ShippingEasy Customers

BigBusiness can create Customers from ShippingEasy Orders to help track your sales.

Because you may have multiple Stores connected to ShippingEasy, BigBusiness adds an import option on the Customers Map to identify each store by ShippingEasy Key.

The Stores option in BigBusiness lets you set Accounting, Payment Method and other presets for new Customers and lets you link ShippingEasy Stores by key to automate.

  ShippingEasy Store

ShippingEasy brings in orders from multiple stores, so BigBusiness matches them to a Store entry that assigns presets such as Customer Terms or Payment Type on import.

For example, go to Store on the System toolbar, click New and create one for Amazon. On Store Prefs click the ShippingEasy Store quickpop and choose your Amazon store.

Now you can set Customer Terms for new customers and Payment Type for invoices. This will make it easier to Deposit and easier to reconcile when Amazon settles these.

  ShippingEasy Payments

ShippingEasy Payments from multiple stores can each be assigned a Payment Method.

  ShippingEasy Price

Price is an optional field when connecting your web store since you control all content.

ShippingEasy Orders automatically map the Price since you may have different prices.

  ShippingEasy Errors

ShippingEasy Errors are written to a file that you can save after an import reports any.

Included in the file are specific errors for any problems encountered and alert messages. Also included is the download file which shows the original data you may want to see.

  Customer Matching

Customer Maps for imports or ecommerce connections find your existing customers.

Automatic settings for ecommerce bring in new Customers and new Orders and match any existing Customers by email address to avoid adding them again or to update them.

  Server Monitor

Server Monitor is updated to continue running when any one connection is shut down.

Prior to this change, service for Folder Connect would stop all connections when any one of its connections was stopped. Now it keeps running others on Auto-Connect.

To stop all connections, turn off Auto-Connect on each and the service will stop itself.