Company Upgrade lets you add new options to your system, while avoiding conflicts.
Many options are single solutions to complex problems and needed only one at a time. If you need several, they will updated and tested together to ensure seamless function.
Once you have decided on an option, you will receive an email with instructions for registering and setup, which you can skip and walk through on the phone when ready.
Using Upgrade in the Company card used to give an error for an unregistered Data File. This is fixed in Big Business 14.178 and BigBusiness 15.046 to meet more strict errors.
Registration Updates make it easier to run free Services with your supported versions.
Company Upgrade lets you register additional users or feature sets for your company.
The Upgrade button is on the System toolbar, Company card tool, and has 32 options. These make a large change to how BigBusiness works and are not simply a Preference.
This Chapter lists a few that are easily documented. Some require their own chapter.
Company Upgrade lets you activate Add-Ons or Addtional Users for your Company.
Options include Add Users, Any API,, Auto-Import, Auto-Invoice, Auto Update, BigCommerce, Bins, CRM, Currencies, Ecwid, Folders, HubSpot, iPad, Middleware, Middleware Shipping, MySQL, MRP, Open Notify, PDF, Postgres, Prices, Shopify, Square, Stores, TaxJar, Warehouses, Web API, Web Notify, Web Server, WooCommerce, Zip-Tax.
Add Users lets you add licenses to allow more people connect to Big Business Server.
Users are the number of Big Business Clients you can connect at one time. This can be as few as two or as many as 100, and is less than the number of people who might use.
It's like the number of seats at your conference table. Anyone can have Big Business Client on their computer, but only the number of Users can connect at the same time.
Any API lets you connect to a service you use that has a public API, to share its data.
A public API, or Open API, means the service can be accessed by customers' systems. BigBusiness includes a raft of tools to authenticate, connect, read, and write your data.
This is a starting point for a simple lookup, getting new data, or posting coded results. BigBusiness also has process-oriented connections like credit card, ecommerce, or tax.
Auto-Invoice Controls let you set presets to automatically convert orders to invoices.
CRM Controls help you set automated actions in BigBusiness to help connect CRM.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is usually software as a service to enable always-on features for monitoring web site visits, receiving requests, or tracking email.
To coordinate with BigBusiness, you want Contacts from CRM available to help create a Quote or Order for a web visitor and have them identified in both systems.