Alerted Alert

Alerted indicates a message that would normally be displayed as an Alert dialog. For Imports or other automated tasks, "Alerted (6528)" tells you that the source of the message is Big Business.

This Solution provides details. (6528)

Alerted indicates a message that would normally be displayed as an Alert dialog. For Imports or other automated tasks, "Alerted (6528)" tells you that the source of the message is Big Business.

Big Business includes more than a thousand messages to alert you to problems--that a customer is over their credit limit, an item is running low, or a duplicate has been encountered. Many of these are Preference settings.

When you see Alerted as the source of a message you can decide if you need to fix an entry or a Preference. When the message is that a customer is over their credit limit, this means Preferences for Credit Verification are set to Warn User, so you can make an informed decision. An Import may already have created a new order and is passing along the message so you can follow up as needed.


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