
Big Business 15 offers Cloud Server setup to enable access to your data and documents from multiple locations.

Big Business 15 Open Edition covers person-to-person live support for setup and to optimize for big Data Files.

Full Control

Big Business Server can run in the cloud to give access to your multiple locations, remote users, or mobile solution.
You need Big Business 15 Open Edition for licensing and Support which includes unlimited setup, ie whatever you need.

Cloud Security

Big Business Server 15 includes modern, end-to-end security. Every Client connection is always encrypted.
Double-down with advanced options for Secure Passwords, Data File Encryption, and IP Configuration–to set only offices or remote users you want to allow.


AWS Cloud Server

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is popular and easy to try yourself in about an hour.
Read the online Help and email your questions or schedule a walk-through.

Cloud Optimize

Try optimizations for your cloud server. Use the bulk uploader for large Imports, set size limits for attached Documents, run server-side or in-memory Reports.
Rules apply. Let them be yours.