Chapter 313 HubSpot Connect

HubSpot Connect provides a starting point for custom connections to HubSpot CRM.

HubSpot Connect requires a current version of Big Business Open or Built Edition and a list of connections you would like to make such as adding and updating Contacts in HubSpot when they change in Big Business, or vice versa.

This chapter provides reference information for setting up your connections, which is also covered by unlimited setup support if you need additional help.

  HubSpot Registering

This Solution describes Registering HubSpot Connect.

To Register HubSpot Connect:

1. Go to System toolbar, Company card, and click Upgrade.
2. Click HubSpot to open the Registration dialog.
3. Enter your Registration code.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog.
6. Click OK to Save the Company card.
7. Quit and restart Big Business Client.

To register you will need a code from This lets us check for conflicts and send the right instructions before you turn on.

  HubSpot Settings

Big Business needs an API Key from HubSpot. These is generated in HubSpot Dashboard.

For HubSpot Settings:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, to the Connect Settings tab.
2. Click the Hub button and the HubSpot Connections listing will open.
3. Click New to create a new connection.
4. Edit the HubSpot Listing.
5. Copy and Paste API Key.
6. Click Test button to test the connection.
7. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  Background Fixes

In BigBusiness 14.89, Background fixes update tall windows like Company Card in Compact view, where the Background does not extend to the bottom of the window.

In BigBusiness 14.71, Background fixes update wide windows like Show Comments for Item Adjustments, where the Background would not cover the entire background.

  HubSpot Connections

HubSpot Connections shows your list of connections to HubSpot CRM, where you may have more than one to schedule changes to automatic and real-time or in batches.