Order Open

Open is a new status set by the system to enable Open Notify to automate messaging. When sending updates about changes to Orders, Open includes any orders that are Placed, Partial, or Filled, and automatically excludes orders that are On Hold or Closed. By closing orders, in batches or automatically, you can focus on just the Open ones.

  Add New

Add New lets you create a new entry from a Search List.

This Solution describes this option. (7276)

To Add a New Customer from the Customer Search click the New button or type command-N.

  Open Notify Registering

Open Notify is a new toolset which requires registering. It may be free with your Edition, but we need to know you are turning it on so we can provice appropriate support and ensure there are not conflicts with your other add-ons or customizations.

Contact support@bigbusiness.com for a code. You will receive an email with a Registration code and setup instructions. Note that you need to restart Big Business Server. (7277)

To Register Open Notify:

1. Go to System toolbar, Company card, and click Upgrade.
2. Click Open Notify to open the Registration dialog.
3. Enter your Registration code.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog.
6. Click OK to Save the Company card.
7. Quit and restart Big Business Server.

To register you will need a code from support@bigbusiness.com. This lets us check for conflicts and send the right instructions before you turn on.

For the Demo File the Registration code is 32761. This works with the 1-User download that automatically opens the Jillian Jellybeans demo.

Please request a Trial code if you would like to test with your own Data File.

  Order Costs

Order Costs lets you select which Cost is loaded for order line items. On invoicing, this is replaced with the Avg. Cost of on hand inventory.

Seeing another cost like Vendor Cost or Landed Cost may help when entering orders to set the best pricing. Note there is a separate option for Landed Cost on its own tab.

Big Business 14.119 updates the Landed Cost choice to work when using Duplicate.

  Server Error

Auto-Import and other operations that run on Server can encounter a timing error, "Error when executing the method Proc1301. Array range check error."

It is safe to continue (re-loads redundant information). The problem only occurs during delays, so very rarely.

Big Business 13.25 fixes this problem.

  Profit LC

Profit LC displays a new Tab with Profit based upon Landed Cost (LC). This works like the Profit tab, that you can change the Profit or Percentage (Profit %) on an item and it will change the Price for you.

This change is initially on the Sales Order only. It includes changes for Export and Custom Forms, but does not change any Reports or other transactions yet.

  Built LC

Built LC sets Landed Cost (LC) for Built items using the total of the Landed Costs of their components. Otherwise, Landed Percentage is used to update the Landed Cost.

To use this setting, ensure components have Landed Costs and restart the Server to load new settings. You can then use Update Cost to update landed costs.

  Chapter 303 Open Notify

Open Notify is a new toolset to generate automatic notifications that make changes, alert users, and post notifications.

This chapter documents changes and additions as they are made.