Automatic Notes on Sales Orders

Use the new Order Preferences found in the Cust Prefs tool to automatically add any or all of the following Automatic Notes when printing built-in Sales Order forms:

Customer Code
Customer Listing
Total Quantity (total count of all Items on the Quote)
Boilerplate Text

Read the instructions below for maximizing the benefit of these options. (3264)

Automatically add Notes to your Sales Orders!

Big Business includes the option to automatically fill in Notes on Customer Sales Orders. All of these items are added during printing and work only with Built-In forms (not Custom Forms).

The following can be automatically added:
• Customer Code
• Customer Listing
• Total Quantity (total count of all Items on the Sales Order)
• Boilerplate Text

To enable this feature:
1. Open the Customer Prefs.
2. Click on the Order Preferences button.
3. Click the checkbox for each item you wish to add.
4. Fill in any Boilerplate text you wish to add.
5. Click the OK button.


  Chapter 94 Orders

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