Chapter 622 Customer Type Labels

Customer Type Labels is a customization that adds three Labels to Customer Types.

The Labels are named Category, Subcategory, and Group, and are simple text entries. Invoices Export then includes Customer Type and these Labels for use in reporting.

Searches for Customers, Quotes, Orders, and Invoices are extended to include Labels.

  Customer Type Labels

Customer Type Labels allow you to assign reporting labels for your Customer Types.

This option is turned on in Customer Prefs, in Customer Card Prefs, Use Type Labels. Add or Edit of a Customer Type uses a new window with the Customer Type Labels.

Exporting Invoices includes Customer Type and Customer Type Labels for reporting, which are named Type Category, Type Subcategory, and Type Group in the export.

  Customer Type Labels Settings

Type Labels to help manage compound Customer Types are in Customer Prefs in Customer Card Prefs. Simply check the box for Use Type Labels and restart Clients.

  Customer Type Name

Customer Type Name is a Search option that lets you find Customer Types by Name.

Customer Type is still a search option but only allows Is or Is Not and picking a type. Customer Type Name searches within each entry allowing Contains, Begins With, etc..

  Customer Type Labels Searches

Labels are an option for Customer Types to help with customers who are a few types.

A single type, like CA-Wholesaler, can have labels like Commercial for Type Category and West Coast for Group. You can then search the labels you added to find Invoices.

The pictured search finds all the invoices of all the customers whose Customer Type includes Commercial as the Category and West as the Group and exports these labels.

  Customer Type Labels Export

Customer Type Labels allow you to assign reporting labels for your Customer Types and include them in Invoices Export for reporting.

This option is turned on in Customer Prefs, in Customer Card Prefs, Use Type Labels.

Customer Type Labels include Type Category, Type Subcategory, and Type Group.

  Customer Types

Customer Types are updated to search Labels for Customer Types in Invoices Search.

Tags may be used similarly but are not included in Invoices Export as Type Labels are. Type Labels are not available as Columns but are in the Invoices Search, Find options.

This change cleans up unused Customer Types, automatically, to ensure reliable labels. Customers Update and Customer Type Name search may be used for reassigning, too.