Company Upgrade

Company Upgrade lets you activate Add-Ons or Addtional Users for your Company.

Options include Add Users, Any API,, Auto-Import, Auto-Invoice, Auto Update, BigCommerce, Bins, CRM, Currencies, Ecwid, Folders, HubSpot, iPad, Middleware, Middleware Shipping, MySQL, MRP, Open Notify, PDF, Postgres, Prices, Shopify, Square, Stores, TaxJar, Warehouses, Web API, Web Notify, Web Server, WooCommerce, Zip-Tax.

  Account Types

Big Business 14 adds requested Account Types for Other Assets and Other Liabilities.

Account Types are Other Asset and Other Liability and expected from other systems. If you do not need or use these there is no change needed to any accounting procedure.

To use new Account Types, you must use the Balance Sheet, New to report correctly. Auto Help will show the pictured warning if you run the old Balance Sheet with these.

  Other Liabilities

Other Liabilities is a new Account Type, by request, to go on the Balance Sheet, New.

If you do not use new Account Types, there is no change needed to your accounting. If you do use Other Asset or Other Liability, you do need to use Balance Sheet, New.

In the Report Prefs, you can review or edit the Labels used by Balance Sheet reports.

  Chapter 109 Accounting Admin

Accounting Administration lets you make careful changes to your accounting practices.

This chapter covers Account Types, Inactive Accounts, new Reports, and Auto Help.