Confirmed indicates a question that would normally be displayed as a dialog. For Imports or other automated tasks, "Confirmed (6526)" tells you that the source of the message is Big Business and that a default choice was automatically selected.
This Solution provides an example. (6526)
Confirmed indicates a question that would normally be displayed as a dialog. For Imports or other automated tasks, "Confirmed (6526)" tells you that the source of the message is Big Business and that a default choice was automatically selected.
Big Business includes a few hundred confirmations--whether you want to use quoted pricing, automatically update costs, and so on.
When you see Confirmed as the source of a message you can decide if you need to follow up. If the question is about quoted pricing, this means your Preferences are set to check Quotes for special pricing. The Confirmed message also tells you that the default choice was used--in this example Regular Price.