Chapter 194 Order Admin

Order Admin helps you manage sales orders by using Statuses and Ship Dates to plan.

By choosing settings in Big Business, you elevate inventory tracking from very manual to highly automated to help with purchasing, planning, and fulfillment to grow volume.

When you save an order as Placed, you can see immediately how it affects purchasing. This works for built items and their components, automatically, with the right settings.

  Order Status

Order Status helps you track customer orders and inventory availability automatically.

Basic order statuses include Placed, Partial, and Filled, which change when you invoice. An order which is Placed can be invoiced in full or partially to become Filled or Partial.

Additional order statuses include On Hold and Closed to handle delay and cancellation. Optional order statuses include Released, Picked, and Shipped, to see work in process.

  On Hold

On Hold helps you manage orders by keeping the order safe without having any effect.

Saving an Order, you choose whether it is Placed or On Hold. You might put an order On Hold if it is waiting for a PO from the customer and is therefore not yet committed.

Once the order is Placed it updates inventory to show allocated items and components. For planning, you may want to put an order back On Hold if it is delayed or uncertain.

  Order Costs

Order Costs lets you select which Cost is loaded for order line items. On invoicing, this is replaced with the Avg. Cost of on hand inventory.

Seeing another cost like Vendor Cost or Landed Cost may help when entering orders to set the best pricing. Note there is a separate option for Landed Cost on its own tab.

Big Business 14.119 updates the Landed Cost choice to work when using Duplicate.