Buyer Protection

Big Business includes 90 days of Buyer Protection, making a new major version a free Upgrade for new purchases or a trade-up for Upgrades within the last 90 days.

  Canceled PDF

Print Options in Big Business include a feature to Save As PDF.

If you Cancel in the save dialog, where you name the PDF, Big Business will send the print job to your default printer.

Because no PDF is created, the option for Sent PDF, which puts copy of the PDF in the Docs folder, is not triggered.

Big Business includes numerous features for Emailing PDFs. PDFs are a convenient way to send Quotes, Orders, and Invoices, as well as POs, Reports, and Statements. Features for sending emails with PDF attachments automate this task and work with most popular email solutions.

Add PDF is a feature to combine PDFs, such as Orders and Terms & Conditions (T&Cs), where an additional page is added automatically.

Windows Emailer is a suite of tools we include to email PDFs using Windows programs like Microsoft Outlook or Windows Mail.

  Shopify API

Big Business can report Deprecated Calls for the Shopify API you are currently using. Just click the Report button in Shopify Setup and the Paste the result into an email and we can help you update to a more current API version, if needed.

To report Deprecated Calls to the Shopify API:
1. Go to Company card, Prefs, Shopify Setup
2. Click the Report button and enter your API version
3. OK the Copied! dialog and Paste into an email