Custom Validation

Validation is testing that a record is ready to save. An Invoice must have a Customer.

Custom Validation adds tests you have requested. If an invoice has Units of PAL there must be a line item for Pallet Deposit.

  Shopify Maps

Shopify Connect automatically connects Big Business to your Shopify store. Using the Shopify tool on the System toolbar you can view and edit Shopify Maps to make needed changes.

For example, the Automatic setting for Import Orders brings in Item and Qty but not Price. If you have a special price on Shopify, click to include it and Save As... MyShopifyOrders. Then in Shopify Settings select your import.

This Solution provides details. (7107)

To add Price to Orders:
1. Click Shopify tool on System toolbar
2. Choose Import Orders As Sales Orders
3. Select orders/line_items/price on the left and -Price on the right and click Insert button
4. Click Save As... button in the lower right and give your import a name (ShopifyPrice)
5. Go to Company card, Prefs tab, Shopify settings
6. For Import Order change to your new mapping (ShopifyPrice).

  Block OS

Big Business 12 automatically blocks any operating system, OS, that is a problem. This protects you from unplanned system changes that could cause data loss. You can turn this feature Off if needed.


To Disable Block OS:
1. Go to the Company card to the Advanced tab.
2. Click the checkbox for Disable Block OS.
3. Click OK to save changes.

Block OS was added in Big Business 12.24 to prevent Big Business from running on macOS Big Sur where it is NOT compatible. When Big Business 12 runs on macOS Big Sur it crashes which can cause data loss. This feature stops it from running as pictured.

  Users First

Users First is a design goal to make Big Business easier for you by making it easier for all users. This is the idea behind Company Prefs that update System Settings for all users and User Prefs where they can then use your System Settings or choose their own. You can also push out changes for users with an Employee Search and using the Update tool to change many at once.


Users First is a design goal to make Big Business easier for you by making it easier for all users. Here are some recent changes:

• Block OS prevents Big Business from running on computers that are not compatible.

• Secure Server encrypts all Client connections so you don't need VPN.

• The Docs Folder lets you attach files to share, where they are easy to find.

  Prorated Protection

Prorated pricing lets you purchase an Upgrade at a discount if you have purchased the prior version in the past year. The calculation is simple. If you purchased half a year ago, you get half off Upgrade pricing. If you purchased four months ago, you get two-thirds off. If you purchased less than three months ago an Upgrade is free with Buyer Protection. (7112)

Big Business 13 was a surprise. We built it and set it aside hoping Big Business 12 would work on macOS Big Sur, which it should, but it doesn't. This is a shame because Big Business 12 works with all computers new and old, except for new Macs shipping after November 11, 2020.

Big Business 12 will continue with Updates just the same. But, it will probably never work on macOS Big Sur or new Macs with Apple Silicon. It crashes on Quit which can cause data loss.

Big Business 13 does run on macOS Big Sur and new Macs with Apple Silicon. It also requires a minimum of macOS Mojave or Windows 10 on all computers. Prorated Protection helps you move to the version that works best for you.

Contact if you have questions.

  MySQL 5.5

Big Business 12.23 added MySQL changes that were not backwards compatible to MySQL 5.5 installed on many Windows servers. Big Business 12.24 fixes this so you can install this update and it automatically works with MySQL 5.5.
