Notify Reference

Notify Reference enables automatic notifications.

For an online order, you might put the web order number into Customer PO# so you know how the order was placed. If you want the customer automatically notified, put the same web order number into Notify Ref#, so they will know what order shipped.

Notify Ref# is required so the customer receiving notifications can identify the source. If they receive order confimation from your web store and shipment confirmation from Big Business, they can match the two since both have the web order number.

Notify Ref# can also be an Order Number or ID from their procurement system so they can receive automatic notifications about its status.

This Solution provides details for using this feature. (7137)

To use Notify Ref#, set up automated notification such as Web Notify. Then import Notify Ref# (pictured) or enter on screen using From Quote /Order pulldown to switch to Notify Ref#.

  Chapter 59 Web Notify

This chapter describes Web Notify tools and features, which are found in System toolbar and tools. (7120)

Web Notify makes it easy to set up to push notifications to a Webhook or other web service. Setup is divided into three steps: Registration, Settings, and Mappings.

Web Notify is fully customizable, so there are some choices to make. To start, use basic settings to see how it works. Then revise your settings to get the results you want. Support includes unlimited setup help, and we are happy to connect and configure for you.

Registration is the first step. This turns on Web Notify and its tools. You will receive an email with Registration Code and step-by-step instructions for setup.

Settings is the next step, entering the credentials Woo Connect Web Notify needs. Open the Company card again and go to the Company Prefs tab and click the on the Web Notify Settings button. Enter Endpoint settings and click Test.

Options for Customer, Event, and Tag Text, let you specify to whom, when, and what to send for notifications. Once these are entered click Auto-Send to start automatic notifications.

  Order References

Order References are extra fields you can import with Orders, namely:
• Ref Order Number
• Ref Order Tax
• Ref Order Total
• Ref Item Tax
• Ref Item Tax Code

These entries are for reference and may or may not be used to replace calculated results. You might use Ref Order Number to have the order number from your web store to put on Notifications.

To enable Order Refs:
1. Go to the Company Card to the Advanced tab.
2. Click the checkbox for Enable Order References.
3. Click OK to save changes.

  Web Notify

Web Notify lets you send notifications to any Endpoint for Webhook, Trackback, or similar. The default use is to send package Tracking back to a customers order system.

Your customers' developers like API's that let them set a Webhook to receive a automatic callback or push notification of a future event, like a shipment and Tracking.

Now you can set this for them so their system receives instant notification when you ship, or customize for an entirely different use. Questions:

  Web Notify Settings

Web Notify lets you send notifications to any Endpoint for Webhook, Trackback, or similar.

Web Notify Settings include an Event and Text you want sent when the event occurs.

This Solution details the settings.

Here are the settings for Web Notify:

Web Notify Listing - this is the name that appears in the popup list. Make it a good one.

Endpoint - this is the web address to which notification is automatically sent

Name and Password - if needed put name and password, or token, for the endpoint here.

Customer Name - choose the customer to receive the notification

Notify Event - choose the event for which to send notification

Tag Text - enter the text to be sent including Replacement Tags

Send Notifications To - choose the employee to receive Notes about the notification

Auto-Connect - click the checkbox to turn on notifications

Success Text - enter text-match to skip Notes for success

  Web Notify Registering

This Solution describes Registering Web Notify. (7121)

To Register Web Notify:

1. Go to System toolbar, Company card, and click Upgrade.
2. Click Web Notify to open the Registration dialog.
3. Enter your Registration code.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog.
6. Click OK to Save the Company card.
7. Quit and restart Big Business.

To register you will need a code from This lets us check for conflicts and send the right instructions before you turn on.

For the Demo File the Registration code is 6561. This works with the 1-User download that automatically opens the Jillian Jellybeans demo.

Please request a Trial code if you would like to test with your own Data File. Or, if you purchase Enterprise Edition, let us know when you are ready to go and we will send a permanent Registration code along with tailored setup instructions.

  Web Notify Error

Web Notify will send a Note with an Error if there are any problems with a posting.

The error will include JSON of the posting and response. tells us JSON is "easy for humans to read and write." It is also easy to Copy and Paste into an email to

This Solution tells you how to decipher. (7119)

Web Notify runs on Server and sends you Notes with any Errors.

You can fill in Success Text, in Web Notify Settings, to suppress responses that include that text. Put in "updated successfully" and you will stop getting responses that contain "updated successfully".

Pictured is a real error showing two postings for Order Tracking failing because the recipient has not set up "TrackingNumber" as a "parameter".

To evaluate, read outside in...
(7119) is the beginning of the error message.
"scooters" is the Web Notify Listing found in settings. You may have many.
The response is in [brackets], which is just how the recipient formatted.
The posting is in {curly braces}, which is just how Big Business formatted.
(/7119) is the end of the first error message.

Within the bracketed response there are curly braces and more brackets. In this example the message is "unexpected parameter" which is geek-speak for it does not know what "TrackingNumber" is.

To fix, in this example, go back to Company card, Prefs tab, Web Notify settings and open the one called "scooter" and edit the Tag Text to remove TrackingNumber until it can be added by Scooters Sweet Shop.

  Web Notify Setup

Web Notify is simple to set up. Enter the Endpoint provided by your customer, or for the service you want to notify, and choose a Notify Event, like Order Tracking.

To enter settings for Web Notify:
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard
2. Go to WooCommerce, Settings, Advanced tab, REST API
3. Click the button to "Add key".
4. Enter a Description like "bigbusiness"
5. Set Permissions to "Read/Write"
6. Click Generate API Key
WooCommerce will generate an API Key.

Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into WooCommerce Settings in Big Business.

  Web Notify List

Web Notify List shows you the entries you have created for automatic notifications when you click the Web Notify button on the Company card, Company Prefs tab.