mailing Address, Current Balance, Comment
Bank Account Register
Search: Account List, Display: Previous Balance, Date, Date, Reference #, Transaction Type, Description, Reconciled, Deposit, Payment, Balance

Invoices, sorted by Salesperson (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Invoices, sorted by Salesperson (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Date, Invoice #, Customer PO #, Customer, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Profit %
Commission Report (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Commission Rate, Subtotal, Gross Margin %, Commission On Unpaid Invoices, Paid Amount, Commission On Paid Invoices.
Commission Report (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Commission Rate, Date, Invoice #, Customer, Subtotal, Profit, Gross Margin %, Commission On Unpaid Invoices, Paid Amount, Commission On Paid Invoices.
Orders, sorted by Salesperson (Summary)
Search: Order List, Display: Salesperson, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Orders, sorted by Salesperson (Detail)
Search: Order List, Display: Salesperson, Date, Order #, Customer, Subtotal, Tax, ?Rate, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Quotes, sorted by Salesperson (Summary)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Subtotal, Tax, Rate, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Quotes, sorted by Salesperson (Detail)
Search: Invoice List, Display: Salesperson, Date, Quote #, Customer Reference #, Customer, Subtotal, Tax, Freight, Total, Profit, Gross Margin %
Items on Invoices, sorted by Salesperson
Search: Item List, Set: Date Range, Display: Salesperson, Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Date, Invoice #, Quantity, Price, Cost, Extended Price, Profit, Gross Margin %


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