To add an item to a QuickPop list (6370)
To add an item to a QuickPop list:
1. Choose Show List from a QuickPop list.
2. In the dialog box that appears, click in the Item to Add field, then type the new item.
Tip: You can use the Tab key to switch from the list to the Item to Add field and to switch back to the list.
3. Click Add.
The new entry is added to the list and the dialog box disappears. The new entry appears
in the field you're working on.
To delete an item from a QuickPop list:
1. Choose Show List from a QuickPoplist.
2. In the dialog box that appears, select an item in the list.
3. Click the button to remove the item from the list.
4. Choose another item in the list to enter in the field you started from, then click the Select button.