Build Report By Item

The Build Report by Item report will provide a list of Items that need to be built. The report will contain items that need to be built, as well as a list of components needed to build each item, sorted by item code.

Big Business 13.27 modifies this report to include Items Search. To run the report for all items click Find All on the Items Search. Or, use the search to find only items you want.

The report includes only those that need to be built. If none are found an alert is displayed saying, No matching records found, and the report does not run.

To see which Items should be included use the Items tool on the Items toolbar to Find:
- Build or Bundle Item, Is, Build
- Qty Needed, Is Greater Than, 0 (zero)

  Landed Fields

If you turn on LC Profit in the Item Prefs, Big Business will add the LC Profit tab to Quotes, Orders, and Invoices, showing new LC Fields, including:
LC Cost
LC Ext Cost
LC Profit
LC Ext Profit
LC Profit %

  Landed Label

Big Business lets you choose the Label for Landed Cost Fields and Tabs and Reports.

  BigCommerce II Product Pricing

BigCommerce II Update Product Pricing enables real-time updates to pricing on your web store from Big Business. Choose a Price Level, like Retail, and any time an Item changes your web store will be updated if the Item is linked.

To link items, choose Link-Only for Update Product and use Upload in the Items Search to link items whose SKU matches Item Code. Add (+) a Column in Items Search to show BigCommerce ID and see which items are linked.

  Landed Profit

Landed Profit is an optional Tab on Quote, Order, and Invoice. View your Landed Cost for each line item along with Landed Profit and Landed Profit Percentage. Adjust any entry, such as changing Landed Extended Cost for a line item, to have Big Business re-calculate pricing to match.

To fit columns nicely, choose a short name for Landed Cost fields. By default LC is used but in the picture it has been set to JJC because it is Jillian Jellybean Company's cost, which factors in sampling, not a traditional component of landed.

  Data Driven

Big Business makes it simple to manage automatic actions by making them data driven. There is often a required data

Examples include:
• Notify Ref # - automatic web notifications only happen for Orders with a Ref # here
• BigCommerce ID - automatic updates to pricing and availability only happen for Items with an ID here
• Ready - automatic actions like sending a note by email only happen when Ready is checked

If you want to know which Invoices are Ready or Sent, just Add (+) a Column that contains the Data you want to see, like the Ready checkbox.

Big Business makes it simple to manage automatic actions by making them data driven.

  Chapter 304 Landed Cost

Big Business 13 adds several options for using Landed Cost to evaluate profitability on Quotes, Orders, and Invoices, and more.

This Chapter collects a few of these new settings and options.