Adjusting a Bank Account Balance

Big Business does not allow a Journal Entry (from the Journal tool on the Bookkeeper toolbar) to a Bank Account because it would create an entry the would not show up on a Reconciliation. To post to a cash account (set up as a Bank Account in Big Business) use the Balance Adjustment bank transaction (3006, 30721)

Balance Adjustment is used to journal between a Bank Account and a Category

Big Business does not allow you to post directly to Bank Accounts using the General Journal tool. In order to create a bank transaction which can be reconciled, you must use a Balance Adjustment in lieu of a General Journal entry between a Bank Account and a Category. Use a Transfer in lieu of a General Journal entry between two Bank Accounts.

To adjust a Bank Account balance:
1. Open the Bank Account Card
2. Go to the History tab
3. Click the plus button ("+") in the upper right hand corner of the Transaction list
4. Select Balance Adjustment if you want to post to a non-bank Card. Select Transfer... if you want to post to another Bank Card.
5. Enter a Reference, Date, Amount, and Account or Category as appropriate and save the Transaction.
6. Close the Bank Card.

NOTE: The Bank Card will not update until it has been closed. If you are making an entry for reconciliation purposes, it will not be available unless you close and reopen the Bank Card and the reconciliation in progress.


Next: Balance Adjustment Tool

  Chapter 8 Banking

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