Real Time is an automatic setting for notifications which need to be sent as they occur.
Invoice Number reports when an operation takes an invoice number but does not save. For example, printing needs the number to print but may crash and erase pending save.
Big Business is transactional for data integrity and does not save any changes in cancel. A lost invoice does not change accounting or inventory but may still have incremented.
Notifications let you know about changes, but specific changes like an Order Imported.
Order Imported lets you know when a new order comes in from the selected Account. It is watching for new orders but double-checking and reporting only from an Account.
This helps reporting each account to the right person but can be confusing with many. Also, some notifications triple check and may need the customers' Notify Reference #.
Multi-Customer is a checkbox on Connect options to use multiple customer matches.
If you have one customer with multiple customer cards you can use an ID to separate. This allows you to import orders for any and assign correctly to one match using ID.
Test Success is a setting for Notify options to track a task and report only incomplete.
This setting can be automatically assigned by Event choice or customized as you need. Invoice Number reports after checking the saved invoice is completed and not missing.