Customer Matching

Customer Maps for imports or ecommerce connections find your existing customers.

Automatic settings for ecommerce bring in new Customers and new Orders and match any existing Customers by email address to avoid adding them again or to update them.

  Server Monitor

Server Monitor is updated to continue running when any one connection is shut down.

Prior to this change, service for Folder Connect would stop all connections when any one of its connections was stopped. Now it keeps running others on Auto-Connect.

To stop all connections, turn off Auto-Connect on each and the service will stop itself.

  ShippingEasy Get Status

ShippingEasy Settings let you choose the parameters used to import Orders each time.

Get Status tells BigBusiness to get shipments with ShippingEasy status of "shipped", "cleared", "pending_shipment", or "ready_for_shipment". The default is "shipped".

BigBusiness 15 can get your orders from ShippingEasy to do your accounting for you. Get shipped orders as invoices and payments you can reconcile and account for easily.

  ShippingEasy Get Max

ShippingEasy Settings let you choose the parameters used to import Orders each time.

Get Max tells BigBusiness the maximum number of Orders to import at one time. The deafult is 50 and the range is any number from 1 to 200 of Orders imported per batch.

BigBusiness 15 can get your orders from ShippingEasy to do your accounting for you. Set a small number to test and larger number for Black Friday Cyber Monday volumes.

  ShippingEasy Get Updated

ShippingEasy Settings let you review the parameters used to import Orders each time.

Get Updated tells BigBusiness to only get Orders updated on or after the timestamp. If blank, BigBusiness will get orders updated today, such as those you ship today.

Do not change this entry unless you want to repeat or skip orders in the next import. This setting is automatically updated when you import Orders into Orders or Invoices.

  ShippingEasy Get Page

ShippingEasy Settings let you review the parameters used to import Orders each time.

Get Page tells BigBusiness the next set of Orders to import when results are paginated. If there are more orders than Get Max, the next page, like 2, will be automatically set.

Do not change this entry unless you are editing Get Updated to repeat or skip orders. This setting is automatically updated when you import Orders into Orders or Invoices.