From Quote on the Sales Order and From Order on the Invoice have a pulldown menu that lets you:
toggle to a custom field
link to a web page
This Solution describes using on this feature. (6256)
To use "From Quote" or "From Order", enter a Quote # or Sales Order # and Big Business will Convert (e.g. copy all contents from Quote to Sales Order).
To hide From and show the custom field, Opportunity, click the menu and choose the second entry. The label above the field will change and any new entry will be to the custom field, which is included in:
Order Search and Invoice Search
Custom Forms
Imports for Sales Order and Invoice Line Items
To link the current Web Page:
1. click the menu above the From field
2. go to the Web Page submenu
3. select Use Current
If there is a web page displayed in Safari, its URL will be copied into Big Business.
To display the linked Web Page, go to the Web Page submenu and chooose Show.