Prices 3 Labels and Margins

Prices 3 extends optional Price Levels to 30. These are built-in to work for all features.

Go to Item Pres to the Advanced+ tab to set Labels and Margins for Price Levels 16+.

Labels set a name like, Wholesale, that is used on all screens and lists for a Price Level. Margins are for Auto-Apply and should be left blank unless used to create new items.

  Vendor Printing

Vendor Printing is updated to use Advanced options like Print Email or use Currency. To enable Advanced options to go My Prefs to Print Options and choose Advanced.

Click Print on a Vendor and in Destinations choose Email or in Settings, FX-Currency. These settings you may use for Purchase Orders are now available on the Vendor card.

  Print Double-Click

Print Double-Click is updated to show a Copies dialog when you double-click a Form.

In converting to new Databases for new chips this feature got missed and is now back.

  Prices Labels

Prices Labels are set in Item Prefs. Depending on settings you may see up to 6 Tabs. Names for Prices appear on Preferences, Advanced, and Advanced + for 5, 15, and 30.

Prices Labels let you set names for Price Levels to help wherever you use Price Levels. Price Level 1 is usually Retail or full price. It is the price used when others are blank.

You choose 5 Prices, or 15 Prices, or 30 Prices and then choose how to use, for a group like Wholesale or for one customer with whom you have agreed pricing on many items.

  Second Instances

Second Instances are BigBusiness versions to run alongside your primary BigBusiness. If you have a second company you want run on the same computers, this is a solution.

You can run BigBusiness 15 Server and BigBusiness 15-2 on the same computer easily. Then run BigBusiness 15 Client and BigBusiness 15-2 Client on the same workstation.