Avalara Test lets you confirm that your Account ID and License Key work correctly.
Go to System toolbar, Company card, Connect Settings tab and click Avalara Settings. Click the test button to see if Authenticated, Not Authenticated, or Failed to Connect.
Avalara Keys are needed to run Avalara Services in BigBusiness for live lookup of Tax.
Generating keys replaces existing keys which deactives them. Please use carefully.
Go to your Avalara account, to AvaTax Sandbox or Production, and go Settings menu, License and API Keys, and Generate New Key. Copy or Download and keep safely.
Also, copy your Account ID to put into Avalara Settings in BigBusiness to connect.
Avalara Services are free to use with supported Editions of BigBusiness and require Registration to ensure they do not conflict with any other services, such as TaxJar.
You will receive an email with Registration and Setup instructions. Go to Company card, Upgrade, Avalara and enter your Registration.
Multi-Customer Lookup is custom to handle multiple Customer cards for a customer.
Second Instances are BigBusiness versions to run alongside your primary BigBusiness. If you have a second company you want run on the same computers, this is a solution.
You can run BigBusiness 15 Server and BigBusiness 15-2 on the same computer easily. Then run BigBusiness 15 Client and BigBusiness 15-2 Client on the same workstation.
Second Instances are BigBusiness versions to run alongside your primary BigBusiness. If you have a second company you want run on the same computers, this is a solution.
You can run BigBusiness 15 Server and BigBusiness 15-2 on the same computer easily. Then run BigBusiness 15 Client and BigBusiness 15-2 Client on the same workstation.
Add Contact can automatically create Contacts when importing Orders using a Service.
To start it is a checkbox on Folder Settings which download files for importing orders.
Validation 2 is a setting for Connect options or Services that download files to process. Validation 2 lets you test files before importing, to double-check, e.g. "customer=abc".
In Settings, in Validation 2, type an entry like "customer=abc" where customer is a key you want to check has an entry like "abc". This will block an error like a file for "xyz".
A biggest and best Big Business user just graduated to Cloud ERP. You know the one. This is a wonderful growth story with a storybook ending we could tell you sometime.
They got bought and the new owner will be spending 10x on inventory and accounting. They also replaced all computers, network, and so on, none more than a few years old.
What stands out is how well they did two locations with upteen users at each on Mac. More astounding than their buyout is what it takes to drop into a nationwide network.
Cloud Backup lets you set BigBusiness to makes copies of its Data File to your cloud.
Review the choices, such as to keep the last 3 business days. Choose your cloud, like iCloud or One Drive, iDrive or Carbonite, which you trust and let onto your Desktop.
Walk through settings on a quick support call and you're good to go. BigBusiness will make your backups, keep your settings updated, and be ready to Restore if you need.
This chapter describes Ecwid Connect 3 features, found in System and Connect tools. Ecwid Connect 3 is a free Service requiring supported BigBusiness 15 Open or higher.
BigBusiness connects to Ecwid's API to get customers and orders, put inventory count and price changes, and coordinate among web orders and orders you enter on their app.
Ecwid Connect 3 brings this together in a free Service that runs on your BigBusiness.
Ecwid Ecommerce app for iPhone has terrific barcode scanning and order management. Ecwid Ecommerce is also also available for iPad, and the iPad app runs on new Macs.
Connect 3 is a round of updates to BigBusiness Ecommerce tools to connect API's to better use available Apps for each including BigCommerce, Ecwid, Shopify, and Woo.
The role of BigBusiness is to automate accounting--track costs, reconcile payments-- and update your Ecommerce with live inventory--with purchases and pricing changes.
Prices 3 extends optional Price Levels to 30. These are built-in to work for all features.
Go to Item Pres to the Advanced+ tab to set Labels and Margins for Price Levels 16+.
Labels set a name like, Wholesale, that is used on all screens and lists for a Price Level. Margins are for Auto-Apply and should be left blank unless used to create new items.
Prices 3 extends optional Price Levels to 30. These are built-in to work for all features.
Once enabled, use new Price Levels for specific customers' or groups' pricing for Items. Options include Labels, Margins, Imports, Searches, Export, and Update features.
Choose 5, 15, or 30 Price Levels depending on need, which display on 1, 2, or 3 Tabs. As Quoted and Customer Price can also be used but Price Levels are faster and easier.
New Comments for a macOS display issue have been removed and will be superseded.
On Company card, Advanced Options, Enable New Comments will be updated soon. New Comments such as on PO or Invoice are no longer needed and have been removed.
BigBusiness can Update Availability for BigCommerce Variants when you buy or sell.
In the Company Card, BigCommerce Settings, go to Advanced and click Use Variants.
This works with BigCommerce Products set to Track Inventory On The Variant Level. Set the SKU of the Variant to match Item Code and use Link-Only for Upload to link.
BigBusiness 15 automatically switches the BigCommerce API for different functions. This provides backwards compatibilty while offering new functions like Use Variants.
BigCommerce Connect can update Inventory for BigCommerce Products in real time. This lets your BigCommerce know a product is in, when received, or out when sold.
Set BigCommerce to Track Inventory on the Product Level to use the value posted. Then, use Upload in Items Search to link the Item in BigBusiness to BigCommerce.
Linking relies on the SKU of the Product being the Item Code from BigBusiness and does not work for Variants. Once linked, updating works as expected using settings.
BigCommerce Connect 3 can update Inventory for BigCommerce Products in real time. Upload one time, and BigBusiness will get the BigCommerce ID for posting new Qtys.
In Connect Settings for BigCommerce choose Link-Only for Update Products. Then, in Items Search select some items and click Upload. Wait for Success! and you're set.
Once the BigCommerce ID is set on the Item, any change will update BigCommerce. This uses Auto-Connect, Update Availability, and Update Product Pricing settings.
BigBusiness can Update Availability for BigCommerce Products when you buy or sell.
In the Company Card, BigCommerce Settings, for Update Products choose Link-Only. For Update Availability choose Qty On Hand or Qty Available which deducts Orders.
Use Upload on an Items Search and Link-Only will set selected items to be updated. Then when you enter an Order yourself, BigCommerce will get the new Qty Available.
Per-Company Build is a new option when you have multiple companies you manage.
BigBusiness Support can help you set up to run multiple companies as the same time.
Depending on your platform this might be multiple Servers running automatically, multiple Clients running concurrently on your computer, or multiple Single-Users.