Big Business includes an options for Line Numbers and Sorting on transactions with Line Items like Orders and Invoices.
If you have Custom Forms, they can be automatically updated to support these options.
This Solution describes this option. (6635)
Big Business 13 updates the Forms tool and with it the Variables available for custom forms. This includes Report Variables like Date, Time, and Page Number. It also includes Big Business variables like Company Logo and Barcode.
If you don't see the Variable you need, email to and we will double-check if it can be added.
Big Business 13 updates the Forms tool and with it the Fields available for custom forms. These lists of available fields are also used for the Insert function on Replacement Tags and the Event choice for Snap Actions.
If you don't see the Field you need, email to and we will double-check if it can be added.
PICT is a Mac graphics (metafile) format that has been discontinued. PICT Format images do not print or display in the latest macOS. If you upgrade and your logo stops printing, this may be the cause.
Replace your PICT logo with a modern format such as PDF or PNG. There is an Import button on the Company card and an option to use that logo on Custom Forms. To replace an existing image on Custom Forms you can also double-click to get Picture Properties then right-click on the .PICT image (red camera with x) and Import...
Forms Tool lets you create and edit custom forms for printing, emailing, and reporting. This chapter provides detail on how to create, edit, save, test, print, email, your forms.
Go the Reporting toolbar, click the Forms tool, and you will see a list of your forms. Click New to see a list of Form Templates to choose from and set you on your way.
Saved Forms show in the Print Options preset in the template, so invoices in invoices. After creating your invoice, closing, and saving, Print from an Invoice to test the form.
Big Business 13 updates the Forms Tool. Now, when you are finished editing a form click the Close Button to close the window and say, Yes, to save changes.
This Solution provides details. (7141)
Big Business 12 will update the Custom Form Report tool for 64-bit.
Big Business will show an error when there is a problem printing a Custom Form created with the Forms tool.
This Solution provides details. (7056)