Currencies Vendor

This feature is part of the Multi-Currency Add-On, which is an additional module for Big Business that supports transactions in foreign currencies.

This Solution describes Setting Up a Vendor Card in a foreign currency. (5955)

To support purchases in a foreign currency, you need to create a Vendor Card that uses a foreign currency.

To Create a Foreign Currency Vendor:
1. Use the Vendor Card tool on the Vendor toolbar to create a new Vendor.
2. On the History tab, click the Foreign checkbox.
3. Choose the Currency from the Currency pulldown.
4. Choose a Payables Category that uses this Currency.
5. Click OK to save the Vendor Card.

If the Currency of the Payables Category does not match the Currency selected for the Vendor, an error message will stop you from saving the Vendor Card. When you select the Payables Category, its Exchange Account will be verified. If the Exchange Account is not properly specified, an error message will stop you from saving the Vendor Card and you will need to fix the Account Card for the Payables Category before proceeding.


Next: Currencies Purchase Order

  Chapter 52 Currencies

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